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"What happened?" The doctor asked slowly "did he hurt you one day? During the pregnancy?" She asked, making you take a shake breath.

"I swear to god if he's the reason you lost your son..." Missy gritted her teeth together, making you quickly shake your head and shush her gently before she got all angered.

"No, no it was nothing like that. In fact, he didn't touch me in a harmful way once while I was pregnant. He was always kind, and loving. He became the man I knew when I first met him again...It changed when I had the miscarriage. It wasn't anyone's fault it just...happened" you said in a hurt voice, looking down at your lap "one of those things...the doctors said to me. There was nothing we could do about it" you told them, shrugging a little while feeling your throat close up "I hadn't seen him so happy for years until that pregnancy, it all went down the drain though, and if anything...he became worse once we lost our son"

"What did he do?" Missy asked, gritting her teeth together in anger, clearly trying to keep her cool.

"He blamed the miscarriage on me" you replied, feeling weights lift off your shoulder with every word and every truth you were finally telling them, not having realised how much you needed this.

"On you?" The doctor repeated in confusion, as if trying to confirm what you had just said in utter disbelief and anger.

You simply nodded your head in response, trying to hold back a sob and refusing to make eye contact with anyone else. You simply stared down at your lap, feeling your heart thumping in your chest and making your body feel way too hot and sweaty. You wanted a shower...just to clean yourself up a little...

"He said it was my fault we lost him" you continued on quietly, feeling your heart ache in your chest "he thought...maybe I did something. His first thought was that...because I have a drinking problem was something to do with that. He said I drank while I was pregnant and it was why I had the miscarriage..." you looked up at the doctor at that, as if trying to beg with her "I swear though...I swear I didn't have a single drop of alcohol. I wouldn't..." you shook your head, a sob ripping through your throat.

"I know, (y/n) we believe you you don't need to explain yourself" the doctor quickly responded.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Missy asked, looking at you with a heavy sigh.

"You could have called the police too...we would have been able to help you sooner" Yas said, looking at you with sad eyes.

"I was scared...if Jason knew I called the cops on him I would be done for. If I told anyone...he would threaten me. And..I didn't tell you Missy because...I thought you'd be angry with me, or even you doctor. For lying this whole time..." you looked down at your lap "he's hit me more times than I can count, he's given me more scars than I remember he's forcing me into things I don't want. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you but I was just so scared...I'm sorry..I'm sorry..." you told them between sobs, your hands shaking and trembling.

"Hey, it's okay. You don't need to apologise" the doctor said in a soft tone, making you look up with shaky breaths, your throat closing up "you're not in the wrong here do you understand? Whatever he would tell you it's not true, it's not right. All of this is his fault. Nothing anyone does is worth this...especially if you've been through so much as it is. I understand you were scared but you should have told us earlier, you could have told us the first moment it happened. The thing that matters is that you've told us now okay. This isn't your fault." The doctor told you in a serious and motherly tone that helped you to calm down and nod your head in response "I have to ask...the reason you don't let anyone touch's not because of your father is it?" She asked slowly.

You sighed while shaking your head "that his fault. I just don't want to be hurt...every time he touches me he hurts me. I thought...if I just stayed away from all contact then no one could hurt me ever again" you told her, feeling your lips start to wobble and tremble just like your voice.

Missy let out a loud growl of anger, finally standing up from her seat and clenching her hands in anger. You moved away a little, worried she was getting angry at you for something you did. You didn't mean to upset her...

"I'm gonna kill him" she said in a low, angered and dark tone, making your eyes widen.

She wasn't angry or upset at you, it was towards Jason. But she was going to do the one thing you didn't want her to do, kill him. You didn't want anymore death or pain. You didn't want to be like them at all, you wanted to break the cycle of violence. No killing, nothing.

"Missy, please no...don't do anything" you pleaded with her, trying to reach out for her hand again and sitting upright with a grunt.

"I'm sorry but we have to do something about this" the doctor said, also getting up and walking over to stand next to Missy "we won't let him hurt you again or anyone"

"I don't want you to kill him!" You exclaimed loudly, staring to panic a little.

"I won't let that happen. I'm not going to kill him don't worry" the doctor tried to tell you in a calming voice while Missy simply scoffed.

"You might not but I for sure am! That bastard won't live another fucking second!" Missy exclaimed before turning around and heading out...

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now