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Thorson and Revna licked and sucked Lanecea's body as Storm fucked her from behind, holding Lani beneath her bouncing boobs as he straddled Hans' face. Not that Hans was complaining as nectar and cum soaked his face.

"Mr. Himmler is licking Daddy's balls," Revna whispered against Lanecea's hair, revealing a secret as his wife, blissfully unaware, licked and sucked a trail up Lanecea's neck.

"Mmm...thank you..." Hans' voice was muffled as he showed his gratitude to the centaur god.

"It's okay...he just wants your mamma so badly that he will do anything and your father needs to be worshipped as well. Keep the secret, sweetheart."

Revna nodded before giving Lani a kiss that prevented her from saying a word.

Both Eva and Revna knelt side by side, their fingers attempting in vain to soothe their horny pussies, but Revna had pity on the older woman.

"Kiss Mamma. I know you want to."

"Oh yess..." Eva was breathless as she took Revna's place, but her kiss was far more tentative and shy than Revna's had been, the younger girl passionate as she claimed her territory.

"I think Mrs. Himmler loves to kiss Mamma too."

"Of course she does," Thorson raised his head long enough to grin at his sister. "Let's lick her together - the three of us."

Mrs. Himmler reluctantly raised her head before teaching a practical lesson as she knelt between the two, only Thorson's tongue entering Lani.

"You're mine," Storm reminded Lanecea although that wasn't necessary as he tilted her head, capturing her mouth with a ravenous kiss as Hans bathed his balls with his tongue, the man's desperation for the heady taste of their combined lust driving the blonde between his legs crazy.

"Yours..." Lanecea whispered against his invading tongue a moment before Hans' muffled voice interrupted the magical moment.

"Please Storm...I'm begging..." Hans stated the obvious. "May I coat my cock in Lani's nectar before I fuck my wife?"

"You may."

Cool air hit Storm's balls as Hans removed his tongue before kneeling in front of Lacea, Thorson, Revna, and his wife making room for the commander.

"You drive me wild, Sweetheart," Hans confessed as he rubbed his cock on her pussy until it was glossy and dripping. "I want to be buried deep within you so badly and will be thinking my wife's pussy is you..."

"Mmm. Thank you for your honesty, Mr. Himmler," Lanecea's voice was soft as she watched his cock, soaked in her nectar, disappear within Eva's body.

Eva's eyes rolled, the woman just as captivated at that moment at the thought of what her husband had just done to her. Without asking for permission she began to suck Lanecea's breast as her husband thrust Lanecea's nectar deep within her.

"You've claimed me..." Eva sighed around the breast bouncing against her lips.

The woman looked as though she'd died and gone to Heaven.

"That was very sexy, wasn't it?" Lanecea looked over her shoulder at the man plundering her pussy. "Did you enjoy it?"

"You know I did," Storm assured Lani that his imagination was equally as kinky before he began to breed her so hard, Eva held on for dear life.

"I need to suck...your cock...please..." Lanecea begged Thorson as Revna latched on to Lani's free breast.

Thorson kissed Lanecea thoroughly before pressing his bull cock between her kiss-swollen lips, thrusting in and out as Lanecea's world span.


Lanecea looked every inch like a docile mamma as she pushed the ornate pram in the market square.

"She should be here," Lanecea lowered her voice to a whisper as she searched the eyes of the merchants seated behind tables laden with goods.

"May I help you?" A silver-haired man smiled at the mother with her daughter, the two dressed in identical gowns which stood out among the other women in floral cotton dresses.

"Yes, thank you, I believe you may be able to. I'm looking for the seamstress..."

The elderly man's eyes trailed slowly over Lanecea's satin dress in a color that perfectly matched her skin tone, her curves leaving little to the imagination.

"I'm not sure that she will be able to make dresses quite as lovely as this one. Was it imported?"

"Something like that. It is currently very fashionable in France although I fear I stand out like a peacock. I've only just arrived, you see..."

"Don't worry your little head. You look just lovely. I'm James. James McLean. I'll introduce you to my wife if you plan on staying a while. She's been bedridden for some time or would have been here today."

"I'm very sorry and of course, I would love to meet her, although I'm not certain how long we will be staying. I was wondering if you may have a jeweller in town as well. I'm very fond of custom-made jewellery although rather particular."

"Of course...William will be able to make anything your heart desires."

"Oh I hope so!" Lanecea was radiant, ignoring Revna who was struggling not to laugh.

Lanecea's love for vampire fang jewelry was nearly as insatiable as her more notorious appetites.

Revna's fingers circled the tube of lipstick in her matching satin coin purse that hung from her wrist as James led his companions away from the market. She needed to stay focused although it was nearly impossible as her mamma's boobs bounced over the pale satin bodice with every step, teasing her. Looking back toward the hotel where they were staying during the mission, Revna grinned when her father winked at her from where he was standing leaning against an oak tree.

"Focus," Storm mouthed the word, reminding Revna that Lanecea was counting on her.

"Is your husband here as well?"

Lanecea was tongue-tied unsure how to answer. She wasn't married, after all.

"Daddy's here," Revna came to the rescue. "You'll meet him later, I'm sure."

"Your daughter is so sweet. Well, I am looking forward to meeting your husband as well. If my wife is feeling better, I'd love to have you join us for supper tomorrow evening."

"Thank you, that would be wonderful," Lanecea murmured as she looked up at the sign just above the door as James turned left.

"Here we are. Catherine and her sister are both seamstresses."

"I know," Lanecea spoke before she thought it through, James raising an eyebrow but didn't comment. "I'm sorry, I am just so exhausted that I accidentally misspoke. I was trying to say that I know they will do a wonderful job in creating dresses my friend and I will love."

"Yes, they will. Get some rest, Mrs...?"

"Lanecea. Lady Lanecea."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Funny thing. My wife recently received a letter from her cousin overseas. There is a Lady Lanecea who has been taking France by storm. Your name is quite uncommon, and reminded me of the letter."

"She sounds like an incredible woman. Thank you for your help, Sir. I hope your wife will feel better soon."

"Thank you," James bowed with a flourish, the man radiant as he headed home to tell his wife.

"And that's why Lani needs to lay low," Lanecea winked at Revna before introducing herself to the seamstresses.

Only one of the sisters was in her crosshairs and although exhausted, Lanecea couldn't make a mistake.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now