Chapter 98

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"Duan Shubai is such an idiot, he really has no brains. I don't want to provoke him, but he still wants to pluck the hair on the tiger's mouth." Nie Kun was so angry that his eyes were black and white, and he almost wanted to send troops south to attack Xuanzhou , Duan Shubai was beaten to the point of being called grandpa, but his main force is currently fighting for territory in Yongzhou, so he really has no time to compete with Duan Shubai for a moment.

Duan Shubai, a reckless general with mud legs, has finally won power, and instead of eating and drinking on his territory, he wants to publish some newspapers. Did he get kicked in the head by a donkey?

Nie Kun took a few mouthfuls of tea, closed his eyes and took a deep breath before calming down.

There is no impenetrable wall in this world. There are indeed many people who know about what he did before. I don't know how many guesses have been made behind the scenes, but they have not been mentioned on the stage. Duan Shubai's sudden attack caught him off guard. .

Does Duan Shubai think that he is dead if he writes this kind of thing in a blatant and blatant way? In Yangzhou, my arms are still so long.

This mud-legged boy really doesn't play his cards according to common sense!

"Duan Shubai, Duan Shubai, I really underestimated you." Nie Kun knocked on the table with his index finger. Now that this matter has been widely exposed among the common people, it is equivalent to tearing a fig leaf. After all, he Before, they sent troops to use force to restore the royal family.

"Regent, there are already several ministers waiting outside the Qianyu Palace, saying that they want to ask your lord something about the late emperor." A young eunuch walked in tremblingly.

Nie Kun raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where is the emperor?"

"The emperor is playing horseback riding with the guards in Wuyan Pavilion." The

young emperor is now staying in the palace in Rongzhou, and the regent Nie Kun is assisting the emperor . On weekdays, ministers discussing state affairs are also in the palace.

"Let those ministers wait first, the king will be here soon." Nie Kun took a sip of hot tea, his face regained his composure, as if what happened just now hadn't happened.

Qi Huabin is dead, a dead person cannot speak, how can things be reversed if there is no evidence of death? As long as Nie Kun refuses to admit it, Qi Huabin will die of serious illness.

Even if the common people acquiesced that Qi Huabin was killed by his Nie Kun, so what, his Nie Kun's world does not depend on them to fight.

The Qi family's royal family lost all support from the people. Even if they were convicted of murdering the emperor, they would not suffer excessive public indignation. At most, they would scold him for fame when he boasted that he was "loyal to the emperor and patriotic".

And the officials under him, who were loyal to the royal family, had already been purged out step by step by him, leaving behind only his men and horses, and the few other veterans who were helpless.

But Duan Shubai's move, what hurt his heart the most was about the few royal descendants surnamed Qi who were in charge of the local power in the Northland. The four words forced them to lean towards him. At this time, Shubai made this move to create public opinion, but it didn't give them an excellent reason to reject him, and muddied his good deeds.

Nie Kun calmed down and scolded Duan Shubai a thousand times in his heart. He flicked his sleeves and walked out, met with several ministers, and sent them back with "righteous words". An old minister also died of illness.

"There are treasonous remarks in the Four States United Newspaper, insinuating and slandering the regent... The people who produce these newspapers are terrified, Chu Zheng, you immediately send people to collect the newspapers from house to house, and burn them in public at the gate of the city after collecting them. Anyone who dares to harbor the Four States United Newspaper will be charged with treason."

"Yes, Regent."

The four-state joint newspapers in the area under Nie Kun's jurisdiction were searched and cleared one by one, and burned at the gates of each city. Black smoke billowed, and the newspapers were burned under the eyes of everyone. I have finished watching, but I still have to be a man with my tail between my legs in the future.

But those newspapers also had a great impact on them. They described the elegant life in Yangzhou, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the politics are clear... If Yangzhou is really like what the newspapers say, they will move there with their families...

Some Those who couldn't stay in Rongzhou thought carefully.

"Why don't we pack up Yangzhou?" "The land at home was robbed by that bastard Nie Lao Si. Anyway, we can't survive here. Let's go to Yangzhou


He was so angry that he didn't care about the loss of a few civilians who couldn't eat, but after receiving the reply letters from Qingnan Wang Qixuan and Yuejin Wang Qitong, he almost overturned the table.

These bastards swore a few days ago that they would cooperate with him to win Ueno, and that they would support him, but now they have become wobbly again, talking about other things.

What's more, it is said that he murdered the first emperor and announced that the world will be his enemy.

These people are all cheap dogs who bite people with excuses.

Nie Kun was so busy that he couldn't stop the trouble caused by Duan Shubai. The Four-States United Newspaper had spread seriously in other states. Even if he destroyed it, it would be too late.

The basket that Duan Shubai poked out made Nie Kun's chess piece, the young emperor, less and less important. He raised the emperor of the Qi family in order to take advantage of the royal power. This newspaper disturbed the hearts of the people. It will not be easy to do things in the name of the royal family in the future.

Nie Kun was so angry that he dropped several memorials, and said angrily, "Didn't Duan Shubai make some Sizhou Lianbao? My king is also here to make a newspaper. Come on, within a month, give me a newspaper." Wang made a Zhongzhou United Newspaper."

