Chapter 156 Take me away

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On the treetops of the moon, the two sat drinking in the long pavilion. Above the shadows of the trees, a piece of light blue colored the entire sky, but there was a light white disc hanging in the center, and the figures of the two happened to be on the disc. among.

The weather is getting hotter, but the night wind is cool.

The hem of the clothes blown by the wind brought a heavy chill in the icy cold. Ma Chongjin drank wine, the water was clear, and his white clothes were stained with wine stains. The wind blowing against him, in such a southern country, he suddenly There is a feeling of returning to Xiyuan.

In the yellow desert, there is also such a vast blue behind.

He looked at Duan Shubai who was drinking with him in front of him, his long hair was simply tied up, and the red rope studded with pearls and jade hung all the way from his shoulders to his chest. The atmosphere of the two colors of Xuan is not monotonous. Under the moonlight, there is a sense of vastness and greatness.

The first time he saw General Duan, he thought he was like a goshawk soaring in the sky in the desert, and his nephew Xiao Yuhe was the fat oriole in the capital chirping on the branches in spring. It's amazing how people who are so different can get along as a couple.

It was the same with him and Maoyan back then.

Meeting a similar person under such a moonlight, Ma Chongjin couldn't help but confide all his thoughts to the other person, and the people sitting in front of him kept holding glasses.

He didn't ask if the other person was drinking or listening to him.

He just wanted to talk casually, even to the wine in his glass.


Duan Shubai is naturally good at both drinking and tasks. He sees every stitch, and drinking more is a little bit. He is a good listener. When others are talking, he doesn't interrupt them. The way he squeaked, he thought he was impatient to listen.

"Shubai, thank you for being with me like this, uncle."

Seeing that he stopped talking, Duan Shubai shook his head with a smile, and after evading a few words with Ma Chongjin, he stopped his cup and said, "Actually , After listening to my uncle say so much, I feel..."

Ma Chongjin was curious, "What do you think?"

Duan Shubai slightly raised one eye, and looked at him from bottom to top, "Uncle has a grudge against Uncle Husband in his heart. "

The cup in Ma Chongjin's hand fell to the ground and shattered with a bang. He dumbfoundedly looked at the fragments on the table, and smiled at Duan Shubai, "What are you talking about? How could I have a grudge against Maoyan, I love you It's too late for him, I know, I've been sorry for him these past few years."

Poured himself another glass of wine, Duan Shubai said: "Although uncle, you say that you are the husband's lover, but in your heart Resent him."

"Uncle, don't be in a hurry to refute, it's better to listen to your son-in-law."

"You met the Ma family you haven't seen in years, and they accused you of betraying the family when you were young and ignorant, and blamed you for being sorry to your parents. You said it with guilt in your heart, and you felt that you were wrong, but elopement was a matter between two people back then, people like this, heh, always like to excuse themselves..."

"So you passed your guilt on to Uncle Lang, You also think in your heart that what the Ma family said is right, if it weren't for him, you would not have left the capital back then, you could have stayed with your parents, and after your parents passed away, you, your own son, could be buried beside them.

" You also believe that he is the instigator of everything, so you actually resent him in your heart, so when you see him suffering, you feel distressed, but you also feel the pleasure of revenge, and use this to repay your guilt towards your parents. "

You deliberately indulge the Ma family, because you love him, so you can't say some hurtful things yourself. After these three years, you are a timid and hypocritical—"

"Stop talking!!" Ma Chongjin yelled, and at the same time, with a wave of his palm, he threw the jug on the table to the ground and smashed it to pieces. Huarong was startled by his startled shout.

When encountering such a scene, someone else might be frightened for a while, but the one sitting there is Duan Shubai, he has no fear in his heart, he doesn't even lift his eyelids, just like a normal person.

Only when dealing with Xiao Yuhe would it make him flustered.

Duan Shubai picked up another wine jug, poured himself a glass of wine, and after taking a sip, he showed Ma Chongjin an aggressive and nasty smile, "Uncle, do you think I'm right?"

He raised his head and looked in front of him Standing Ma Chongjin, the 35-year-old Ma Chongjin is well maintained, his appearance is still young and elegant, he looks elegant in white clothes, and looks graceful under the moonlight. Such a man, wandering around outside, I don't know how many beauties he can become The man in the boudoir's dream.

However, at this time, the personable man no longer had any demeanor. His elegant white clothes were wet with wine, and his wet sleeves were tightly pressed together. His expression was flustered and even mad.

