Chapter 15 Eating

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Standing by the side of the road in a dilemma, Duan Shubai was blown by the cold wind for a while, sighed, and made up his mind to go back to the wooden building to deal with Xiao Yuhe.

Zhang Changle and the others were right, he should go back, Young Master Jiao would definitely not be used to the food cooked by the army cook, and he might throw the bowl to make trouble again, so he should go back to stabilize the situation first.

Don't make a fuss again and be laughed at by everyone.

Duan Shubai looked at the setting sun in the distance and let out a wolf howl, and resolutely turned his head to face the bleak life with the posture of "the strong man is gone and will never return". He turned around and walked towards the small two-storey wooden building in the distance.

Duan Shubai pushed open the door, and just met Xiao Yuhe's eyes looking up at him. Xiao Yuhe smiled when he saw him, and said softly, "I'm back. It just so happens that the food is ready."

Two red sticks were already lit in the room. Candles, the bright red flames shone on Duan Shubai's body, making his figure even more handsome and upright, especially the chic military uniform, Xiao Yuhe nodded appreciatively, he finally looked like a dog, like a prestige He looks like a great general.

He lowered his head and spread the dishes on the small square table, calling Duan Shubai to come and eat with his hands clean.

Xiao Yuhe obviously also changed his clothes, light yellow home clothes, black dark pattern girdle made his slender waist more slender and thin, his long bundled hair was let down, and only a yellow ribbon was used to casually wear it. It was tied up in a bun, and his waist-length black hair hung on his shoulders, making his lips red and white, and his gorgeousness was unparalleled.

Duan Shubai washed his hands, sat on the wooden bench with stiff hands and feet, and sat face to face with Xiao Yuhe, no matter how he thought about it, he still felt that he was about to welcome a grand banquet.

There are seven dishes on the square table, such as Ruyi rolls, stuffed tofu, stir-fried three silks, Sixi meatballs, stewed sea bass, sweet and sour fish cubes, and bamboo shoot soup. The table is steaming and the aroma is wafting, which stimulates people's index fingers and taste buds. .

Judging from the appearance of these dishes, there is nothing wrong with them.

Qiu Ran served the bowls and chopsticks, Xiao Yu and Xian Xiansu arranged the bowls and chopsticks together, he used a wooden spoon to scoop up a full bowl of rice in the wooden bucket, placed it in front of Duan Shubai, and put the wooden chopsticks on it, Then put a bamboo tube of wine in Duan Shubai's hand, Xiao Yuhe smiled and blinked, and urged: "Eat."

There are vegetables, rice, and wine, and the flattered Duan Shubai numbly held the bowl meal.

"Don't just eat, there are vegetables."

Even if it is poisonous, I have to eat it, Duan Shu thought plainly, he carefully picked up a piece of Ruyi roll, the outside of the Ruyi roll was fried golden, and there was a tempting smell. The aroma stimulated his nostrils. He lowered his head and took a bite. The fried skin was crispy and delicious, and the meat filling inside was soft. The fire was just right. The tender soft meat and the crispy skin danced and intertwined on the tip of his tongue. It was delicious.

He took another bite of Yong Tau Foo, it was tender and smooth, the stewed sea bass had no fishy smell, and the fish soup was rich and attractive...Every dish on the table was carefully crafted by the chefs in the hotel.

Duan Shubai opened his eyes wide, surprised and suspicious: "Who made this?" Could it be that he bought it somewhere?

Xiao Yuhe, who was holding the bowl and chopsticks, blinked, tilted his head and gave Duan Shubai a naughty smile without making any answer.

Duan Shubai was at a loss, inexplicable.

Standing behind Xiao Yu and Qiu Ran interjected, "Master, these are all made by your own hands."

Did you do them yourself? Duan Shubai fell to the ground in shock.

Xiao Yuhe's jaw dropped when he saw him, he proudly raised his tail, raised his head and pointed his pointed chin at Duan Shubai.

Qiu Ran said again: "The young master burned his hands for cooking these dishes."

After hearing this, Xiao Yuhe quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks, raised his injured right hand and added, "It's all because of the bad stove in the kitchen. I'm not used to it, so my hand hurts. You must have someone rebuild

it ." The anxious little tone seemed to explain that the reason for his injury was not that he was not good at cooking, but that the infrastructure was not perfect.

Duan Shubai nodded in a daze, and replied foolishly: "Okay, I'll build you whatever you want."

He didn't expect that this charming young master could really cook, and it was so delicious , no wonder I would dislike the bad food that day.

Duan Shubai suddenly remembered that Zhang Changle joked that Xiao Yuhe was good at sewing, could it be that he really knows how? It shouldn't be possible, knowing how to cook is already surprising enough.

Xiao Yuhe smiled lightly, picked up the bamboo tube and poured him a glass of wine himself: "Is the food I cook delicious?"

Duan Shubai praised without hesitation: "It's delicious, and the craftsmanship is excellent.

" Eyes."

Duan Shubai lowered his head and silently struggled to eat.

"Hey——" Xiao Yuhe reminded: "Be careful, the clothes on your body are newly made by me, don't make them look like the pile of torn clothes you had before. When I was washing the clothes, I saw a lot of holes. Please tell me that you are a great general, your lord prefect, and you are not ashamed to wear that ripped clothes."

Duan Shubai responded in a low voice, and his eating movements were much more elegant, he was really being caught one after another. The coming big stick knocked dizzy.

The food he ate in front of him was made by Young Master Jiao himself, and the clothes he was wearing were also made by the other party himself. For a moment, countless thoughts came to his mind. Duan Shubai looked at the scene of the hall from the corner of his eyes, and Compared to when he left, it was very different, the hall was full of things, unlike the ten days when he lived alone.

