Chapter 1

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Hello old friends, it's weird to start again. You know me, Andy and Karen. You also know Johnny and Levi. 

Today, I was at work really late. Big Boss was revamping the entire store. So, as a co-assistant manager that meant my days of being off at 6:30 were limited for the time being. I loved the money and I loved that this was still my only normal in life. Johnny and I had ordered pizza per the permission of Big Boss since we had stayed so much later. At least I wouldn't have to worry about dinner when I got home.

By the time me and Johnny finished, it was well after 9:30. With all the financial side of things to redecorating the vinyl shop, we both were stretched thin.

I arrived at mine and Andy's house about 10 or so. The house was dark. I assumed Andy was asleep or in bed already.

I quietly walked into the house. Biscuit was already in her kennel for the night. Andy was in front of the living room television in his pajamas. For a  Wednesday, there was a CBS movie on. I saw  Linda Gray on the screen. Andy was resting his head against his hand and looked like he was asleep.

I slowly approached the couch. Andy's eyes were gracefully closed. 

"Love?" I whispered to him.

Andy slowly opened his eyes and slowly smiled.

"Darling you are finally home," Andy mumbled as he sat up.

"I am so sorry love I didn't think it would be this long with all the revamping," I told him as he stood up.

"You need to go get ready for bed so we can sleep," Andy told me as he kissed me.

His sleepy kisses were some of the best.

"Ok I will love. Go get comfy in bed," I replied as we headed to the bedroom.

And so, as Andy requested, I got ready for bed.

Andy was sitting up in our bed waiting for me to crawl in next to him.

"Sorry I kept you waiting," I told my husband.

"Don't apologize darling," Andy replied quietly.

The entire house was a silent echo.

We soon settled down and Andy's arm wrapped around me.

"How was your day darling?" Andy asked as we laid in the dark.

"Busy but good. I don't know if we will finish everything before the re-grand opening," I told him as I laid my head on his chest.

Andy sighed.

"These super late nights are getting to be a little ridiculous darling. You have bigger eye bags then me," Andy replied concerned. 

I sighed this time.

"I know but the money," I begin to reply.

Andy shushed me by kissing me.

"No money is worth your health," Andy replied after pulling away.

"I like being independent," I replied to my husband.

Andy kissed my forehead.

"I know darling but you are starting to worry me. You are having too much work and not enough play. The last two weeks the only time we've really spent together is literally sleeping together," Andy analyzed.

I kissed his chest.

"I know but," I begin to say.

Andy shook his head.

"Remember what I've told you and it'll always be true that I promise to take care of you," Andy replied in a serious voice.

"Can we talk about this in the morning love?" I asked him.

"Yes but you better listen to me darling," Andy replied softly.

Andy then held me closer than before.

"I'm just worried about you darling," Andy also whispered before I could reply.

I was starting to cave into the sleep I so needed.

"Darling?" Andy whispered.

"Hmmm?" I asked mumbled.

Andy chuckled.

"Good night darling," Andy told me with one last kiss for the night.

I was so tired I couldn't even reply.

From that moment on, I was asleep all the way till the morning. I woke up to the sun peaking in behind the blackout curtains we had. We had left the window open over night and the breeze was shifting the curtain.

Andy was still holding onto me like he was when we first fell asleep.

Andy shifted in the bed and adjusted his embrace on me.

"Love, psst, are you awake?" I asked Andy in a whisper.

"Sort of darling," Andy whispered back. 

"I love you," I whispered.

I could feel Andy smiling.

Andy rolled us to the other side of the bed so we weren't facing the window.

"And I love you," his morning voice spoke.

Andy then kissed my forehead before we settled down again. It was only a little after 6:30. 

Today would be my first official day off in over a week. Though I had gone down to only working part-time, I was now working extra hours to get everything settled for Big Boss. He saw my potential and I really loved the record store. If it wasn't for that store, I would not be laying next to my husband.

Every once in a while, Andy would kiss my forehead for reassurance.

I somehow managed to fall asleep again contently.

After a while, I woke up once more and Andy was staring at me.

"Why are you staring?" I asked groaning and grabbing a pillow to cover my face.

Andy chuckled at my childish behavior.

"Because this is the longest we've been able to laze around in days darling. I get to keep you in my pocket all day," Andy replied as he tried to take the pillow from me.

I was still tired and did not want to fight so of course, Andrew won.

Andy stared at me with a devilish smirk.

Andy crawled on top of me and just stared at me. He was smiling so goofy with sleep in his eyes still.

"Why are you being so silly?" I asked chuckling as I tried to cover my face with another pillow.

Andy leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"I've missed you so much," Andy said as he kissed my face.

"I know you have and I've missed you too," I quietly replied.

Andy just smiled as he scooted back down to hold me. He was being extra affectionate today.

"Let's not rush today darling," Andy mumbled.

"Your wish is my command," I told him as I kissed his cheek.

And so, my husband and I begin our lazy day. Only the stars knew what was written for us today.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang