Chapter 150

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Chapter 150

150 Chapters! Oh, my!

Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking/speaking/singing


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Blitz wasn't sure what today was going to be like. Last week in general was just a riot mess with Fizz quitting for Mammon. Then Moxxie ditch to drink at Stolas mansion. A bit glad they did now after the talk with Stolas. Or maybe we should have kept them there to get it over and done.

AKA Stolas told him Striker was dead.

Well, back to the drawing board of the waiting list. Hell might as well just see a about drunk sex. Maybe it won't even be anything to begin with sexual or not because there will be a bigger issue. How to make sure their asses stay alive. Blitz doesn't believe Moxxie would kill them. Upset yes. Angry? Oh, big yes. A tough spot to think about.

Heck, today was like fuck it. He'll tell Moxxie in the office. Sure a few days passed. HE was even surprised to not even say anything the first day back at work. Nope. Mentally prepare himself. A lot of mental, mental preparation. Along with the book in the coat on hand to save his hide. Maybe comfort them in denial. No, what maybe should send a text to Stolas to maybe stay in another ring or space to hide. The two of them are just messengers. It's not like Stolas the one who killed their former ex-employee. Just knowing that secret on the other hand is different.

Fuck, he should have drag Stolas here to do this with him.

"I'm putting in my month notice to leave IMP."

He didn't even say anything! Didn't even call Moxxie in to a have a serious discussion. Instead, he was told this! Just out of know where.

"I um Moxxie haha you got me haha." Blitz laughs as he was sweating. "Got me really good. I understand a cruel joke or prank. Like let's face it you been part of a few. But I um- "

"Blitz I will still can be called on if you need weapons to be fixed and cleaned up on. I would advise to Bloody to see about a different deal. Or if there another to be hire- "

"Moxxie stop it this joke getting out of hand."

"-But you should still see about hiring for a- "

"Moxxie shut up!" Blitz slammed his fist down.

Moxxie stare at him.

"You're not. You can't. I. But, but." He is trying to comprehend all of this now. Moxxie going to leave IMP. They are going to lose them. "Is it payment? Look we can see about raises? Or is it your worry going back to the field since you been helping out Esme? Don't worry about it. Got plenty of suckers outside to be target practice and then- "


"No, you stop with this sick joke! For fuck's sake Moxxie where is all this coming from?"

Stare at him with the same expression as before. "I said a year. Remember."

"Seriously? You actually still, with that, you damn moron! So, what if you said a year! You're still here! You're still working for me! This company! Our family! In a job we all love! "

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionWhere stories live. Discover now