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"Enough, My Queen," King Storm put an end to Lanecea sucking Thorson's cock. "You have properly thanked Thorson and we must hold court before dawn. Thorson, I wish to personally thank you as well for taking such exceptionally good care of my children and Treasure. You have proven yourself to be responsible and trustworthy. Regardless of what took place tonight, I will speak with your father in the morning when I return you and your sister home. Thank you, Young Man."

"You're most welcome, Your Majesty. It was a pleasure."

Lanecea came dangerously close to laughing, biting her lower lip hard to hold back a giggle. Of course, Thorson found it a pleasure, taking advantage of every available opportunity. At that thought Lanecea grew serious again as she watched the dryads, gods, goddesses, nymphs, faeries, and the Wolf Charmers who had returned with them gather in the Oak Grove, the elders taking the seats where The Senate gathered.

King Storm held out his hand for Lanecea, leading her to an alcove within the grove, fallen trees instead of thrones awaiting the royal couple who would decide fates before dawn. The king seated his queen first before taking a seat at her side, the immortals taking a knee as the females curtseyed, remaining in position with their heads bowed. Only Frey and Freya, standing on either side of the king and queen of the Nine Realms, did not bow.

"You must decide, Queen Lanecea, what is to be done with that woman. You've done it your way attempting to be friends with her as well as using the priestesses to influence her behavior. Waiting will only make it harder on you, therefore, you must decide before the morning after which the king will decide his body's fate."

Freya, her ever-loyal advisor and confidant, didn't need to encourage the queen to finally act. Looking up at her king, Lanecea knew that he could stop her if he so chose to, but Herja's fate rested in Lanecea's hands. 

"Go ahead," King Storm entwined his fingers with hers, "your heart is most important to me."

"Thank you, My King."

Queen Lanecea looked down at Thorson and Revna before deciding their mother's fate, her heart not without empathy as Frey stepped forward.

"I could squeeze the air out of her lungs. It will be relatively painless..."

Lanecea considered his offer for a moment imagining Herja having a severe asthma attack, the air pulled out of her lungs as every drop of blood had been squeezed out of Lanecea's heart mere hours earlier. 

"Thank you for your offer and your loyalty to me, Frey. It is greatly appreciated, but it will not be necessary. I will deal with her."

Queen Lanecea tapped into her goddess, not needing to channel her sons as she had in Thorson's classroom. As much as she despised Thorson's teacher, this was even more personal, hitting close to home. The woman who had everything Lanecea had ever dreamed of - had prayed for years on end - deserved every drop of Lanecea's wrath.

Thunder rumbled across the sky, dark clouds blocking out the moon as the storm gathered directly above Herja's home moments before torrential rain slammed against their bedroom window, the glass shaking beneath the storm's fury as the heavens wept, reflecting the queen's heart. Lighting flashed again and again in quick succession and yet rhythmic as though they were the result of wild, uncontrollable breeding. That, of course, Goddess Lanecea added for Storm's benefit, the lighting reminding him of what he was missing - what he had turned his back on, rejecting or neglecting - at that moment it didn't matter as Lanecea's eyes glowed their raging hunter green yet this time ethereal as she channeled her power at their house - their bedroom window to be exact, maintaining her graciousness in not harming Herja as she lay with Storm's cock stuck in her pussy.

The horses pawed the ground, then reared as the earth shook beneath the house's foundations, the bed rocking in earnest before they transformed into centaurs, easily leaping over the fence, the creatures hearing Lanecea's summons to join her army as they thundered toward the Oak Grove without looking back.

Even the gods didn't dare interrupt Lanecea's display of power although they were amused she wasn't actually punishing Herja, just putting the fear of god in the woman who didn't have a chance in hell of comparing with the queen.

"Do you feel better now, My Love?' King Storm grinned when the storm finally abated, waves of electricity still coursing through the earth. "Now, go ahead and tell us her fate."

"A friendship between Storm's wife and I has proved to be impossible. She is beyond redemption after having spent so much time in the presence of priestesses. Herja isn't squeamish, however, and wields a syringe well. That is to my advantage. Her skills will be used for my eugenics projects, but aside from that, I will only tolerate her if I must have any contact with her at all. Freya was correct - I was a fool to think she may someday be able to visit the kingdom in Atlanis. Therefore, I decree that her life will be spared, but she will forever be barred from Atlantis as she is the Oak Grove. The Underworld and its passages will also be off-limits. Herja is Thorson and Revna's mother. I believe this fate is fitting, and yet, still merciful."

Lanecea looked up at King Storm again, the man nodding his approval before the sage sealed Herja's fate, pressing his crest-embossed seal in the wax still dripping on the parchment.

"Storm has more brawn than brains without his soul," the king pointed out. "He is still useful to our mission and will serve as the jailor for our vampire prey. He will continue to live the remainder of his days working side by side with Hans to take down our enemies. Storm's body does have some use, after all. Let it be recorded in the annals and sealed by the gods. I will personally tell him of his fate tomorrow."

"As it was declared, so shall it be," the dryads, nymphs, elves, fairies, and wolf charmers declared as one, their voices reaching the heavens.

Lanecea stood from her throne, her king at her side as she reached for Thorson and Revna's hands. This would be her last night sleeping among fireflies beneath the stars before she departed.

"Can't you stay at our house?" Revna whispered, her arms wrapped around Lanecea as they lay in a pile of tangled limbs upon the mossy bed.

"Priestesses need to protect their butterflies, My Darling. You will know where to find me after school."

"Don't worry, you two. Your father and I will talk in the morning. Go to sleep, it is almost dawn," King Storm instructed before laying Lanecea on his heart where she belonged.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now