Chicken, Dynamite, Chainsaw

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Yn's POV

"Hey Antonio, what's going on in there" I ask and point to Voight's office. "Commander Fischer came in with Alderman Becks and his wife and then shut the door. Now you have all the information I have" Antonio said. "What do you think it's about" I ask and take a seat. "To be honest, I don't even think I want to know" Antonio said. "You think it's a case" I ask. Antonio shrugged. "It could be, but I'd prefer a break" Antonio said. "You are such an old man. Did you know that" I ask. "Good one Ln. Be happy that I like you as my partner" Antonio said. "What would you do? Throw some hands? You think you can take me down" I ask as Jay and Erin walked into the bullpen.

Minutes later, Voight came out with the white board, meaning we did in fact have a new case. "Allison Becks, 16 years old. She was last seen with her friend Hayden Tannenbaum. They were supposed to go back to the Becks' house after a study group. Neither showed" Antonio said. "School records do show that both of these girls are in all AP classes and have straight As. Study group's plausible. Maybe they are jammed up" Erin said. "Allison's dad woke up to an email this morning from Uber saying she booked a car in his account last night" Antonio said. 

"What the hell's an Uber" Al asked. "It's like a taxi, but you get a black car" Antonio replied. "So why didn't you say black car" Al asked. "It's not just black cars, it's regular cars too. It's an app. You order it on your phone. It's got all your credit card information. I'm going to call the company and see if I can get in touch with the driver" Adam said and stepped outside the bullpen. "Good, and Atwater, call State's Attorney Kot. I want a warrant for both girls' cell phones and computers. Hey, do they have GPS on these black cars" Voight asked. "Yeah. I'm on it" Jay said. "Hey, Sarge. We've got a problem with the Uber driver" Adam said. "Ln, Dawson, come with me" Al said.

Al drove us to the place Adam said the Uber driver was last found, and there we found the car. "The plates match. This is the car the girls were in" Antonop said. "There was blood found in the backseat. Forensics is on its way" an officer said. "Who called it in" Al asked. The officer pointed to a man talking with another officer. "Get me his name and all his info" Al said. I took a look in the back seat and found that the blood made a trail out of the car. "Al, look" I say and point to the trail that lead into the field right next to us. I then took out my gun and carefully walked into the field. After walking a few steps, I found the body of the driver who was unconscious and had his limbs bound with zip ties.

Once the driver was stable and awake at the hospital, Antonio and I went to talk to him. "I was at a light, and the next thing I know, my door's jerked open, I'm ripped from my seat, and my face is pushed down into the brush. They took my phone and my wallet. They didn't say a word and just started beating me" the driver said. "Did you get a look at anyone" Antonio asked. "They wore masks. I'm sorry. Everything's a blur. There were two of them" the driver said. "What about the girls in the backseat" Antonio asked. "I don't know what happened to them" the driver said. "What about before the attack? Did you notice anyone suspicious hanging around the library where you made your pickup" I ask. "Library? I didn't pick them up at any library" the driver said.


"Hey, Ruzek, where are we at with the driver's phone" Voight asked. "I called the service provider and gave him the exigent circumstances speech, yadda yadda, but I'm still waiting to hear back" Adam said. "Well, we found out the girls lied about the library. I got on the Uber GPS to see where the pickup did occur, and it was at a Central Chicago university dormitory where a kid named Jordan Biggs happens to live. He has been blowing up Allison's phone with over a thousand text messages just this month" I say. "All of Allison's responses are variations of 'leave me alone'. So why was she at his dorm" Erin asked. "Antonio, Kev, check it out" Voight  said.

A few minutes later, we got a ping on the driver's phone, and some of the team went to check it out. There, they successfully got Hayden, but Allison was stuffed into the back of a car that drove off. "The I.D. came back on our dead shooter. A guy by the name of Jason Woodley, career criminal. He's two months out of prison after a stint for armed robbery" Adam said. "All right. Jason Woodley. I want everything we got on this guy. Family members and known associates" Voight said. "Hank, you've got someone downstairs that says she knows you" Platt said. "You got this" Voight asked Antonio. "Yeah" Antonio replied.

Erin then went to talk to Hayden at the hospital and ask her if she knew Jason. It turns out, Hayden saw her dad, Gordon, talking to Jason and another guy about a week or so before the kidnapping. "This is Reid Dryer. He's a construction foreman that just got out of prison. He did ten years for armed robbery" Voight said. "The guy he robbed was embezzling money from Gordon's company" Jay said. "So Gordon hires Reid to take back the money the guy's been robbing from him. He does it, but goes to prison" Adam said.

"Hey, can we talk" Jay asked me. "Uh, sure" I say and follow Jay into the break room. "What's up?" "I'm sorry if I messed up your relationship with Archie" Jay said. "Don't apologize. He was overreacting. Besides, we're fine now, so you've got nothing to worry about" I say. "Guys, Gordon said he gave Dryer Allison's father's phone, and we've got it's location" Kevin said as he walked into the break room. "Right. We should go" Jay said.

We drove to the building the cell phone was in, which happened to be an abandoned school. Then, we all got into our positions. Adam and I were inside of a van next to the church. "Halstead, what do you see" Voight asked over the radio. "Nothing yet" Jay replied. "Same here. Empty so far" Erin said from her position inside the building with Antonio. "Ruzek, how many rooms are we looking at" Antonio asked. "The blueprints are coming in now" Adam said as the blueprints loaded up on the laptop. "We've got something like 15 or 16 rooms" I say. "Hold up, I've got something. Second floor, two people. Big room on the north side of the building. It looks like it could be our kidnapper" Jay said. 

"That's the science lab. Guys, at the end of the hall, turn left" Adam said. "Approaching the science lab now" Erin said. A few seconds later, Jay came over the radio. "Shot fired inside" Jay said. "Have you got eyes on Allison yet" Voight asked. "I'm not seeing anything" Jay replied. "He's got to have her stashed somewhere. Someplace where she can't get loose and where we won't hear her scream" Adam said. "A lot of those schools have soundproof music rooms" I say. "Good idea" Adam said and scanned the map, pointing to one of the room labeled music room. "All right, music room. Northwest side" I say into the radio. "You got it" Voight replied. Minutes later, Voight came over the radio. "Halstead, we have Allison Becks. You got a shot, take it" Voight said.

Jay's shot was a solid one and hit Dryer in the knee, meaning we got him. Now, it was time to go home. "Nice work on thinking of the music room Ln" Voight said. "It was nothing" I say. "I'm congratulating you, which won't happen often. Just accept it" Voight said. "Okay. Thanks Sarge" I say. "No problem. Have a good night" Voight said. "You too" I say before heading downstairs. Archie was waiting for me in the lobby, and I smiled as soon as I saw him. "Hey there Detective" I say and kiss him. "Hey sweetheart. You ready to head out" Archie asked. "Yes. I think the bed at home is calling our name" I whisper into his ear. "I like the way you think. Lets go" Archie said and dragged me out of the station.

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