Chapter 72 Alive

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Lu Kangtai and his group watched from the sidelines for a long time like ghosts, and another net of water bandits was salvaged, and several Yangzhou soldiers were busy dividing up the spoils, oh no, they were kidnapping people.

"What are you looking at? Come and help them, don't let them escape."

Shan Chen and another soldier knocked out the water bandits who were trying to escape in the corner, tied them to wooden boards, and pushed them back to the boat while floating.

Lu Kangtai: This is too much. If you escape, you can't let people escape... By the way, why are you arresting so many people? ? ? ?

"Come and help!"

"Oh oh oh oh..." As soon as the cold wind blew by the river, the Xuanzhou soldiers who came back to their senses hurriedly started to move, they helped the soldiers of Yangzhou catch the water bandits, Two people carried the fainted water bandit onto the boat, one handed the rope, and the other squatted on the ground and tied it three times neatly to tie a knot.

"There are still people over there, don't let them go."

"Don't waste these boats, string them together and move them back together later, planks are also needed, and their rockets."

"Someone here is waking up and swearing at people "

"Gag his mouth, don't bother."

After a long day of busy work, Shan Chen and his team finally cleaned up all the scenes, and the water bandits who were showing off their power just now were trapped in one place and threw them all in the cabin , the empty cabin was filled in a short time, and densely packed water bandits crowded inside, just like the beehives hanging on the treetops, densely arranged.

Some water bandits were knocked unconscious and are still awake; some were awake and were about to yell and complain, but their mouths were mercilessly gagged. Those who didn't fall into the water, their clothes were still dry, and those who had been rolled in the water, all of them could drip water from their hair, and the sticky clothes with the fishy smell of the river stuck to their bodies, not to mention how uncomfortable they were.

Fortunately, they were crowded tightly together, sticking together, and their soaked clothes were squeezed to keep them warm.

"Have you finished catching people?"

"We have run away, and we have caught all we can."

"We even sent a small team to follow from behind."

"The ambush we set up on the shore has also received a signal. They have arrested a lot of people!!!"

"Fortunately, we have figured out their base area long ago, hahahaha, let them know how to write the words "annihilated by the whole army!"

Lu Kangtai's jaw almost dropped: "You guys Still let people lie in ambush on the shore??"

Shan Chen waved his hand indifferently: "Of course, our general said that no water bandits can be let go." The corners of

Lu Kangtai's eyes twitched, thinking of the series of captured water bandits, And - he saw this group of heinous Yangzhou soldiers, even the shattered boats of the water bandits, all picked up one by one, and their weapons and long knives, none of them were spared.

He found that this group of Yangzhou soldiers were no strangers to doing these things, and they would not let go of anything valuable—even if it was a piece of broken wood.

Even the damaged gourd has to be touched back.

Feel for the wine jar on the water bandit boat.

The oil on the water bandit's boat was dragged back.

Pick up the copper coins on the water bandit boat...

Why do these behaviors look so like bandits who entered the village to rob? ——Although what they robbed were water bandits.

Lu Kangtai's eyelids were jumping, I must have entered a den of thieves, he lingered for a moment on the faces of the familiar Xuanzhou soldiers, and found that all of them had their thoughts written on their faces, and the thoughts were obviously I thought of going with him.

Shan Chen clapped his hands, and the people beside him roughly counted the number of people, "Brother Shan, that's great, we caught hundreds of people tonight!

" Sure enough, the rich bait will catch big fish."

"Hey, speaking of fishing, brothers, keep casting the net and lighting the lanterns, and we will go fishing while we go back."

"Go back and have a meal ." Celebrate with the whole fish feast."

"Cast the net and cast the net, watch me catch a hundred catties of fish for you." "Brother Aniu

's grilled fish is the best." "The fish made by Mrs. Li is delicious, It

has to be served with Aunt Liu's sauce!"

"When we take these water bandits back, let's go to the pier and have a meal together."

Just when Lu Kang was too suspicious that these Yangzhou soldiers were actually water bandits in disguise, they Actually started fishing with the net! ! ! ! ! Fishing! ! ! That gesture has a shape! ! When a net is cast down, the strength of his hands can be seen as Lian Jiazi, "There are a lot of fish over there, let's cast it over there." "Don't worry, my buddy is a professional fisherman." Professional fisherman? ? Are you not water bandits? ? ? ! ! Oh wrong, aren't you sailors? ? ?

After catching the fish, they immediately grilled it on the boat...

Lu Kangtai: "..."

"Master Lu, look, they are really good at fishing. My family is also from fishing, so I don't have as much strength as him."

"Look They made a lot of money."

"Their lanterns are special, they will attract fish!!"

"Master Lu, should we also use the nets to catch fish?"

Lu Kangtai shuddered and knocked over: "What kind of fish are you catching!! We are here to eliminate water bandits."

The soldier who was knocked on the head hugged his head and thought to himself: We have been blowing cold wind at the bow for a long time.

"Look, they've started grilling fish. It smells so good."

"I heard from a business friend of mine that people in Yangzhou are especially good at cooking fish."

"Should we also fish? The smell makes me hungry. " "

"But we don't have fishing nets, and we're not fishing boats."

"Yeah, we don't have fishing nets!!??? Why do they have them?"

Shan Chen has already set up a stove to grill fish. Put a layer of oil on it, sizzling, sprinkle with honey sauce, brush a layer of chili as you like, some have a strong fishy smell, crush a small lemon and pour lemon juice.

The smell of grilled fish was blowing around with the wind of the river, spreading to the cabin, waking up all the water bandits who were knocked out.

"What is it? It smells so good."

"I'm hungry."

Open another jar of wine, and everyone drinks a small cup to warm up their bodies.

"Please, don't knock me out, let me have a bite too."

"I, I, I want to eat fish too!!!"

Want to eat fish? Of course there is no way, the poor water bandits were gagged and kept locked in the cabin, hungry and smelling the smell of fish outside, this was the first "torture" they received.

The Xuanzhou soldiers over there couldn't bear it any longer. Lu Kangtai led people up the ladder to beg for fish. After all, he was still a revolutionary comrade in arms. Spicy?"

"What is spicy."

"What is not spicy?"

"You will know once you eat this."

"Wow, damn it, it's so exciting."

"Spicy or not spicy?"

"Spicy Yes!"

Shan Chen and his group usually catch and grill fish by themselves after training by the water, and they all have a good skill in grilling fish. I just baked countless skewers, and it doesn't hurt to distribute some to the Xuanzhou soldiers.

The water bandits inside were very hungry.

The two groups of soldiers outside mingled together drinking and eating fish, shoulder to shoulder, and the relationship was much closer than before, and the original gap seemed to be eliminated. Lu Kangtai drank a glass of wine, hooked up with Shan Chen's small shoulders, and praised: " You can really do it, these water bandits were paid off in one go, we are useless, wow, this boat of yours is really exquisitely designed."

Shan Chen smiled sincerely, he didn't drink: "Both generals are well trained "

"You must train every day on weekdays."

"You general, I heard that he fought very well in the north and never lost a battle. I didn't expect him to be so good in water warfare."

"Of course. , our general is amazing."


The two chatted for a while, and Lu Kangtai wondered: "I think you almost only arrest people and don't kill people. What are you doing when you catch so many water bandits? It's good to catch them, but you can take them back and raise them, and waste food." !"

This is one of the difficulties they have in catching water bandits. Many of these water bandits were disguised as Yuanzhou officers and soldiers. Begging them to go around once, what's more, they cried and said, "We were forced by the

instructor , and there is nothing we can do. For the sake of everyone being officers and soldiers, let's go around us once." Go back and continue to work next time, don't let them go back, they are really difficult to deal with in Xuanzhou, a man who weighs a hundred catties, eats food for three meals a day, and goes to prison, these days are not good Feed.

