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"It is too great a risk," Frey insisted as he crossed his brawny arms across his chest.

"Lanacea can't remain in that house and we can't move her. We are out of options! It must happen tonight..." Freya looked past her brother's shoulder at the men gathered in Hans' spacious living room. "With our combined forces, this is the exact opportunity that we have been waiting for."

Hans, who hadn't heard what had transpired after he'd walked away from Lanecea just a few hours earlier, sided with Freya as he approached the Scandinavian siblings.

Tonight anything was possible. Their deep, ancestral magic was already activated during the opening ceremony.

"Lanecea's soul must be called forth and brought to her king. Meraci's treachery aside, nothing else will save her. It is a risk we need to take. If we stand by and do nothing, her blood and suffering will stain our hands crimson."

It was risky even to gather in secret while vampires prowled the four corners of the earth in their relentless quest to wipe out their eternal enemies. Hans, however, didn't care about that imminent risk not only to himself but to the remnant who had survived the massacre.

"We will send a delegation to King Theinsak. Dieter and I will take up the rear in case we are ambushed. This may just work in our favor. The vampires will not suspect us to make a move on this night especially. It is a move only fools would make but under these circumstances, I see no other option..."

"And if our cover is blown? Friedrich was just executed. We will face the same fate if we are discovered. Coming out of hiding for tonight's celebration was already a great risk..."

Hans ignored Heinrichs' protest although both knew his concerns were merited.

"We will await the girl but must move swiftly under the cloak of darkness. Hurry, Freya, there isn't time to waste. They must be reunited before midnight."


"You must teach Lanecea this skill as it may save her life," Frey instructed a moment before severing Lanecea's soul from her body.

Holding his breath, Frey waited just long enough to ensure she was still breathing although each breath shallow, before the siblings retreated into the night, Lanecea's soul draped in Frey's arms.

Freya had been correct in her assumption - Lanecea had been born with two souls. Things could have gone horribly wrong and both were keenly aware of that fact as they walked away from the little white house.

Unlike just earlier that evening, the men didn't set cattails on fire, creating make-shift torches. Instead, they moved as one, silent as shadows as they headed toward the lost prince.


Queen Meraci's hand muffled her gasp as she gazed down into her best friend's eyes a moment before Lanecea dropped her gaze to the marble floor, her billowing white gown offering little cushioning between her knees and the cold, hard floor.

If Lanecea had looked up, it would have been impossible to see who was trembling more - she or her king.

Frey and Freya stood on either side of the young girl as she knelt at Storm's feet, every cell in her body spinning as her very essence vibrated in the presence of her king - the man her soul loved - although still far from a man and with a great deal left to learn.

Storm stood from his throne seeing only his secret keeper although she was surrounded by gods and the delegation of the surviving demi-gods. In that moment, nothing else mattered, time standing still, and why shouldn't it? This moment had been planned before the beginning of eternity.

Lanecea bit her lower lip, shy as her body began to melt in earnest as she silently called out to her king, already connecting with him as the urgent, all-consuming desire to worship him overwhelmed her from head to toe.

Without needing instruction, Storm poured warm, fragrant ointment on his queen's lowered head as he crowned her in an ancient ritual that stretched back to Millenia.

Meraci's eyes darkened as she faced Frey and Freya, flanked from behind by the demi-gods. Her son had proved himself worthy to possess a Secret Keeper and no one would dare question his authority now.

"As it was spoken, so it shall be," Meraci pronounced, sealing the vow that she and the Secret Keeper had made so long ago.

Lanecea's need to worship was so intense that she was vibrating, struggling to bite back her Siren's call. The men shifted restlessly before stepping back out of respect. After all, the last of the Secret Keepers only ever belonged to one.

Storm, however, didn't seem to know what to do with her now that the coronation ceremony was officially over. Speechless, he gazed down at his priestess and queen, ointment pouring steadily from his scepter.

"She's going to shatter if you don't command her soon," Frey smiled at the young prince. "She needs to worship."

"Oh," Storm grinned, but still he didn't command her, instead raising Lanecea off her knees and placing her melting ass on his lap.

"May I please?" Lanecea whispered.

"Of course, you may," Storm's voice was husky, a moment before a low groan escaped his lips as Lanecea attempted to encircle his scepter with her soft fingers.

The breathless hush filling the throne room erupted into a cheer as the gods glimpsed their king and his queen.

Lanecea blushed as she looked up at her long-awaited king who was everything she had dreamed of and so much more. For a very impatient Secret Keeper, he was worth the wait. Her waiting and loving him above all others was the only gift she could give him - and endless, eternal worship - of course.

The demi-gods grew somber once again as midnight approached. They had run out of time.

"The time portal will remain open, uniting us. With our very existence at stake, we will put our differences aside until the vampires are defeated."

King Theinsak agreed to the arrangement but frowned as Freya held out her hand for Lanecea, silently beckoning her to step away from her king's arms.

"They must remain together," the centaur king pronounced, his scowl deepening as Storm held Lanecea tighter.

"Her body is still in hiding. I will personally train her to leave her body at will, traveling through the veil. Now that we know for certain she has two souls, it isn't a great risk. Prince Storm, you will find her one day but until it is safe, there is no other way. She needs your protection, however, and after tonight's ceremony, you will be able to reach her at a moment's notice - faster than we can. Nothing mortal or immortal will be able to separate your connection."

Storm listened to the goddess but he wasn't about to have his gift torn from him.

Not without a fight.

After all, wasn't that exactly why Freya had always whispered, "Dream of greatness, Prince. Your queen needs you."

Standing in one fluid motion from his throne, Storm reached for Lanecea's hand, the poor girl shivering with delight, much to her king's amusement.

"Lead the way," Storm commanded, winking at his queen before following the gods back into the night.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now