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No one expected Wolfstein on the front lines, let alone standing over them as Storm bred Lanecea while the secret police who had been appointed to guard Lani came over and over again as they watched the woman they were devoted to feed and fuck while still managing to decide fates. It was an incredible sight and they couldn't be blamed, besides, now that Storm was in the room, they were technically off-duty. Storm, although distracted in the breeding frenzy, was still on high alert, Lanecea perfectly safe within his arms.

"Hail Victory!" The men stood at attention while attempting to discretely readjust their uniforms, the men each in a state of partial undress.

"Hail Victory!" Wolfstein addressed the secret police but his focus was on Lanecea, his velvety-blue eyes darkening as cum gushed like a fountain the moment that Storm pulled out of the already-soaked woman.

"I'm sorry, Sir - I've been still working hard though," Lanecea was blushing furiously as she struggled to keep her sanity and Wolfstein from being disappointed in her. "We are going after the traitors first - to make an example of them. Heinrich has my list. I've already gone through those seven files, but, with your permission - and Storm's, of course, I believe we need to extend our stay. There are far more traitors than I had originally anticipated."

Wolfstien tenderly caressed Lanecea's flushed cheek, his touch reassuring her that he was far from angry.

"No, Darling, you will not be staying. You have done well..."

Lanecea didn't mean to interrupt, but she couldn't help but feel disappointed in his decision and he had forgotten to discuss it with Storm, likely forgetting she was owned.

"Please, Sir?"

Lanecea shifted from her knees to her hip, avoiding sitting on her tender butt as she leaned against Storm's chest, Thorson and Revna readjusting as well before sucking in perfect unison once more. 

Wolfstein watched as Taran buried his face between Lani's legs once more before finally responding to Lanecea's request.

"You will return shortly, but I have another important mission to send you on. You'll be accompanied by your family again, of course, and the guards will be assigned to your protection as well. There are a nest of vampires I need you to eradicate before you return here."

Lanecea looked up at Storm, searching his eyes. He knew how much she loved adventure and he loved hunting vampires, but he was also a busy man and might not be able to go. Lani couldn't imagine going on a single mission without him, even if she would be perfectly safe, and then there was Herja, that woman a perpetual problem. She would need to return to work unless Lanecea could find a carrot big enough to dangle under Herja's nose, but her brain was currently pulling a blank.

Revna raised her head once more, her eyes meeting Wolfstien's, "Please, Sir, I need to stay with my mamma. We need each other and I will always protect her. Do I have to stay with the Angels of Death?"

"No, Sweetie, you don't. They will not be joining you on this mission, and yes, you may stay with your mother. Together, you are...perfect."

Lanecea couldn't agree more as she tenderly stroked Revna's hair, but, trust aside, she and Thorson were perfect together as well.

"Wolfstein, Sir, Storm and Herja are not always available and the mission is very important. I feel, no, I know that I am the Bonnie to Thorson's Clyde. We have proved time and again that together, we are double trouble and partners in crime. There is a synchronicity between us that can only be summed up as a Bonnie and Clyde relationship. Our relationship has been unconventional and a bit wonky, but I believe we are far more like Bonnie and Clyde and work together in perfect harmony. With your guards assigned to my protection and Thorson and Revna unwilling to leave me, we will be perfectly safe, I'm certain. You won't be disappointed in The Three Musketeers - I promise."

Taran didn't appear to feel left out of the equation as he looked up at his father from where he was feeding from Lani's pussy. He preferred to be Storm's shadow, and had proved to be a warrior on the battlefield, as ruthless as his parents.

Storm pondered what Lanecea was suggesting for a long moment before addressing the commander of the black sun army as well.

"Taran will join me, then, and continue his training. He is a formidable warrior already, even at his age, and will not disappoint either. I'm sure Herja would enjoy accompanying us, but her job is far more important to her. Depending on how long the mission is, she may be able to meet up with us when she gets time off work, but she has her priorities. Mind you..." Storm lost his train of thought for a moment as he watched Taran resume licking Lanecea's pussy. Perhaps her priorities might change, his wife just as addicted to Lanecea's pussy. Storm reached for Lani, impaling her on his engorged cock before dragging his thoughts back to Wolfstein who was waiting patiently. "Where are we going? I'm not leaving my family."

Lanecea purred in his arms, delighted with his answer before Wolfstein pulled out a map from his breast pocket.

"Belgium, London, Switzerland..."

"Please will you pass me a fresh sheet of paper?" Lanecea asked Jans as Storm thrust slow and deep within her. "Thank you. Okay, so you need us to go to Belgium, London..."

Wolfstein began once more as Lanecea took notes, this time giving dates as well. 

Thorson flicked his tongue on Lanecea's nipple until she found it nearly impossible to concentrate, then grinned.

"It looks like we are going to be going on one long adventure. You're right, you know - you are the Bonnie to my Clyde. It's naughty, but I like it."

Lanecea purred so hard she soaked Storm's cock yet again and Taran's mouth as he licked her clit.

Wolfstein looked up from the map, taking in the view a few inches away from where he sat. They were the most unconventional family he had ever known, but they were as lethal as they were kinky. 

The vampires were in serious trouble and Wolfstein knew this was just the beginning.


I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. This 4th book in the series is the longest I have ever written. Thank you so much for your encouragement and for coming along on this wild journey. I am looking forward to beginning the 5th book, hopefully this week.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now