Over the past few days, Nie Kun has realized how important this newspaper medium is, and the spread of news is too fast. He can't just let Duan Shubai have the right to speak, he must take the initiative to attack.


The people under his command took his orders and went to work, hurriedly looking for someone to write an article and find a printing house to print a newspaper. Within a month, the Zhongzhou Lianbao that Nie Kun wanted was published.

This Zhongzhou Lianbao sold 200 articles to the outside world, but it was almost impossible to sell a few copies, because the workmanship was not good, the printing was not clear, and the articles were not interesting. Compared with the Sizhou Lianbao, it was a heaven and an underground. Because of Nie Kun's power, Rongzhou's respectable and famous family had to buy a few copies to see.

The spread among the public is minimal.

The person who originally accepted this task thought it was a fat job, and he could make countless profits from it, but the cost of printing was too high, coupled with layers of exploitation, the profit from it was very little, it was simply a thankless job thing.

Those who run the newspaper have no intention of continuing to run it.

Running a newspaper was hindered, and he suffered countless losses, which made Nie Kun so angry that he spent several nights scolding Duan Shubai in his dreams. When he got up in the morning, his wife and concubine said that he had a few strands of white hair on his temples.

He had a lot of grudges against Duan Shubai, and he couldn't vent the melancholy in his heart. Raise troops to attack Xuanzhou, and look for Duan Shubai's bad luck? He was mentally ill so he withdrew the troops in the north and turned to Xuanzhou. Duan Shubai's foundation in Yang, Yun, Xuan, and Yuanzhou was not stable, and he was taking the time to recuperate and reform the administration of officials. He will never take the initiative to start a war in the near future .

Give up the fat in the north, and go head-to-head with Duan Shubai for a moment of anger. In case of a two-front battle, drag yourself down, and the gain outweighs the loss.

But if he didn't look for Duan Shubai's bad luck, he couldn't swallow this breath.

In the palace of Weichen.

Nie Kun was sitting at the banquet, surrounded by crisp music, beautiful dancers dancing in front of her in soft tulle, catkins beating gongs and drums, with a graceful figure, singing and dancing, Nie Kun was full of melancholy, turning a blind eye to the enchanting singing and dancing in front of him.

Lu Can, his confidant next to him, knew what he wanted, so he stood up and offered a plan to relieve his worries.

Nie Kun looked at him curiously.

Lu Can smiled coyly, clapped his palms, and the beautiful dancers on the field dispersed.

After the sound of gongs and drums stopped, another group of horses came on stage. Twelve tall beauties in white clothes filed in, with lotuses growing at every step, elegant and moving, with their sleeves fluttering. Breathtaking.

Nie Kun looked at the singing and dancing in front of him, and frowned. There were twelve beauties in white clothes, with cinnabar moles and red brows, all of them were twins.

He is a little unwell.

Nie Kun only likes women, not Shuang'er.

Stop dancing and singing.

Nie Kun asked, "What do you mean?"

Lu Can, his confidant, clapped his hands again, and the Shuang'er surrounded by the beauties in white came forward.

Nie Kun took a closer look, the eyebrows and the eyes, even if they were paired, are still an excellent beauty, look at the slight lifting of the eyes, it is faint and moving.

"Qinglian has met the regent." Shuang'er in white said with a salute.

... It's better not to speak, Nie Kun frowned even more, he was almost attracted by the divine light in his raised eyes, but when this man spoke, although the voice was pleasant, it reminded him that this is a twin, the same Also a man.

What is Lu Can doing to bring these people over? Let him also learn from Duan Shubai, don't play with women, but want twins?

"Prince Regent." Lu Can introduced, "This young master of Qinglian was originally named Xiao Ruoning, and his appearance is about the same as that of the son of the Hou family of Boyang, Xiao Yuhe, who is now the wife of General Duan Shubai. They are very similar... Looking closely, Mrs. Duan and Qinglian are still distant brothers." They are seven or eight points similar to

Duan Gouzi's wife...

Nie Kun lowered his eyebrows and pondered. Knowing that Duan Shubai is a strange woman, he doesn't want good women, he married a pair of sons as his main wife, and he didn't take concubines, and he dismissed all the beauties that others gave him, leaving only Xiao Yuhe by his side, and he was the only one who favored him.

That Xiao Yuhe is also fierce and fierce, jealous and can't tolerate others, he obeys the discipline of Duan dog thief, and he is not allowed to steal.

But there is no cat in this world that does not steal.

When the time comes, the two beauties will sit around, petting on the left and coaxing on the right, no matter which side they can't let go of.

Nie Kun rolled his eyes, and an idea came out of his mind.

Thinking about coming to Yangzhou's poor village, he couldn't find any juicy beauties, so his regent, Nie Kun, showed kindness this time and gave him twelve beauties for free.

"The town of beauties, the tomb of heroes...the hardest thing to bear is the favor of a beauty."

He Nie Kun repayed his grievances with virtue, and the other party sent him a group of useless literati.

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