Chapter 106

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Chapter 106

Here we go.

Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking/speaking/singing


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Eyes snapped open.

A dark ceiling in what he sees first. Along with soreness. Head pounding furiously.

"Good you're awake. Try not to move too much. Your back has got to be stitched up a lot. So, try not to burst them open. You got bruised very badly. So, the soreness is not fun right now. Meds right to your side with water."

"Where am I? "

"You're in a cell right now in Wrath."

Striker then realized they were indeed in a cell. Along with shirtless covered in bandages. Can feel material around his head as well. My whole body was sore. Slowly lift themselves up to be pressed against the wall. He stares at Medea on the other side of the bars. Just sitting at a table. A notebook in hand. A medical bag on the table.

"How you feeling?"

"Like shit." Their eyes glazed around the place. "Where Moxxie? Bombproof? The others."

"Moxxie behind those doors right now. Waiting till I give approval to see you. Or until you woken up. Wouldn't stay in the med bay. Not that I can blame them. Has gone back and forth to check their teammates who are at a hospital. Both, don't have permanent injuries. Bombproof in a stable, and being taken care of as we speak. Stolas was delivered to Sloth. Just a broken leg with a few bruising. They made it sound like a big deal. The last 48 hours have been wild to say the least." Medea hums while writing away. "No, ones know it was you specifically who kidnapped Stolas. Smart on you for your face to be hidden. Unless someone says anything."

The taller one notices their shirt, poncho, bandana and boots on a chair. Along with a small table with meds on a plastic plate, same with the water. Would be suspicious of this. Yet, right now in no position or care. Took the pills, then chug the water. Wipe their mouth. "Why were you there?"

"Who you think called that party? It was pure luck in the area when Blitz, Millie stops at the gas station I was at. Then well, I put in a few phone calls. The rest lead to where we are now."

"You are filled with too many damn surprises."

"Same with you too 'Outlaw'."

"Critter." Spiral eyes went wide. What they tried to do. That whole shit fest with the choices. Then pull out a blasted pistol. "They tried to. Their eyes- "

"Yes, the pink that was from Sloth. Not going there for a while, or never, that's for sure."

"What you mean from Sloth?"

"Let's see from the witnessed reports along from them. They were going to take off themselves instead of choosing who shall die. Correct?"

A quiet silence filled the jail cell area.

"Thought so. Here what I gathered from Moxxie, along with the Doctor Somna. Now they were in Sloth to bring Blitz daughter, Loona to get a shot- "

Soon the two of them are in the office. Finally, the door opens. The short pink fur baphomets smile. A blue candle on their head. The guy kind of giving Moxxie Doc Medea vibes. Must be glasses.

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionWhere stories live. Discover now