Chapter 2 Arrival

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In the middle of March, Duan Shubai took more than 150 trusted soldiers and his newly married husband from the capital to Yangzhou to take up his post. He arrived in Xuanzhou five days ago. Xuanzhou and Yangzhou are only separated by a river. After that, he arrived at the place where he took office.

Duan Shubai sat on the boat plank, water dripped from his drenched clothes and wet the boat plank, leaving a water stain.

Xiao Yuhe, who was sitting there, felt uncomfortable under his gaze, lowered his head to cover his face and took a sip of tea.

Duan Shubai is the tallest and mightiest person Xiao Yuhe has ever seen, with a unique masculine temperament on his body, just staying there, he cannot be ignored by others, his muscles are well developed but not bloated. Sitting there shirtless, it is almost like a luminous body as strong as the sun outside.

But it's a pity that he is a brave and foolish warrior.

Duan Shubai also felt that it was not good for him to stare at people like this, and he looked like a pedant, so he said in a pleasant way: "Yuhe, are you still seasick?"

Xiao Yuhe shook his head gracefully, and said softly: " It's all right." Xiao Yu and his son of the Hou family who grew up in the capital couldn't bear half a month's toil.

Duan Shubai smiled when he heard this, rested aside and did not speak.

Since the two got married, they had hardly had any communication. Duan Shubai didn't want a husband and wife, and Xiao Yu and such a handsome official brother naturally couldn't see Duan Shubai, a rough and powerful martial man like him. Shuang'er, I hope that my husband-in-law will be a talented champion, and the husband and wife will live an elegant life with each other.

Instead of following a group of warriors to the Barrens to suffer.

Standing behind Xiao Yu and Qiu Ran pushed him.

Xiao Yuhe had no choice but to stand up and walk slowly in front of Duan Shubai, took out a snow-white handkerchief from his sleeve and handed it over, and said coldly: "Do you want to change your clothes, Yuhe will help you change your clothes."

He spoke considerate and gentle words, but his tone and expression did not show any trace of tenderness at all.

Duan Shubai's heart flashed and thundered, as if a thunderbolt hit his head and made him burnt and tender. He resisted the teeth soreness in his mouth, and an embarrassing smile appeared on his face as a cover, reluctantly took the handkerchief, and Wiping his body like a zombie, he said: "The weather is hot, it's enough to dry in the sun, so don't bother your husband."

Obediently, a man is "gentle and considerate" to him and calls him "Husband", Duan Shubai feels that his whole body It was as if there were fleas crawling, which made people shudder. The joy of swimming in the river just now was lost in an instant, leaving only a sense of trance.

After hearing Duan Shubai's refusal, Xiao Yuhe no longer forced himself to sit back in his original position as if he had completed a task.

Duan Shubai comforted himself in his heart, he became a general in disguise, got a beautiful wife, and his legs recovered, so what is there to be dissatisfied with? People should be content, contented to always be happy.

Duan Shubai has nothing to remember about modern life. He remembers his friendship in the war and will never forget it. And his family...he is a farmer with strong roots. He enlisted in the army and was later admitted to the military academy. Because of his outstanding physical ability, he was selected into the special warfare unit. He won numerous awards along the way. He was able to send a large sum of money to his family every month. His younger siblings were all supported to go to college and start a family. He was alone. The old bachelor, who has been in the army all year, has no idea what to do when he goes back to stay with his family... In this way, the army is actually more like his home.

If you took a life for nothing, you should cherish it and live it.

His life is not taken for nothing, there is also a bound "city construction system" that travels with him, and from time to time he uses electronic voices in his mind to urge: "Choose a place to build your city! Please be sure to strictly select the site to build the city. If the city is alive, the city will be destroyed."

"There are 46 days left in the final countdown, please quickly select a site to build the city, otherwise the system will self-destruct."

No, it started to circulate and urge in his mind again. The city is alive and the city is destroyed. It should be thanks to this system that he can travel through and be reborn, and his life will be bound to this system in the future.

The boat finally crossed the river and arrived at the boundary of Yangzhou. Six large ships docked and the soldiers disembarked in order to unload their cargo. Grain, weapons, horses, and Xiao Yuhe's dowry were brought down one by one. .

Duan Shubai cupped his fists to thank the person in charge of the fleet: "Thank you Xuanzhou prefect for me." The

round-faced person in charge of the fleet also bowed and saluted: "The prefect ordered to send Lord Duan and his party across the river, and now they have successfully arrived in Yangzhou. Get back here and report to your lord."

"Brother, why don't you stay in Yangzhou to rest for one night, and cross the river tomorrow." The

person in charge smiled honestly: "No, I have something to do at home, and I have to rush back overnight today. Xuanzhou."

"Since that's the case, then I won't keep your lord any longer, please bring my thanks to lord Sun."

