Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

You're here for another one!

Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, possible musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking


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Once the festival was over. The four drove back to Susie home.

"Well, that was a great time."

"Sure was. Got to say the games gotten bloodier." Maria turns off the truck as they all got out.

"I know! I heard this rumor about how they think about putting a new rule in. If you go overboard, kills each year. You will be banned for playing it." Susie goes to open the door. All of them are now inside.

"That sounds ridiculous."

"I know. Striker goes clean up bud and off to bed."

"But I'm not tired!"

"Bed mister."

"What about the Critter?" Points at Moxxie just sitting at the chair. Just staring out back to look at the sky. "Critter the moon not coming back unless the owl prick comes back next year."

"All right that enough dissing the avian for tonight." Susie tail push him to the bathroom. "Clean up now."

"Hey! Just speaking facts." Rushes off to go clean up.

"Come along you too when he done." Maria goes over to scoop them up. Sees them pout a bit. She chuckles and takes them to the extra bedroom. "Will be another time."

Once everyone finished up getting ready for bed. Moxxie in bed with their make-up off. PJs on but their scarf is still on. Did you hear Susie go say goodnight to Striker. Knows Madre, Susie went outside as they heard the door close. Just stays under the covers to wait. Plan forming on what to do when everyone asleep.

Soon he heard footsteps. Close their eyes to make it seem they fall asleep. Hear the door open up a bit. Heard what seemed like a grunt. Then felt their glasses come off to be place down. Footsteps then walk out with the door closed. They reopen their eyes a bit confused. That wasn't Maria?

Then not too long close their eyes. The door opens again. Maria let out a sigh as she moved around a bit. Eventually I got in bed. Felt a peck on the side of their head. "Night Mox."

Moxxie had to wait till everyone finally fell asleep. It was time. The little Imp reaches out for their glasses, sneaks out of the bedroom, along with out the back door and heads to the barn. Duck under the fence as he reaches the doors. Open it up quietly. Stop seeing Whistler waking up. She let out a neigh and walked over. Bombproof still sleeping.

"Hey Whistler. Gotta be quiet." Moxxie pulled out a carrot and fed her the treat. Watch them take it and nuzzle his head. "Ever seen a magic portal."

Whistler neighed and stomped her hoof. Nudge them like they're trying to get him out. Go home and sleep little one.

"I'll take that as a maybe."

Soon sits down and debates what to open first. There were the codes. It's actually been a while since they used this. Really, now they think about it a year at this point. It did feel like there was a possible limitation to how this world works. There were times I wanted to check further but then stop.

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionWhere stories live. Discover now