Chapter 150 Uncle

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The first group of tour groups returned to Xinyang City.

Grandpa Lin's son Lin Li and daughter-in-law Liu Siniang went to pick him up regretfully.

"Father, it's the children and daughter-in-law who are not filial." Lin Li and Liu Siniang anxiously waited for Grandpa Lin to come back. Lin Li slapped himself on the forehead with his hands.

How did he become a son? How could he send the old father alone to join some tour group? He is really unfilial.

Liu Siniang, who was standing beside her, was also extremely regretful, and prayed in her heart that nothing would happen to her father-in-law. If something happened, how could she explain it to Lin Li.

"When dad comes back, we must honor him well. Si Niang has already prepared the dishes dad loves to eat. No matter how dad loses his temper when he comes back, we have to bear it well."

"You must never talk to dad again . Talk back..."

The carriage of the tour group arrived in front of them, and old man Lin jumped out of the carriage. Compared with the old man when he went there, this old man wearing a sable hat and a festive red dress made Lin Li feel more comfortable. The son almost didn't recognize him.

It was old man Lin who had sharp eyes, saw his son and daughter-in-law, and greeted them: "Ali, Si Niang, I'm back, daddy!!!"

Lin Li and Liu Siniang had tears in their eyes, and they crowded around to old man Lin excitedly. around.

"Father, you are finally back. My fourth mother and I knelt down for you. It was all our fault. We shouldn't have let you go to the seaside to suffer."

"I kowtow to you for your unfilial son and daughter-in-law."

Grandpa Lin was thinking Tell these two people that I touched the golden hands and clothes. Before I could say anything, my son and daughter-in-law knelt down for him, "Get up, what are you kneeling for? It's not shameful."

The daughter-in-law of the Sun family who was watching the play covered her mouth and smiled, whispering to the old lady of the Lu family.

"Look at this Lin family, it's really funny."

"After marrying such a daughter-in-law, the house is restless, and even the father is not filial, and even sends his own father away."

"This son is raised for nothing." The

old man brought a Throwing the package into Lin Li's arms, "What's inside will be our family's heirloom from now on."

Lin Li was shocked: "A family heirloom? What's in it?"

Lin Li and his wife Liu Siniang looked at each other, and they opened it tremblingly. Unpacked the package, there was nothing special inside, it was his father's old clothes, smelled it carefully, and there was a smell of sweat, this thing can be a family heirloom, is his father crazy?

The child is not filial, and actually drove his father crazy.

"Father, if you are angry, you must take it out on your son, but don't be angry with yourself."

Liu Siniang also nodded with tears in her eyes, "Father, Ali and I both know we were wrong."

"What are you doing wrong?" Wrong, let me tell you, you did a good job!!! Fortunately, you reported this tour group to your father, don't look at this ordinary dress, let me tell you, this is a dress that rolled over a golden bed, so Have you ever seen a big golden bed?"

"Such a big golden bed?"

"Father followed me to Anxian Island this time, and not only saw such a big golden bed, but also a golden bed ten times bigger than ours. Palace, you have never seen a palace in your life, have you? But Dad, it is the place where the royal family and nobles live..."

"The place where the royal family and nobles live? How did you see it, Dad, didn't you go to the seaside?"

"Don't worry about so much, wait for Dad to go back and tell you in detail, come and help Dad transport things, Dad bought a lot of things, our grandson hasn't eaten fish roe yet, and this seafood sauce, this dried melon and fruit, Dad returned I brought a few things with thorns all over my body, and they are delicious when I cut them open..."

Not long after, Mr. Lin saw the golden palace with his own eyes, and the story of sleeping on the golden bed went crazy on their street. There really is a palace made of gold." "You can sleep on a golden bed for as little as 30 Wen."...

Grandpa Lin's family is full of families, and everyone wants to come and hear the story of the golden palace and the golden bed.

And the clothes that rolled over the golden bed of Grandpa Lin, everyone in the neighborhood wanted to come and watch.

Old man Lin has a good way of making money. The "heirloom" that rolled over the golden bed can be seen for two cents. Such a cheap price has attracted all the good people to flock to it. In just one day, old man Lin used his own family heirloom with stinky sweat Earn back countless silver taels.

The story of the golden palace and the golden bed spread farther and farther.

Although I have heard of such things as gold before, the golden house and the golden bed are far away from the lives of ordinary people, but now ordinary people have walked into the golden palace and slept on the golden bed. Such news is extremely crazy .

The tour group to Lanqian is also popular, and the second batch of applicants is overwhelming. Duan Shubai took the opportunity to make a fortune, at least he earned back the road construction money. On the other hand, Lanqian, which was originally a closed The place opened the way to the outside world, and the seafood of the island residents no longer has to worry about selling.

Although these people came to see the golden house, when they arrived in Lanqian, they would also buy other things, such as fruits and sea fish grown in Lanqian. At the same time, the arrival of a large number of people also prompted Lanqian and other places to open a shop Another inn for pedestrians.

Only when people and horses keep coming and going, will this place become more and more prosperous.

There are more and more people traveling to and from Lanqian, and everything is thriving.

The Golden Palace not only caused an uproar in Yangzhou, but also spread to several other northern states, but the rumors spread more and more widely, and the content became more and more outrageous. By the time it spread to the north, it

had become Duan Shubai. General Duan himself built a golden palace in Yangzhou.

