Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, possible musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking


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The next few days weren't bad.

Fine, Madra was right. They may have had a decent time.

Moxxie mostly stayed at the cabin unless they all went together into town. Either to see the town better. Some shopping. Or just to walk around.

They had visited Susie who worked at this jewelry store. She was so happy to meet them. Along with a few of the customers. A lot of gals cooked, teased Striker. He would get snappy at them. Try to ignore them as he grumbles under his chin. A few remember Maria who would come by a lot and greeted her. Then almost lost it how adorable her child was. The attempt hugs resorted into Moxxie hiding under tables. Even hissed at the ladies. Striker even yelled at them to not touch the Critter.

"Aww Striker being protective!"

"First, with his ma now his new friend."

"I'm not the baby friend!"

There was one day Maria, Susie did take the boys to one of the bigger farms. It was to watch them do a bit of a show with animals, sell animals, and even some competition. Also saw a fight or two. Maria even got into one when she heard some bad mouth prick her child, along with Striker.

Striker had to hold Moxxie scarf while the pair watch Maria throw the imp in a pig pen. Then slam their face in the feeding pen to call the animals to eat the dirt.

Good times.

Moxxie like being around Whistler.

Would go visit or sneak out when the others asleep to go see the horse. Just for the heck of it. The hellhorse was actually very old. Old but still very strong with a big personality. Moxxie watches her easily jump in the air when any birds are in the air and eat it up like it was nothing. It was the same for any unlucky Imps who tried to steal Bombproof at night. Watch it happen in a pile of hay. It happens at least once a week now and it's a good meal for Whisper to eat on. Bombproof enjoyed it too. But very much appreciate the soak blood carrots Moxxie gives them.

Susie was an interesting woman he'll admit that.

There are some similarities with Marie but you can see a lot of differences. Both hard working, protective, and strong in many ways. Now there were times when she said questionable stuff. Well questionable for Moxxie since he didn't understand it half the time. Did not it was the same for Striker or just didn't hear it. She was defiantly a flirt. Only knows since some of the stuff she said. Along with how she would use her eyes like Lust would have done. But in a joking and teasing manner. He had a small suspicion about what her night job was every time she came back at night. So, one night not sleeping was hanging in the living room. Susie was so shocked the first time to see him in the kitchen when she came back very late.

"Can't sleep little one?" Susie asked with a tired look and wrapped her shawl around herself to hide a bit of the clothing she wore.

Moxxie nods a bit to play along.

"I feel yeah. I think I have some milk. Want to shar- "Stop as she they were closer now when she looks down.

Moxxie frown a little and pointed at her neck. A dark bruising, he sees on her red skin.

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum