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Lanecea had never stepped foot within the forest on the other side of the road, the embankment far too steep. Taking a deep breath as she focused on the creek weaving through the forest floor below, Laneaca attempted to grasp a tree for support as her feet slid on the soft grass, determined to reach the creek even if it killed her in the process. 

Sunlight danced between the heavy foliage, the tree nymphs whispering encouragement to their very brave Queen of Camelot as she tumbled as gracefully as possible, between the trees and jutting roots, never taking her eyes off the gurgling creek in the distance.

"Your king is coming!" The breeze whispered, nearly as delighted as Lanecea as it urged her forward until, at last, she was standing on the bank of the creek, her fingers trembling as she unfastened the buttons of her dress.

Balancing on one leg, she dipped her toes in the water before scooting over a little further to where there was more sun filtering through the trees. Stepping out of her dress, she carefully laid it on a fallen tree before sliding her panties down her long legs, tucking her underwear beneath the folds of her dress fabric. 

Lanecea gasped as the cold water licked her butt before laying down in the rapidly flowing creek, the smooth rocks pressing into her back. The very air seemed as though to crackle with expectancy, the ground trembling as well as it transferred the shockwaves of King Storm's power as he approached his queen. 

There was no way that Lanecea was going to be a frightened little girl when Storm returned. No, it was imperative that he find a very brave queen awaiting him. It would break her heart if he was ashamed of her, after all, their deep love for each other was the glue holding them together, his devotion to her as intense as her worship for him. Therefore, it made perfect sense that she would be lying down stark naked in a cold creek surrounded by everything that made her afraid - wild animals and murderers - in a completely helpless state, but her heart overflowing with perfect trust. This was the epitome of bravery and Lancecea assumed that she looked every inch like a regal queen with her eyes closed, hands crossed above her chest and her hair fanned out, billowing in the water. 

Lanecea's king was the human version of Aslan, ruler of Narnia. All creation knew that when he returned, all would be made right. 

The raven-haired girl remained in the cold water as time stood still, listening to the rushing water that sounded very much like snow thawing after Narnia's endless winter. She couldn't help but smile envisioning her mother as the White Witch fleeing from King Storm. 


The leaves were waltzing much faster now, the hush within the forest vibrating with anticipation. Lanecea opened her eyes to watch the tree nymphs swaying back and forth in their pent-up excitement, whispering to each other in breathless anticipation. 

"He's been spotted just over the next hill, Your Majesty! Your wait is nearly over!"

Canada Geese trumpeted just overhead, either agreeing with the nymphs or heralding King Storm's approach - she wasn't quite sure which. Glancing down to make sure she looked as perfect as possible, Lanecea squealed at the sight of an insect that looked an awful lot like a spider skimming on the water dangerously close to her arm.

"I can't..." The not-so-brave queen jumped out of the creek, stumbling on a tree root as she reached for her dress before tugging it over her head.

She was too wet to get her panties on, so stuck them in her pocket before attempting to get back up the hill.

"What was I thinking?! I should have been awaiting his arrival in the throne room..."

Nymphs and dryads watched as Lanecea struggled to make it up the steep embankment, hoping nothing would pop out of the holes in the ground as she used both of her hands and chin to hold onto protruding roots. Hopefully, King Storm would be running late.


Storm had no idea that his queen was across the street and down the way a bit, struggling to make it up the hill. He had more important things on his mind as he assisted Deiter and Wilhelm in the barn.

"That should hold them for now," Deiter rubbed the back of his arm on his forehead. 

Dark eyes glared up at the farmer, but they couldn't say anything, much less protest around the gags shoved deep within their mouths but not for long as the boys worked in unison to replace the floorboards, concealing the sight.

"What are you going to do with them, Sir?" Storm searched Dieter's eyes. 


"Nothing? They will be left to rot?"

"Of course not," Dieter assured the young man, "this is simply a stop on their way. We each have a part to play. You boys have done very well and should be proud of yourselves. You impressed me, Storm. You've proved your worth and I am certain I am not the only one who believes you may very well be the leader we have been expecting. Only time will tell, of course, but if these past two weeks were any indication... I couldn't be more proud. Well, what are you waiting for? Go to her."

"Thank you!"

Dieter laughed as Storm raced out of the barn without another glance.

"Give them some time alone," Deiter turned to his son. "I need to prepare this shipment and could use your help. After, you may visit until supper."

"Thanks, Dad," Wilhelm grinned before reaching for a length of thick chain.


A blood-curdling scream reached Storm's ears before he reached the house near the orchard, but Lanecea was nowhere in sight.

"Help me! Please!" 

Storm ran faster, if that were possible, but still couldn't find his queen, as the yard was deserted. It was only when he neared the lilac tree hedge that he noticed the opening that was large enough to fit two people with barely any wiggle room.

"Are you alright?" Storm asked although seeing how pale Lanecea was, he already knew the answer. 

She was far from alright and desperately needed him.

Lifting her long dress so he could see her legs, Lanecea didn't bother to tell him what was wrong as the leeches stood out in stark contrast to her wet, pale skin.

"It's alright, I'm here now. Did you know that they used to use these things for bloodletting? What they'd do is put them directly on the skin to alleviate the pressure if the person was feeling under the weather or even had a migraine. Aren't you so glad you weren't born in Medieval times?"

Lanecea nodded, but Storm didn't see her as he crouched in front of her, carefully removing one leach at a time before tossing the fat, squishy body through the gaps in the lilac trees.

"Good thing you waited for me and didn't try to yank them off yourself."

"I would never have touched them," Lanecea found her voice, wrapping her arms around her king's neck as she scooted off her rock throne to show her deep appreciation and a glimpse of how very much she had missed him. "Thank you for helping me, and for returning to me. I've tried very hard to be a good girl in your absence."

"I know you have," Storm embraced her with one arm while still trying to free her legs from the blood-thirsty leaches. "I missed you."

Lanecea didn't say anything, simply shivering as she clung to him, once again at a loss for words as she breathed in his scent, warmth, and essence.

" too," Lanecea moaned against his neck as she worshipped.

Everything would be alright now, she just knew it.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now