The news that makes people walk in the state under their jurisdiction.

Nie Kun devoted himself to discrediting Duan Shubai's reputation.

"Continue to get people to spread the news, let seven or eight-year-old children sing nursery rhymes, Duan Shubai, the Golden Palace, the scourge... find some smart-mouthed scholars to make it up for me." Nie Kun excitedly directed people to fabricate rumors.

There was a light in Nie Kun's eyes, and finally he took the opportunity, Duan Shubai dared to fabricate his rumors, seeing that he would have to spit him to death this time.

"Prince Regent, these are useless..." Nie Kun's confidant replied tremblingly, Shao Ning couldn't be happy.

Nie Kun laughed loudly and said: "Why is it useless? It doesn't matter who the prince built this golden palace. Anyway, it is now in Duan Shubai's hands, so it was built by Duan Shubai. It is the evidence that he harmed the people and was extravagant and lustful.

" You make it up, make it up a little more outrageously, find a pen, and write me Duan Shubai hugging his charming husband, in the golden palace, using wine as a pool, hanging meat as a forest hahahahaha..."

"It must be aroused Public outrage!" The

confidant wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said cautiously: "Regent, my subordinates have just received a piece of news."

"Just tell me if you have any news, the king is happy now."

"It's too late to make up rumors...the Prince Regent."


"Six or seven-year-old children can sing the nursery rhyme "Thirty Wen can sleep on a golden bed" outside..."

"What are you talking about, what is thirty Wen A golden bed?" Nie Kun frowned, doubting what he heard in his ears.

"Prince Regent, Duan Shubai has set up a tour group. You can go to the golden palace for a few taels of silver, and you can lie down on the golden bed for only 30 yuan. Because of this , It's crazy to spread among the common people." The

confidant swallowed suddenly, "Now everyone knows that General Duan expelled the pirates and expelled foreign princes, and everyone also knows that the golden bed and golden palace belong to Prince Canmel. Built..."

"They all said that General Duan is brave and good at fighting, and he is a great hero who defies power."

Nie Kun muttered to himself, "How could it be so fast, why did it spread so fast.

" Rumors of Duan Shubai's extravagance and licentiousness did not spread so quickly, and it has only been a while before the wind direction has completely changed.

"...Because you can sleep on a gold bed with thirty renminbi..."

"This story is so amazing. It has been passed on from ten to ten, and now everyone knows about it.

" This kind of news won't make much waves in the hearts of the common people. After all these years, their ears are almost callused.

But the news that you can sleep on a golden bed for thirty renminbi is very popular among the crowd.

The cup in Nie Kun's hand fell to the ground with a bang, and he stood up and said to his confidant, "Do you think this Duan Shubai has a brain problem?"

His confidant Shao Ning shook his head, "General Duan is so resourceful, why is he out of his mind?"

Nie Kun said, "If you got a golden palace, would you let people spend a few pennies to watch it?"

Shao Ning Hesitatingly said: "

This ... Huaibi has been guilty since ancient times. If Shao Ning has gold and silver mountains, he would naturally refuse to expose it to everyone." This kind of unreasonable person."

Shao Ning: "General Duan is a man of great wisdom."

"Then you mean this king is stupid?"

"No, no, no, the regent is also a man of great wisdom."

" Great wisdom, great wisdom, fuck your great wisdom, Shao Ning, do you want to be a monk for me!!!!"

Nie Kun scolded Shao Ning away, and stayed in the room silently.

He really couldn't figure out why there is a person like Duan Shubai who has no strings in his head in this world, but this person has repeatedly sabotaged his good deeds.

This person will definitely become a stumbling block for him to gain the world.

Nie Kun became more vigilant and told himself to get rid of this person as soon as possible.

There were several heavy rains in May and June, and even Yuanyuan, who was under the extreme care of everyone, fell seriously ill. Duan Shubai and Xiao Yuhe took turns to take care of the feverish little guy.

After several days of guarding, Yuanyuan's fever finally subsided, and she fell asleep peacefully.

Xiao Yu and Chang Chang breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the little guy lying on the bed, his thin body was pitiful, the little guy was almost half a year old, not as big as a month old.

His eldest son grew fat like crazy, but his youngest son didn't grow fat at all.

"Husband, why do you think Yuanyuan is still so thin? Where did his flesh grow?"

Duan Shubai smiled, and answered Xiao Yuhe's words, "Where did he grow? Do you still have to ask? Naturally, he is tall. It's on his brother."

"Tuantuan has grown taller these days, and the previous clothes can no longer be worn."

"How about letting Yuanyuan wear brother's old clothes?"

"Why are you a general with a golden palace like this? You are stingy, let your son wear old clothes?"

"Let Yuanyuan wear brother's old clothes, maybe you can become a chubby man."

"It would be great if our Yuanyuan could really become a chubby man."

Xiao Yuhe fought After a yawn, Duan Shubai kissed his forehead pityingly, "Go to sleep, you have worked hard to take care of Yuanyuan these days, and you have to sort out the medical books at night, my husband feels distressed just watching."

"You too, husband, Go rest with me, and let Jin Shu and Jin Hua guard Yuanyuan."

Xiao Yuhe rubbed his eyes, and suddenly he felt his body lighten—it was Duan Shubai who hugged him by the waist.

"Hey, yes, after counting the days, Uncle and Uncle Husband are coming..."

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