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They all stood in shock, moving over and slowly closer. They all looked so shocked. The doctor was really here. And not just her, literally everyone that travelled with her. There was the TARDIS, Yaz, Graham, Ryan, Missy and you, all just standing there. Some people were seeing us all in real life for the first time. You were all basically famous here...there were people who were literally waiting for the doctor to come and visit again.

You know for sure you were waiting for her to come back...

"Doctor..." the chief called out, while you all slowly turned to look his direction.

Missy wrapped her arm around your waist, pulling you into her side as you stared off into the crowd starting to form. Everyone moved over so you were standing basically in a line, looking at the others who were wearing such awe stricken faces.

"Nice to see you again" the doctor smiled, taking a step forward "I have a feeling it's been a lot longer on your side" she chuckled softly.

"It always is" you whispered, sighing while reaching for Missy's hand, squeezing it tightly.

Words couldn't even explain how happy and just...relieved you were to be in her arms again. To have everyone back again...it was like having your family back. The doctor being your mother figure, Missy being your lover, Ryan and Yas both being your best friends while Graham was a cross between grandfather figure and another friend to you. Without them, you just didn't feel whole again. You felt..empty. Like there was something missing. Like you didn't have an identity without them.

You were no one without them. They were your everything, your whole world. And your whole existence. Your importance and your family.

You knew it was bad to think like that, to rely upon other for your own identity. You were someone in your own right. But you couldn't help it. They were the reason you were still here today. They were the ones that helped you carry on in your hard times.

Of course then there were your bother and sister back at home, and their families. You really missed them too. They were a part of who you were too. You wanted to see them again. So badly...you just wanted to hop into the TARDIS and see them. Tell them how much you cared about them and loved them all.

It hadn't even been two days on this planet, but it had taught you so much. About valuing your family and friends. About realising how literally every second counted...they could disappear in any second. And one day, you may not get the chance to talk to them ever again. You had to take the opportunities as they came.

"It's been twenty years. But the wait has definitely been worth it" the chief replied with a smile, stepping forward "it is so good to see you again"

"Oh my god, that's actually the doctor!" Someone shouted out from the crowd, making you smile.

"Look that's the real TARDIS and everything! I told you it was real!" Someone else shouted out, making Yas chuckle a little.

"They're so shocked" she mumbled, making you look over at her with a grin.

"Well we're kind of famous here on this planet." You told her, making her head quickly snap over to yours with raised brows in surprise, to which you simply shrugged and nodded your head as a confirmation.

"Wow" she whispered in response before looking forward again, laughing a little "we're famous"

"Technically we're all famous across the universe to some people. Think about everyone we've helped out and all the people out there who know us" Ryan said.

"That's a lot" Graham raised his brows with a small chuckle "we're famous" He grinned.

"How did you get here?" The chief asked, shaking his hand with the doctor "we haven't seen you in years. We didn't even start trying to contact you yet." He told her "we were still figuring out how to do that"

"Oh. Well...we used our own method. To find (y/n). The TARDIS has a telepathic circuit we tried to use to our advantage. Looks like it worked too" the doctor smiled with a small laugh, turning her head back to glance at you with a nod of the head.

"You guys used that telepathic thing? The one where you put your hands in the TARDIS controls and...think up your destination?" You asked, looking up at Missy in surprise.

"Well...it was the only way to get to you. I put my hands in there and I thought of you. I thought of everything about you. Every small detail I could conjure up in my mind to finally get to you. Most importantly, I asked the TARDIS where you were. From the bottom of my two hearts. I pleaded her to find you" Missy told you, her voice getting softer and more delicate by the end.

You smiled in response, breathing a sigh of relief. She found a way back to you. You didn't even need to call out for these guys, they all came back for you. They were truly your family. Your closest friends that you couldn't live without.

"So, which one's Cobi? Forgive me if I can't tell who's the same person when there's a huge between a baby and a twenty year old" the doctor laughed softly, scratching her head a little.

"It's me" Cobi moves forward, staring at the doctor with an amazed look on his face, like he was remembering someone from his past, which you supposed he was doing, "I'm Cobi, that same baby that you held around two decades ago" he laughed softly.

"And only a few months ago for me" the doctor smiled "Timey wimey Ay. You've really grown haven't you" she said.

"Come, this calls for celebration. We have been waiting for you doctor. For too long. Now you are here. All of you!" The chief announced, earning cheers from everyone.

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