"Definitely." The

wharf by the Yangzhou River is desolate, obviously it hasn't been used for a long time, there have been a few light rains recently, The ground is wet and slippery, and the wet yellow mud is sticky. When people walk on it, a footprint can be deeply sunken. Qiu Ran helped Xiao Yu and get off the boat. The yellow mud, could not help but frown.

When getting off the boat, Duan Shubai had already put on a neat moon-white close-fitting outfit. His appearance was awe-inspiring, very energetic, and he had a superior figure. Duan Shubai estimated that he was almost two meters tall, even among a group of big men. Among them, it also stands out from the crowd.

He sent the captain of the fleet away with a smile, and when he turned around, Qin Haizhu, the magistrate of Yangcheng, hurriedly came forward to apologize: "Master Duan came from a long way, and I will welcome you from afar."

Duan Shubai helped him up, He smiled and said politely: "There is no need to be too polite. In the future, you will need the help of Master Qin to manage Yangzhou."

Duan Shubai noticed that the county magistrate of Qin Haizhu, who looked in his forties, looked like the old judge who sang in a drama. His whole body was dark and swollen, similar to an eggplant in the field. He communicated and learned about the situation in Yangzhou.

Duan Shubai speaks nonsense, his skin is as thick as a city wall, anyway, the previous Duan Shubai didn't have any ink in his stomach, and his speech was so rude, so he was also - fearless .

Now at the boundary of Yangzhou, he is a "Yangzhou Taishou" with status. What is a Taishou? That is the governor of a state. In other words, he is the biggest official in Yangzhou. As the saying goes, a senior official crushes people to death. Here, he is the boss.

Duan Shubai and Qin Haizhu walked towards Yangcheng, talking and laughing at Yanyan, while Qiuran and Xiao Yuhe got into the carriage.

"Last year there was a plague of locusts, those who fled, those who starved to death... Alas, there is also a nest of bandits and sea bandits."

From Mr. Qin's mouth, he learned that Duan Shubai's position as the prefect of Yangzhou was really miserable. Yangzhou is the territory under its jurisdiction. Since Yangzhou is adjacent to the sea, pirates are rampant, and most of the land has been taken over by pirates. Except for the pirates in the southeast, there are bandits and bandits in the central and western parts of Yangzhou. From this point of view, the territory he can take over It is a small area near Yangcheng in the north.

The imperial court has not received taxes from Yangzhou for two years, coupled with the rebellion in the north, there is no time to take care of Yangzhou, and now Yangzhou has almost become a place of exile. It is true that the little emperor can think of throwing him here Make the best use of everything... In other words, send him to the frontier.

When a group of people walked into Yangcheng, Duan Shubai couldn't believe it. Xuanzhou next door was a prosperous and rich scene, and Yangcheng, which was just across the river, was so desolate and desolate. The roads were deserted and clear. , but there was no joy on their faces, they all looked sad and anxious. Duan Shubai was even more surprised that there was not a single fat man in the whole city. It seems that if you throw it into the fire, it will burn directly.

Xiao Yuhe, who was sitting in the carriage, opened the curtain, and all he could see was such a scene of depression and decay. Compared with the prosperity of central Beijing, Yangcheng was a hell on earth. There was no smile at all, thinking that he would live here in the future, his heart tightened.

According to Qin Da's population, Yangcheng is the largest county in the vicinity, and now only a few thousand people live here. In recent years, the weather has not been good, and Yangcheng has become even more miserable. In one place, countless people were killed and injured, and no one came to take care of them, "The court doesn't care... Well, now, I'm looking forward to your arrival, Lord Prefect."

Duan Shubai smiled and said nothing. He suddenly noticed the roadside grain store, According to the shopkeeper and customers, the price of food is sixty to seventy yuan a catty, which is several times more expensive than in Xuanzhou. This is really... Can the common people afford food? No wonder the faces of pedestrians in the city are gloomy, life is really hard.

"By the way, my lord, please forgive me for my incompetence. There is not enough housing in Yangcheng, and there will be no place for the soldiers you brought..." Qin Haizhu's face was full of embarrassment.

Duan Shubai: "No problem, let the soldiers set up camp outside the city."

Qin Haizhu said hesitantly, "There may be heavy rain in Yangcheng in the past few days."

"This is troublesome."

Duan Shubai turned his head and ordered Zhang Changle, let him lead people to rush to repair the collapsed house, and let the soldiers resettle in the house as much as possible.

Duan Shubai declined Qin Haizhu's invitation to rest in the mansion, and lived with the soldiers in a dilapidated house hit by hail.

Xiao Yuhe straddled a pile of broken stone tiles and walked into the house with difficulty. A few soldiers behind him carried several boxes of dowry into the door and placed them by the window. Cleaned but still had a musty smell in the air.

Qiu Ran spread golden silk on the dowry wooden box, and asked her delicate son to sit and rest on it.

"This kind of house, this kind of bed, where can people live, I'm going to talk to General Duan, I can't wrong you son." Qiu Ran frowned and said angrily.

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