Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, possible musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking


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Moxxie couldn't believe it.

It's finally over. Well, it was over last week. Today, just getting the proof of paper.

He actually graduated from high school. Still in a sudden shock phase that this happens. Something so normal, yes it Hell he knows, actually happened to him.

He looks at the diploma he held as he sat down with his classmates. He glances back at the area where his Madre was at. Even Dr.Medea, Ms. Sable and a few other oldies he has work with made it. A few waving at him. Millie., Sallie wasn't able to come as it was also graduation day for them as well. Yeah, the high school in Wrath made it a competition.

Family, friends, and enemies around. Yes, you can see Rats in certain areas. But their junior year elective rat class were standing by as guards to take care of them. Extra credit to bring over next year's class.

So, yes it was quite packed. Listening while waiting for the names to be finished to get out these sweaty gowns. To no longer be here. Make last minutes memories of senior year and party night long. That not he was occupied at the moment. As his eyes scan around a fourth time around now.

He doesn't see Striker.

He already knew he was unable to come when he talked with him. In fact, it will be a long while till he ever sees him again besides phone calls. Wouldn't give him his number of the places he will be working at. A lot of traveling around some areas just don't have that cell service tower strength. So, the snake imp would have to be the one to make the calls. Being very busy he wasn't even able to meet him. Even when he talks to Striker it really did sound like he wanted to be there for him. Doesn't even know when they'll see each other again in person. The glasses wearing imp was so close to just portal and find him. To demand some kind of explanation. Too not just do this to him! But didn't for Striker as he has life. Just like he has one too with their own up and down secrets.

It still hurts.

It was different like with Blue, Nightmare gang and the others. Sure, they had to leave. He did push them away when the job began to get worse. Yet, this just feels different. Maybe since he knew Striker as a child? Just both seem to click even after not seeing each other for months. Phone call away if the pair decide who will call first.

Moxxie touch the choker still with the star. He barely took it off. Hidden under his shirt, and scarf. Along with the graduation gown. Some speeches he barely listens to too. Then the graduation was over as everyone threw their hats in the air.


Moxxie looks over going through the crowd to see his Madre first. He was given a big hug by her. He returns it to her.

"So, proud of you my feral child." She cooed as she gave him an affectionate nuzzle him.

Return the nuzzle back to his Madre. His tail wagged a bit. Then look to see Dr. Medea coming up.

"Congratulation Moxxie." Dr. Medea grinned with his hand out to shake.

Look at it till he reaches out to shake his hand. "Thanks Doc."

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionWhere stories live. Discover now