He could barely recognize his kennel.

Seeing Xiao Yu's and Shui Yingying's eyes through the bright red candlelight, a strange feeling emanated from his chest and spread to all limbs. Duan Shubai left home when he was young, and left his hometown alone for more than ten years. He and his family gradually drifted away, and some emotions that he deliberately suppressed and forgotten suddenly burst out.

Xiao Yuhe used less than half a bowl of rice, stopped after eating two or three chopsticks for each dish, and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief. This is a habit he was trained by his family since he was a child, and the demeanor of a master should be like this.

Don't eat too much, don't move rashly.

As the first son of the Hou family, Shuang'er had to learn poetry and painting since he was a child. Apart from these, needlework, cooking, housekeeping and housekeeping were also essential. There are many rules in a wealthy family. No one knows what kind of family the daughter Shuanger will marry into. It is a bounden duty for a daughter-in-law to serve her mother-in-law. Don't eat food made by others, only eat food made by daughter-in-law-this is called making rules.

In order to make the children less difficult to marry and gain a good name for the family, the education they received was very strict.

Xiao Yuhe had to be strong-tempered, and he was proficient in everything he needed to learn, perfect.

I have learned so much, but who knew that he married Duan Shubai, a reckless general with no parents-in-law? After Duan Shubai had a quarrel and was taken care of by him for several days, he vented his anger and accepted Duan Shubai.

Since that day when he made up his mind to live with him, Xiao Yuhe naturally wanted to gradually reveal what he knew.

Xiao Yuhe put away the handkerchief, and rested his chin on his hand to watch Duan Shubai eat. Duan Shubai lowered his head to pick up the rice, his eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking, but he kept eating at the "elegant" speed that Xiao Yuhe had just asked for. In ", Xiao Yuhe admired him for being able to maintain this frequency all the time, but seeing the decreasing number of meals on the table and the gradually empty cups and plates, a dozen of food that Xiao Yuhe could not eliminate were all eaten by him in one meal. , he said in secret, "I'm a fool."

He thought he cooked too much food today, but it seems... he will have to cook so much in the future.

From Xiao Yuhe's point of view, Duan Shubai's behavior was a bit vulgar. After all, which gentleman would eat and drink like this? But Xiao Yuhe watched Duan Shubai eating, but felt very satisfied and happy in his heart. All the dishes he worked hard to cook were eaten up, which is probably the best reward for the cook.

He had never experienced this feeling before.

When practicing cooking at home, each of them tasted a few mouthfuls and then commented on it. How could such a scene happen, Xiao Yuhe smiled softly.

After the meal, Duan Shubai took over the job of washing the dishes and asked Qiu Ran to get the scald medicine, and personally applied the medicine to Xiao Yuhe. Xiao Yuhe refused dutifully: "It's just a small injury, there is no need to apply medicine." "

That's impossible, you look so red, apply a cool ointment to avoid burning and uncomfortable at night, take your hand here, I'll give you the medicine."

Xiao Yuhe nodded with a smile, stretched out his hand, and said softly Said: "Then you have to be careful."

Qiu Ran snickered in her heart and took out the ointment she had prepared and handed it to her son-in-law. The index finger was smeared with ointment.

Qiu Ran saw her son and aunt, one was beautiful and the other was handsome, and she admired in her heart that they were a bunch of couples made in heaven.

After taking the medicine, Duan Shubai acted as a free labor force, obeying Young Master Jiao's instructions, and moved the antique racks, jade tables, bookshelves, jade branch vases, etc. to the second floor one by one. From now on, Qiuran will live in a small room on the first floor. There will be three rooms on the second floor plus a corridor. Duan Shubai and Xiao Yu will share one room together. According to Young Master Jiao's request, one room will be converted into a study room, and one room will be left for storage. room.

Although the house is small, Xiao Yuhe said that he can live in it.

At night, Duan Shubai, who was sweating from moving things, was ordered to take a bath again. After Duan Shubai finished taking a shower, he went upstairs, opened the door and entered the room. This book is obviously waiting for him while reading it. The candle on the table was still burning, Duan Shubai hugged Young Master Jiao to the new carved wooden bed, blew out the candle, pulled up the jade curtain, and lay on the other side with his hands on his pillow.

Xiao Yuhe followed the heat source and rubbed him, Duan Shubai embraced him in his arms, he closed his eyes, sniffed the sweet fragrance from Young Master Jiao's body, and thought vaguely——He hugged the wine jar In comparison, hugging Young Master Jiao doesn't feel bad.

The refurbished land is one piece after another, and the new shoots are growing greener day by day. Dong Yueyun is standing on the hillside, the wind blows her blue scarf, and a corner of the scarf flutters from time to time, and the few strands of hair on her forehead are also fluttering. Catkins fly.

Dong Yueyun raised her head, pulled her fluttering hair back, her beautiful oval face was perfectly exposed in the wind, her eyes were blurred, her temperament was seven points pure and three points seductive, and the young man who looked at it was stupid He stayed there in a daze, finally found his tongue, and said tremblingly: "Miss Dong, I have already helped you hoe." Dong Yueyun

smiled: "Brother Sun, thank you."

The young man blushed, scratched the back of his head, smirked shyly and said, "It's okay, Miss Dong, you can still call me next time you have something to do, I'm absolutely obliged."

"I...I'm going to continue my inspections. Dong Yueyun sent him away with

a smile.

The gray commoner girl standing a few acres away looked at the whole process, and muttered disdainfully in her heart: hypocrisy.

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