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"Tell us the story again please?" Reagan lay on her belly on the moss flanked by her sisters.

Surrounded by the dryads, King Storm held Queen Lanecea against his heart, every centimeter of his scepter sheathed deep within her as she stroked Prince Thorson's, his cum already dripping over her fingers. Thorson was hell-bent on tasting every breathless sigh, their kiss unending as his brothers flanked him and the king.

Taran glanced over at his father and brother who were far too preoccupied to answer his sister's request, their tangled limbs bathed in the soft glow of the full moon.

"Toaro, the merchant, remained with us on the voyage across the sea. The waves were treacherous, threatening to sink our ship as lightning streaked across the sky."

The girls shivered in unison, already fully immersed in the epic tale, the story no less thrilling each time it was told.

"The cliffs overlooked the narrow straight, the jagged boulders on either side as black as midnight, and still we pressed on."

"Get to the good part please!" Reagan begged her brother to skip the description and get right into the action.

Zaotenn grinned as he stepped closer, the royal children unaware of his presence until that very moment. The towering man was flanked by two wolves who remained, almost perpetually at his side unless they were hunting, much like Wotan's ravens.

"Patience, Princesses," Zaotenn's voice was low as he took a seat in their midst, the girls immediately climbing onto his lap, their little fingers stroking the wolves' dense fur before the warrior continued. "Taran is learning the art of storytelling. It is important to pass down our great histories and noble feats from generation to generation. Without description, the tale will be far less epic. You must feel it in your soul, as though you were there..."

"Alright," Reagan conceded, "I'm sorry I was impatient, Taran, please continue telling us the story."


The group of allies had not experienced such darkness since they had left the caves behind in the underworld, thunderstorms unrelenting and merciless once they reached the sea.

"How much further?" Lanecea attempted to keep her hair out of her eyes as she addressed the merchant who seemed disoriented, unable to discern the direction without stars to guide him, but he kept silent, ignoring the queen's question.

"If we make it," wasn't exactly the answer she was looking for.

The ship's captain shook his head before instructing the sailors to toss some of their precious supplies overboard as though that would save the ship.

"Take our queen below deck!" The captain shouted above the howling wind, the waves smashing the side of the ship attempting to outmatch the wind.

Lanecea wasn't sure what was worse, standing on the deck amid an unrelenting storm, chain lighting striking the waves as she gripped the side of the vessel with white knuckles, or being confined to a dark hole below deck when the ship sank.

"I'm coming with you," Prince Thorson shouted over the wind. "You don't ever have to be afraid. If we sink, we will sink together."

It really was very romantic, but it didn't stop Lanecea's heart from squeezing as the prince inadvertently admitted to the very real possibility that they may not emerge from the bowels of the ship alive.

Lanecea glanced back over at her king as she lay her head on Thorson's shoulder, trusting him as he carried her toward the narrow wooden stairs, laying her claustrophobia, fear of the dark, and fear of lightning near water at Thorson's feet. 

"Worship," Thorson's warm breath fanned Lani's ear as he came to the rescue once again, helping her focus as he struggled to keep his balance, the ship thrashing up and down on the restless, constantly churning waves, rain, and wind beating down on them.

Queen Lanecea mewled, licking rain from Thorson's neck as she focused on worshipping the young man who held her close, willing to perish at her side if need be.

The captain shouted a warning, much too late as jagged rocks came into view, cliffs looming overhead as the ship approached an impossibly narrow straight between the rocky boulders. It appeared that they had run out of time, the voyagers doomed and not at the hand of the unrelenting storm.

Wolves howled in the distance, the mournful cry heard over the raging wind moments before the ship smashed against the rocks, their supplies and everyone on board plunged into the icy waves.

"Don't let go!" Thorson shouted, gripping Lani's wrist, but the waves were strong and the king was too far away, swept further with each passing minute by the unrelenting waves.

Storm swam against the current, Taran and Fintan holding onto his arms as they attempted to reach Thorson and Lani, but it was a losing battle, the storm heartless.

Wolves leaped from the two towering cliffs, plunging into the sea before paddling toward the ship's passengers. Gripping their clothes in their powerful jaws, the wolves swam toward the rocks, depositing the limp bodies on the craggy shore.

"Come," a man reached out his hand, two white wolves flanking his side.

With nowhere else to go, the captain and his passengers followed the stranger who led them away from the sea, taking shelter in a cave etched within the cliff.


"This is my favorite part," Llia sighed, wrapping her arms around Zaotenn's neck before brushing a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm flattered," the warrior grinned, King Storm and Thorson now listening to the story as well, Lanecea sucking on Thorson's cock, his cum dripping down her chin as she refused to swallow while pregnant while the king bounced her up and down on his lap, his woman milking his swollen balls. "The moon had risen to its peak and the merchant, captain, and sailers were fast asleep when I woke your father, motioning him and his allies to follow me from the cave. The storm would wash away our tracks, making it impossible for us to be followed by morning when the others who had been left behind would realize they were alone.

We traveled through the night until we reached..."

"The Wolf Charmers!" Llia interrupted, vibrating with excitement.

"Of course," Zaotenn grinned. "The Secret Keepers had already been informed by the gods that your mother was on her way, the storm created to shield their voyage from the vampires once they sailed from Atlantis. As you know, there has never been a vampire that has entered Atlantis except for those who have been captured, but your father took care of that matter when he shipped them off to Rome.  Atlantis is a vampire-free paradise and a shining light to the world of what is possible..."

Zaotenn lost his train of thought for a few minutes, their ultimate dream capturing his imagination.

"One day, we will rid our lands of the vampires," Fintan's voice was wistful. "But first they have to fear us, isn't that right, Dad?"

"Yes, Son. We need to strike the fear of god in them."

Fintan exchanged a look with Taran - the brothers were never more proud to be gods of war.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now