Chapter 47 Pregnant

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Xiao Yuhe's eyes turned black for a while, and he collapsed on Duan Shubai's body. Duan Shubai supported him nervously, and wiped the dirt from the corner of his mouth for him, "Yuhe, did you eat your stomach badly? Is it very uncomfortable?" "

"Go and call the doctor!" Duan Shubai gave the guard next to him a wink, and the guard nodded hurriedly to call the doctor.

Xiao Yuhe leaned against Duan Shubai for a while before he recovered. Duan Shubai hugged him and gently stroked his back, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Don't call me a doctor, I am a doctor myself ." Xiao Yuhe was lying on his chest, his stomach was still pounding, but now it was much better than before.

"Doctors don't heal themselves, I'd better call a doctor!"

"I'm greedy today, and I ate too much sour plum cake." The fox's eyes revealed layers of moisture, obviously from pain, Duan Shubai looked at it Distressed.

Duan Shubai's heart skipped a beat, and he regretted, "I made the sour plum cake. Is there a problem? I knew—"

"No." Xiao Yuhe closed his eyes, forcing himself to calm down and be steady. After breathing, Duan Shubai felt his own pulse on the pulse. Duan Shubai knew that a doctor needs to meditate when he sees a doctor, so he stood quietly aside and waited anxiously for the result. The folds, the sweat seeping from the palms of the hands dampened the fabric.

Surrounded by silence, Xiao Yuhe felt his own pulse carefully, and when he recognized his pulse, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he froze on the spot blankly.

Seeing his expression, Duan Shubai became even more worried, held Xiao Yuhe's hand and said, "Yuhe, what's wrong?"

Xiao Yuhe blinked, why didn't he expect that there was already a child of his husband in his stomach, yes, these days he sometimes loses his appetite, and sometimes he likes to eat sour and spicy food. It was the pregnancy symptoms that his mother mentioned. He was young and had no experience in this field. He didn't even realize that a little life had sprouted in his stomach for a while.

"Yuhe, what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Yuhe couldn't help stroking his lower abdomen, "I..."

Duan Shubai saw this, and asked anxiously, "Is your stomach uncomfortable?"

Xiao Yuhe came back to his senses At that time, he held Duan Shubai's hand instead, brought his hand to his abdomen, and said a word softly from his thin lips: "Your child is inside."

What, what do you mean? his child.

Duan Shubai was dumbfounded on the spot, his eyes stared like bells, his child was inside, what does this mean, it can't be——Yuhe is pregnant, by the way, he is Shuang'er, and Shuang'er can conceive a child , He has his child in his stomach! ! ! ! He is going to be a father! ! !

Duan Shubai touched Xiao Yuhe's slightly protruding belly tremblingly, as if he was touching some rare treasure. He has been single for so many years, and in just a few months, he not only has a wife, but now he even has a child. Duan Shubai's lips trembled, he was very excited and wanted to say something.

If Zhang Changle was at the scene now, he could hold him excitedly and talk about it for three days and three nights, but now there is only Xiao Yuhe around him, so he can only turn all his excitement into one repeated sentence: "Yu Yu And, we have a child, and I'm going to be a father...we have a child..."

Xiao Yuhe looked at his excited and foolish expression, and he was equally excited. Flesh and blood, he is so stupid, why didn't he find out earlier.

The two silly fathers hugged each other and stood there for a long time.

Until a gust of cold wind blew, Duan Shubai was woken up, realized that the two of them were still outside, pulled off the cloak behind him, and threw it around Xiao Yuhe, "Look at me, let's go in quickly. What cold wind is blowing at the door."

Xiao Yuhe was wrapped into a tight candied haws by him.

Duan Shubai's hands and feet were still shaking, he was afraid that he would walk with the same hands and feet later, Xiao Yuhe watched his movements with a light smile, Duan Shubai looked at his side face, tremblingly said: "Yuhe, you Can I still walk?"

Xiao Yu and Pu Chi laughed, and the fox eyes smiled into two crescents: "Are you stupid, I'm pregnant and not a cripple, of course I can walk."

" Oh oh oh." At this moment, Duan Shubai would just nod foolishly.

Xiao Yuhe Yanran smiled, escaped from the cloak with both hands, grabbed Duan Shubai's neck and said coquettishly: "But I don't want to leave now, I want you to take me to take a bath, I smell bad all over, I don't feel well."

Duan Shubai His eyes were dizzy from his laughter, and he carefully picked up the chubby Bai Pangpang at his waist, thinking that what he was holding in his hands was really a sweet burden, but this burden, even if he was to hold him for a lifetime all willing.

Duan Shubai raised his leg and took a step, suddenly remembered: "Why did you vomit so hard just now? Is there something wrong with the child?"

Xiao Yuhe smiled, sat up slightly, and kissed him intimately: "I and The child is fine, just take a few doses of anti-fetal drugs, don't worry, but what you said before is right, doctors don't heal themselves, and when the doctor comes, I have to ask him to take my pulse and ask us As for the child's situation, although I know medical skills, I am an inexperienced twin."

"Yes, yes, you are right, call a doctor who is good at this."

Qiu Ran trotted out from inside and saw Xiao Yuhe, who was held in Duan Shubai's arms and wrapped in candied gourds, exclaimed in surprise: "My lord, what happened?"

Xiao Yu and Xiaoxiao didn't speak.

Duan Shubai kissed Xiao Yuhe's cheeks, and said with a smile, "Qiu Ran, you are about to have a little son."

"Really?" Qiu Ran exclaimed happily, her son is pregnant! ! ! !

"Really, go and call a doctor who understands this."

Qiu Ran nodded, "Call the doctor right now."

After speaking, Qiu Ran ran away with her clothes on her back. His son was pregnant. ! ! ! !

Xiao Yuhe said: "Didn't you already ask someone to call the doctor? Why did you ask Qiu Ran to go?"

"I didn't know before, what if they call a doctor who is not good at obstetrics, see a few more doctors Please rest assured."

Xiao Yuhe smiled: "I am a doctor myself, and I am 80% sure that my child and I are fine."

Duan Shubai raised his eyebrows: "Are you a doctor? There is a lump of meat in your stomach, and I just discovered it now. " , still clamoring to lose weight, huh?"

Xiao Yuhe was equally dissatisfied and said, "I'm a twin who just got married, how could I have thought of this... You don't care about me at all! You share the same bed with me , I'm pregnant and you didn't even notice."

"It's so obvious, I have a lump of soft meat in my stomach, no wonder I found myself gaining weight recently, it turned out that I had your child, and you misled me , keep saying that I am getting fat."

"Yes, you have been laughing at me for getting fat, so I didn't think about being pregnant, no wonder my appetite has fluctuated recently, I want to eat for a while, and don't want to eat for a while It turns out that the baby in the womb is at fault."

Xiao Yuhe blamed Duan Shubai for all the faults of the child that he only discovered now.

Duan Shubai had no choice but to admit his mistake, "Yes, yes, it's all my fault." The world is

big, and the pregnant woman is the biggest. He said that he was wrong, and he was wrong.

Duan Shubai carried Xiao Yuhe into the bathroom, and the two of them took a bath together in a serious manner, changed into clean clothes, after the bath, Duan Shubai dutifully carried Bai Pangpang upstairs.

Xiao Yuhe was delicate and frail at this moment, hugging him coquettishly and said: "Husband, I'm hungry."

"Shall I ask someone to make something for you?"

"I want you to do it for me yourself!"

"Okay, just Husband is not very good at cooking, I am afraid that your current body will not be able to eat."

"I want you to do it, I want you to do it."

"Okay, okay, let me make porridge for you?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yuhe said. Hugging the quilt, she nodded obediently.

Three or four doctors were called to examine Xiao Yuhe's pulse one by one, and the conclusions they came to were almost the same. The fetus conceived by the madam was fine, and it was enough to drink some anti-fetal medicine. Qiu Ran paid them the consultation fee with a smile, my lord The big red envelope, this kind of happy event, has to make everyone happy.

Qiu Ran enthusiastically went to cook the anti-fetal medicine, and when he went to call the doctor, he had already prepared the medicine in advance.

Duan Shubai cooked porridge in a pot and asked Qiu Ran to watch the fire. Qiu Ran nodded and said, "My lord, go and accompany your son."

When Duan Shubai went upstairs and opened the door to enter the room, he happened to see Xiao Yuhe writing The letter, pen and ink have all been researched by myself, "What are you doing?"

"I'm writing a letter to my mother, telling him about my pregnancy."

Duan Shubai nodded: "I really need to tell my mother-in-law about such a happy event . ."

Xiao Yu finished writing happily, closed the envelope, and handed it to Duan Shubai: "Here, help me get someone to deliver it."


"You're hungry, the porridge won't be ready for a while, I'll feed you some custard first." While holding Xiao Yuhe to take a bath, Duan Shubai had already steamed the custard;

Now he eats alone, two people make up, but he needs to eat a little more.

Duan Shubai fed Xiao Yuhe and ate a bowl of custard, rested on the bed with Bai Pangpang in his arms, and gently stroked the belly of the person in his arms. Thinking of the little things between him and Xiao Yuhe in the past few months, his heart Satisfied and sweet, my chest will be filled with this one person.

Xiao Yuhe lay comfortably on his chest, it was cool in autumn, Duan Shubai exuded heat all over his body, it was very comfortable to stick to him, the waves of warmth from the other person made him drowsy .

"Husband, cousin, what are you going to do with him?"

Duan Shubai's eyes flashed a ruthless light. This guy not only covets his husband, but also dares to ruin his reputation. He will definitely not let the other party have good fruit. He patted Xiao Yuhe's back to reassure him: "I locked him up in a military training camp, hehe, let him live with wild boars!"

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