Chapter 37 Intrusion

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Xinyang City has no other experience, and is best at building houses and relocating residents.

Mrs. Jing and her party were placed in a bright and majestic small wooden building with an orderly team. There were more than 30 people in the wooden building, and it was not too crowded.

Strips of beige sunlight came in from the window, and the convective wind blew up a fresh woody aroma. Amidst the woody aroma, the decayed air seemed to be blown away, and the whole person became as alive as the densely grown trees outside exuberant.

They never imagined that they could live in such a quiet house when they were displaced.

There is no need to be particular about the house, where men, women and children live together.

After going through so many things, these people don't make noise when they are together.

"Just live like this for the time being. After a few days, when the house is newly built, you can move out one by one."

"Don't worry, the soldiers under our general are best at building houses. Such a wooden building, how many people It will be completed in a day or two."

"The general said, when we come to Xinyang City, we are all one family." A kind 60-year-old old woman followed and introduced the situation of Xinyang City to the refugees.

The old woman's surname is Jiang, and she moved to Xinyang City not long ago.

Mrs. Jing thanked: "Thank you." Granny

Jiang grinned and opened her mouth, revealing several missing teeth: "You don't need to thank me, you don't need to thank me, the general should be thanked."

Mrs. Jing nodded : "Thank you, General Duan."

Not long after the old ladies sat down to rest in the house, someone came to distribute bags of dried sweet potatoes to the refugees. In addition to dried sweet potatoes, there were also freshly steamed sweet potatoes.

The eyes of the refugees stared straight at the dried sweet potatoes in the hands of the soldiers. One of them shared a large handful. Someone took it and tasted it. It was sweet and held it in his arms like a baby. He was reluctant to take a second bite. .

They thought it was the rations given to them by General Duan. They were frightened of hunger, and now that they had something to eat, they wanted to hide it, reluctant to eat it.

Seeing them like this, Grandma Jiang persuaded them: "You eat, eat whatever you want, sweet mouth, the general said, when you come to Xinyang City, you will never be hungry."

A little boy said gently He took a bite out of the dried sweet potato and asked, "What is this? Will there be more in the future?"

"This is called dried sweet potato. In Xinyang City, there are so many of these things that you can't finish them."

"You can't even eat them ." Finished?"

"Yeah, don't worry about eating, in Xinyang City, as long as you work, you will never be hungry."

It happened that someone outside came over with a big pot, "Come and drink soup! Let's drink soup!

" The soup is the bone broth that is usually boiled in the cafeteria, and it is extremely fragrant. The general's soldiers like this bone soup with vermicelli, and then eat it with chopped green onion and spicy peppers for breakfast.

The bone soup with minced meat is deeply loved by everyone, so the canteen in Xinyang City boils bone soup all day long, and you can drink a bowl at any time.

After the refugees finished eating the dried sweet potatoes, they drank a bowl of salty and fragrant bone soup with minced meat, not to mention how satisfying and happy they were. They were almost moved to tears when they could eat a bite of meat.

"Grandma, here are the clothes." Eight-year-old Jiang Jiang brought the old clothes to Grandma Jiang.

Granny Jiang gave the clothes to Mrs. Jing: "We are about the same size, these are my clothes, you can wear them on the spot."

Mrs. Jing held the clothes, and felt that the ironing was very warm. They were a group of refugees who had been wandering all the way, and they had been ridiculed by others. Now that they arrived in Xinyang City, it was like transitioning from cold winter to warm spring, shining in the sunshine of March , Their hearts are also warm.

They could feel that the people of Xinyang City did not reject them at all, they treated them sincerely.

This kind of sincerity makes them cherish and feel guilty even after going through vicissitudes.

General Duan was so kind to them, and they still did that kind of thing in the morning, as if they were stabbed in the heart, and endless guilt spread in their hearts.

Mrs. Jing accepted the clothes very gratefully. She looked at little Jiang Jiang and praised: "This is your grandson, the little guy is really clever."

Then she was sentimental: "If nothing happened to my grandson, he It's the same age as this child ." Granny

Jiang touched her hand and comforted her, "I understand how you feel, we all came here like grandson is long gone."

Granny Jing's eyes streamed She was too surprised, but she couldn't ask.

Seeing this, Granny Jiang took the initiative to explain: "I want to say, I really want to thank our general for his kindness. Back then, my family members died of illness and starvation, and I was the only one left alone, living on the streets of Yangcheng begging for money. Sheng, Xiao Jiang, that child, is also a homeless orphan in Yangcheng. General Duan took pity on us and brought us poor people to Xinyang City to provide us with food and housing. He also made me and Xiaojiang a family , my old lady's long-dead heart has come back to life."

"Xiaojiang is not my grandson, but he is closer to me than my own grandson!"

"General Duan is not only your great benefactor, but also mine. Great benefactor, "

"Now I work in the cafeteria in Xinyang City. I eat delicious food and drink every day, and Xiao Jiang is by my side. I never expected such a good life." Granny Jiang said, with a smile on her face. A happy and satisfied smile.

Seeing the happy and comfortable smile on the face of this old lady who had the same experience as her, Mrs. Jing couldn't help but be infected by it, and she was full of expectations for her future life in Xinyang City.

"The general and the general's wife are very good people! If anyone dares to speak ill of them, my wife will be the first to say no." When the

carriage drove to Xinyang City, Xiao Yuhe had already woken up and sat in the seat energetically. When the car collapsed, Duan Shubai had been keeping an eye on his car, opened the curtain, and poked his head in to let him get out of the car.