"What can I do?" Ma Chongjin murmured, his mind went blank for a while, was he resenting Yang Maoyan in his heart? He obviously loves him...

Does he resent him?

Ask yourself, in the past few years, has he ever regretted, or imagined, what would have happened if he hadn't gone to Xiyuan with Yang Maoyan?

He tried to think about it countless times, but he was suppressed by himself, and he didn't dare to indulge himself in thinking about these things.

He can only numb himself with other things.

Over the past ten years, he has paid so much for Yang Maoyan. He abandoned his family, his identity as a rich son, and all the glory he once had...

"Do you feel that you have given too much to uncle Lang, and you regret it?"

Ma Chongjin's mood stabilized at this time, and he looked at Duan Shubai, "Could it be that in the eyes of you outsiders, I have not given enough?"

"Enough Of course enough, enough will become a heavy burden on Uncle Lang, because you have paid too much, so he is suffering now, and he can't make any complaints."

"So no matter what the Ma family says about him, he will You can only bear it, because you all think that you have paid too much for him, and you take it for granted that he should endure all this."

Ma Zhongjin smiled dejectedly, "What you said is a little bit right, actually think about it, don't you think Isn't it?"

"Uncle, let me ask you, if you were given another chance, would you have left with Uncle Husband?" There

was a long silence, until Duan Shubai drank most of the pot of wine again, Ma Chongjin suddenly He said, "Yes, I will still make the choice I made back then. Even though you said I resented him, I know that I love Maoyan very much."

After hearing his answer, Duan Shubai smiled, "That's it , then why does uncle make such a fuss, if he is a man, he should take responsibility for what he decided to do back then."

Do you take it on yourself?

Suddenly a big stone fell to the ground in his heart, and Ma Chongjin suddenly discovered that what he had been afraid of facing in his heart was actually not so uncomfortable.

"The dead are gone, and the living should not suffer because of the dead." The

fog in front of him was peeled off, and Ma Chongjin's mind was fixed. Looking at the vile and slightly proud alcoholic in front of him, the displeasure in his heart was rising, and he changed his mind Sitting down, he also poured himself a glass of wine, and said to Duan Shubai, "Actually, I still want a child."

At the mention of children, Duan Shubai only felt a pain between his brows, and the wine in his mouth turned into bitter water. He couldn't help but rubbed his forehead, "Having children is not necessarily a good thing."

His family's Yuanyuan He's a caring baby, but he's a little weaker, and his fat group, it's better not to think about it, the more you think about it, the more headaches you'll get.

Ma Chongjin snorted, "It's easy for you to say. You have two sons, so you say such sarcastic remarks that you can stand up and talk without back pain.

" The children are waiting for you to choose."

"It's not your own, so can it be the same?"

Duan Shubai dragged his chin to look at him, "Then why do you want your own son?"

"Inherit the family business." His huge family business Waiting for someone to inherit.

"Then you want to find another woman to give birth to you?"

Ma Chongjin spread his hands helplessly, "If I find another woman, my beloved husband will leave me."

"So, Shubai, what do you say What should uncle do?" He asked Duan Shubai a difficult question with a troubled expression on his face.

"What to do depends on you, Uncle. You decide for yourself whether you want a husband or a child."

"If this happened to you, Shubai, tell the truth, would you feel sorry for Yuhe?"

Seeing what he said, Duan Shubai stopped his cup and looked at him with funny eyes.

"Then uncle, what do you think I will do?"

Ma Chongjin came over, glanced at him with the eyes of "Hi, tell me the truth", and said, "Your family business is countless times bigger than uncle's. Don't you feel sorry for not having children?"

"We are all men, tell me the truth, I will not tell others."

Duan Shubai felt bored, he picked up a peanut on the table and ate it, "I am a selfish person——"


"I once said something to Yuhe."

Ma Chongjin smiled, his eyes full of endless fun.

"My whole life is spent with my husband, not with my children. So, as you know, uncle, naturally, husband is more important to me.

" , then what do I do."

Ma Chongjin snorted and said, "You seem to be free and easy, my Xiao Yuhe is lucky to have found a husband like you."

"No, it is my family's Yuhe now." Duan Shubai Argue hard.

"All right, all right, it's Yuhe from your family. Hey, military master, after eating and drinking so much, should you go, I don't want to see you at all now—"

Duan Shubai smiled brightly, "You mean the winner in life?"

"One more word from you, and I'll take away your family boy and make him my son."

"Tsk, your seniority is messed up."

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