They caught them back and made them responsible, how did they deal with it? ? ?

Shan Chen blinked, and laughed loudly: "Of course it will be useful to catch the live ones back. The general told us to catch as many as possible, the more the better."

Their Yangzhou has a bumper harvest of sweet potatoes this year. It is almost necessary to feed the pigs, and the pigs may not be able to eat them all. Dividing the rations for feeding the pigs is free labor without wages.

Before they set off, many more military training camps and small black houses were built around Yangzhou, preparing for them to "arrest people" and go back.

Lu Kangtai was extremely curious: "What's the use? How much food does it cost to raise so many people for nothing?"

Shan Chen waved his hand, "It's not a waste at all.

" Farm and raise pigs, and bring them back, when the time comes, they will eat whatever the pigs eat."

What do pigs eat? What do they eat?

Lu Kangtai: "..."

For a moment, he didn't know whether to pity the pigs or those water bandits. Shan Chen: " Brother

Lu, help us arrest people together!" The people seemed to be targeting them, and as soon as they appeared, they would scuttle boats to arrest them. The people from the water bandits wanted to find a place, but they couldn't beat them, and lost a lot of manpower. Water bandits: "Ah, this group of people are more like water bandits than we are. There are endless tricks of thieves." "You son of a bitch, that's too nasty! If you have the ability to fight me head-on!" "Those who swim in the water are like stupid dogs , When I pass by, his mother will be as slippery as a swimming fish." "Dive into the water and put a rope on my feet, and I will ask you, do your feet stink?" "Damn, what kind of soldiers are these people doing ? Come on! Be water bandits with us! You bastards!" Yangzhou soldiers have a fine tradition, they are especially good at acting, and at the beginning they played poor little merchants very well, pretending to be old men, men disguised as women It's... Only you can't think of it, you can't act without them, until the water bandits appear, they will have to act for a while before showing their fangs, making the water bandits so angry that their stomachs hurt. What made the group of water bandits panic even more was that they not only arrested people on the water, but also ambushed them on the land bank. If they were not careful, they were even covered in sacks by people hiding by the roadside. There is no limit to insidiousness. The merchant ships passing by were happy, knowing that there were people protecting them recently, and the surrounding water bandits were about to disappear, and they didn't dare to come out to make trouble.

The soldiers from Xuanzhou and the soldiers from Yangzhou worked closely together, and had a great time together, and the boys from Xuanzhou also felt the joy of being caught by the yin.

Xuanzhou Bing: "Why do I feel like I'm collaborating with water bandits..."

"I feel like we're stealing people."

"It's not just stealing people, we're obviously robbing people hahaha."

"Let's rob a few more people Go drink and grill fish with the brothers in Yangzhou later!"

"I have an appointment to go to their Yangzhou pier to play." The

coalition soldiers finished arresting people and sent batches of water bandits back to Yangzhou.

Brother Song and the others among the water bandits had nothing to fear when they were escorted to Yangzhou. They were originally officers and soldiers of Yuanzhou, and their boss was the wife and brother of the prefect of Yuanzhou. It will definitely be redeemed.

Unexpectedly, they were captured back to Yangzhou. That was not the case at all. The Yangzhou soldiers did not interrogate them

. Bandits, you must honestly reform through labor and atone for your sins!"

"Bah, these criminals deserve it!"

"General, good job in suppressing bandits!"

The people of Xinyang City lined the road to welcome them, but they were not the "water bandits" who welcomed them. ", but the soldiers who came back, everyone in Xinyang City hated these bandits who got something for nothing, no matter how many they caught, they felt refreshed.

"Shut them up in the military training camp and educate them well!"

Brother Song's and his gang's good days are over. They used to enjoy a lot of food and drink under Hao Xingfan's hands. A lot of self-interest, but when they arrived in Yangzhou, they knew how to write the word "bitter".