"Yuhe, we're here, get out of the car by yourself."

Just returned to Xinyang City, Duan Shubai hurriedly dealt with people, and when he talked to Xiao Yuhe, his tone was a little more casual. Didn't even look at him.

The dizziness caused by seasickness in Xiao Yuhe's head had faded away, seeing Duan Shu's white eyes didn't even glance at him at this time, he felt dissatisfied and refused to get out of the car.

"Still dizzy? Don't want to go?"

Xiao Yuhe shook his head.

Duan Shubai was helpless: "Do you want me to carry you down?"

Xiao Yuhe still shook his head.

"Then what do you want?"

Xiao Yuhe demanded, "I want you to carry me back."

Duan Shubai put his hands on his hips in a daze for a moment.

OK, OK, unwilling to leave, and unwilling to hug, just wanted him to carry it back.

Could this be to warn him that next time he gets seasick, don't hug him down silently, the young master needs to use his back.

"Come up." Duan Shubai squatted down by the shaft of the car, letting Young Master Jiaojiao climb up on his back.

Xiao Yuhe climbed onto his shoulders with a smile on his face, patted his face, and signaled him to "drive" and set off.

Duan Shubai twitched his lips: "Are you going to ride me like a horse?"

Xiao Yuhe hugged his neck firmly and said with a smile: "Didn't you say before that you want to teach me how to ride a horse? Let's practice it."

Duan Shubai closed his eyes speechlessly, then opened them and said helplessly, "Young master, sit still, I, a thousand-mile horse

, will take you home." Take me back." Xiao Yuhe clamped his legs around his waist, urging him to leave quickly.

Duan Shubai sadly went back with his back behind his back, and Qiu Ran followed behind them, snickering and watching their husband and wife make trouble.

For Duan Shubai, Xiao Yuhe's weight can be said to be as light as a feather, but carrying this sweet burden, he somehow has the magical feeling of Zhu Bajie carrying his wife.

He carried Xiao Yuhe all the way up the second floor, to their room, and stopped before the desk beside the desk. Duan Shubai asked the young master to get off the car, "Go and rest on the bed for a while."

Xiao Yuhe hugged Rubbing his neck, unwilling to go down, "I won't go down, I'm so dirty, I want to

take a bath first." A black line appeared on Duan Shubai's forehead: "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I thought you knew "


"You carry me downstairs."


Xiao Yuhe tugged at his ear, "Why, you don't want to carry me a little more?"

"No, let alone a little bit, you are willing to carry him for the rest of your life."

Xiao Yuhe hugged his neck and laughed: "That's about the same."

Duan Shubai carried him back to the bathroom on the first floor, Xiao Yuhe was finally willing to come down, and sat on the small stool looking up at him.

"Let Qiuran come in and wait for you to take a bath." Xiao

Yuhe pulled his sleeve, "No, I want you to wash with me."

Saying the words out of the mouth is simply a blatant invitation.

Some time before they went to Xuanzhou, they almost lived the life of "singing" every night, and now they had nothing to do for several days, and they came back from Xuanzhou again, today was a worrying and long day, Xiao Yu and... ...missing him.

Duan Shubai was a little embarrassed, and said in an extremely puzzled manner: "Yuhe, I have something to discuss with Changle later."

Xiao Yu kindly kicked him on the hind leg.

He suddenly remembered what Duan Shubai said before: From now on, I will engrave the word restraint on my forehead every day...

Xiao Yuhe thought angrily: It is best to restrain for a lifetime.

Duan Shubai gave him an apologetic kiss, then turned and went out the door, Xiao Yuhe touched the drool on his face, raised the corners of his mouth, and showed a disgusted smile.

Duan Shubai went out to the meeting hall, and the person in charge of appeasing the refugees first reported: "All the refugees brought back by the general have been resettled, and there is no problem. The refugees are very satisfied with the arrangement."

Duan Shubai nodded, and asked Zhang Chang Le: "Didn't you say that something big happened after I left? What happened?"

Zhang Changle waved and asked the soldiers to bring him up.

Three people walked into the lobby, one was an old man in short clothes, and the other two were a pair of emaciated couples.

The wife was crying, her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

As soon as they saw Duan Shubai, they knelt down in front of him.

Duan Shubai was puzzled: "Who are they?"

"I am the village head of Shangxi Village."

"We are the villagers of Shangxi Village. General, you must make decisions for us and save my daughter."

"You must make decisions for us . The

wife was sobbing and nearly lifted the roof, Duan Shubai listened for a long time without getting to the point, "Stop, stop, what happened?"

Zhang Changle explained from the side: "General, Bandits from several mountains in the southeast of Yangcheng attacked Shangxi Village, injured several villagers, not only robbed their families of food, but also kidnapped their daughters."

"General, you must save our Daughter, those bandits who killed thousands of knives, they have a terrible death." "General, they robbed

our grain, how are we going to live!"

Years of hard work are all in vain!"

Zhang Changle: "In autumn, the wild beasts are fat, and we go to the mountains to hunt every day. Similarly, the villagers harvest rich food in autumn, and the bandits also beat the villagers as if they were captive wild animals.

" Harassment and chaos."

"In addition to Shangxi Village, Xiatang Village and Mingqu Village have also been harassed."

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