General Duan Shubai asked them to work for atonement.

Digging stones, chopping trees, moving bricks and building temples... endless work is waiting for them to do. It is said that farming is still good, and some have to wait for wild boars every day, or go to the salty sea to carry coconuts... They don't want to be lazy No, patrol soldiers with wolf dogs guarded them. These patrol soldiers did not urge them to work, and they were lazy and did not beat others. Seeing this, Brother Song and the gangsters did tricks to steal and play tricks.

Overseer Ma Xiaoliu crossed his arms: Let's wait and see.

The water bandits thought they could breathe a sigh of relief, but it turned

out that they couldn't sleep if they couldn't finish the day's work! The rotating soldiers have been guarding them and spending time with them. If you can't finish today's work, you can continue tomorrow. The work will be accumulated until tomorrow. If you can't finish tomorrow, you will continue to add up. Bo went to the small black house on the mountain to bind and release the animals.

Locked in a small dark room with no sun, hands and feet tied, he can only crawl like a dog to eat and drink water, with feces and urine on his body. This kind of life without dignity and sunshine is unbearable even for an iron-clad man.

"I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, I want to work."

"I have to work too, I want to sleep."

"Mother, I want to send a letter to my brother, telling him not to work with Mr. Don't be a soldier, go back and work hard, my god—"

"What's wrong?"

"I saw my brother, and I blamed my conscience and dragged my brother into this thief ship."


Batches of labor were brought in—this group of labor is not ordinary labor, it is equivalent to free soldiers picked up for nothing, Duan Shubai watched this group of people come to rub their hands, he happened to be in Yangzhou to lead To build other cities in other places, in order to prevent this group of people from rioting, they should not be piled up together, and all sent to other places to open up wasteland in batches, and some were sent to the seaside to open up wasteland.

Duan Shubai patted Shan Chen on the shoulder, "Shan Chen, you did a great job, even better than I imagined."

Shan Chen bowed and saluted, "Thank you general for your compliment."

"How are you getting along with Xuanzhou soldiers? "

"Get along very well, everyone is familiar with each other."

Soldiers from Xuanzhou and Yangzhou mingled together every day to discuss how to intimidate the water bandits, and after intimidating them, they drank and ate fish together. It is by leaps and bounds that forged a lot of brotherhood.

"Come to Yangzhou to play in a few days. I'll give you some passion fruit wine."

"Come to our Xuanzhou as a guest. My family runs a cloth shop. I'll give you a few pieces of silk and satin to please the girl. Hahaha."

"I found you Yangzhou is so nice, I can go to the school to read and read for free???!!! I also want to send my child to your school."

"Your house is so beautifully built, and there are so many flowers along the road."

"Our side There are a lot of delicious food, and there are many fruit trees planted on the side of the road. Look at these dates, you can pick them and eat them."

"Have you ever drank coconut juice? Come, grab one, and take you to Xinyang City ." "Coconut

paste Cheese snacks, brother, bring some back for my sister-in-law to try..."

The Yangzhou soldiers tried their best to tell the Xuanzhou soldiers how good we are, with smooth concrete roads, bicycles with two wheels running around, and fruit trees everywhere, and more importantly-the more their schools are built, the better they are. The bigger it is, the more everyone can go in and study for free, and Mr. Shi, a celebrity, sits in the school.

They also have a huge printing factory, and there is a reading room in the school, where residents of Xinyang City can read books for free.

Every seventeenth or reading day, there are hundreds of pens, inks, papers and inkstones that can be received for free.

These two groups of people were able to get along like ducks in water in Xuanyang and Yangzhou respectively. Some of the powerful Yangzhou soldiers even hooked up with and seduced several young girls in Xuanzhou, and several good couples became good friends in a short time.

It just so happened that at this moment, Feng Tingting and Liang Lei set a wedding date and got married.

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