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"Get whatever makes you happy," Storm passed Lanecea money as they neared the market near the western port

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"Get whatever makes you happy," Storm passed Lanecea money as they neared the market near the western port.

"Oh thank you!" His queen wrapped her arms around Storm's neck, giving him an impromptu kiss.

She could only hope Storm would feel how much she appreciated his gift as the royals were once again distracted by the Atlantians bowing, overjoyed at the return of their king.

Lanecea spoke with the ladies after they'd curtseyed, taking time to introduce the citizens to Hans. The German had insisted on staying with Lanecea, accompanying the queen and her girls, while Storm was flanked by his sons, Wilhelm and Johann joining their group. The German men dressed in matching dark grey uniforms. standing out in contrast to King Storm and his sons who were naked except for their matching chains. The shimmering metal hanging from their hips drew attention to the king and princes' perpetually erect, dripping cocks which set the fear of god into their enemies on the battlefield and prevented an uprising in Atlantis, their authority undisputed. All that paled into how much the sight made Queen Lanecea moan, breathless at the sight of their power and raw masculinity.

The queen's eyes drifted over Storm's lickable ass, every cell in her body needing to worship. Distracted was an understatement as Lanecea watched Storm lead their boys from the market, heading toward the Great Cliffs. She really couldn't wait until he returned so she could thank the king properly for his gift, and he was just barely out of sight.

The queen wasn't one to shop, the crowds making her claustrophobic. Today, however, was very different, Lanecea excited to shop in the bustling market. Their explorers' ships were docked, and the men already were negotiating with the merchants.

"Mamma, all the slaves will be sold if we don't hurry," Llia reminded Lanecea, already tugging on the queen's hand.

The money Lanecea clutched in her hand was meant for something that would make her happy, but with so many booths stretching nearly out to the docs, it would be impossible to choose just one. Lanecea was just as excited about the challenge as she was about  her purchase.

Their small entourage didn't make it past the first booth, Hans experiencing a sudden coughing fit as Lanecea stopped to admire the merchant's collection of skulls.

"Oh wow," Queen Lanecea was once again at a loss for words, "Are they fresh?"

If one didn't know better, it would be easy to assume Lani was at a farmer's market.

"Yes, of course. The flesh was boiled off just yesterday. As you can see, these ones are not nearly as bleached yet as the ones on this side of the table. Is there a size that you are interested in? These are rather large - males."

"They are very impressive. And these are from your own hunting expedition? You captured and slaughtered them yourself? If so, I'm sure there is quite a story behind each...oh, this one is unique. Come, girls, take a closer look. Do you see how the shape of the skull is more elongated than the others? This vampire was one of the ancients, his bloodline undiluted."

Revna reached out to touch the jagged crack at the back of the skull, the mark revealing how the vampire had met his end. 

"Look but don't touch, please. That's just creepy," Lanecea shivered as she reached for Revna's hand preventing her from touching the very fresh skull. "It is very fascinating and I would love to own this skull, but it is not something I would like to purchase without my king's permission. It is quite ghastly and I am unsure where I would put it as well, so would also like a bit of time to think of the perfect place to display such a trophy. Thank you for your time, Sir. You have a remarkable collection. May the gods continue to be with you as you hunt our enemies."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will set the one you like aside until you have spoken with the king."

"How thoughtful - thank you."

Queen Lanecea was distracted as a breeze coming in from the sea caused the fabric of her dress to billow, Lani attempting in vain to hold the fabric in place as she flushed. The king and prince had nearly as much easy access to her body when she wore this dress as when she wore only chains, but Lanecea was shy surrounded by the Atlantians in the market square, her dress refusing to behave as the wind picked up. Attempting to hold down the strips of fabric with one hand and keep her undulating hair out of her eyes with her free hand while still clutching the king's money as she struggled with her misbehaving dress, Lanecea called out to her companions, "I think we should head back to the castle. The wind..."

The queen's soft voice was drowned out by a gut-wrenching scream. Forgetting all about her fly-away-dress, Lanecea didn't close her eyes fast enough, attempting to quickly block out the sight from the innocent little girls. It was too late, the ladies horrified as another merchant brought down the flat of his sword on the vampire's balls, crushing his testicles in one single blow.

"I can cut off the next one's balls if that would please you better, Your Majesty," the merchant bowed before the queen, beads of sweat gathering on his brow.

"That is quite alright, but thank you. It would pose too great a risk to slice their sacks, I suppose and that would be a shame. May I inspect your latest captives?"

"Of course. It would be an honor. Are you looking to add to your collection today?"

"Perhaps...I haven't yet decided. Have you brought out your shifters yet?"

"Not yet, M'Lady. I was keeping the best to last, selling this sorry lot first."

Lanecea's king would bring her a trophy, she was certain now that they were back home, and, captured by her king and sons, the vampires would mean far more to her than these. Lani's hair whipped in the wind as she looked back once more at the skull, the only thing so far at the market that had made her happy.

Perhaps Storm could mount it above the dungeon gate? It really should be kept out of the children's reach, not a toy. 

"Excuse me, Sir? What did you do with the teeth after you boiled him?"

"I just put them in this little jar. I'm not quite sure what I will do with them yet."

"Would your wife be able to make a necklace for me with them? One, perhaps, that I could add additional fangs to? I do love the idea of wearing a vampire fang necklace." Lanecea grew wistful and very happy imagining such a piece of jewelry. It would look remarkable.

"I know just the thing," the merchant smiled, unwilling to reveal anything more.

"I'm sure I will love it. We are only able to stay the weekend, so will need it before we leave or I suppose you could leave it with one of the guards while I'm away. How much do I owe you, please?"

"It's a gift."

"Oh thank you - how kind of you! I will take that skull after all. I'm sure it will look marvelous anywhere and it will make me very happy."

Hans smiled as Lanecea paid the merchant before he tucked the carefully wrapped skull beneath his arm, the gaping jagged hole at the back of the skull a warning as it faced the sea, the queen and her entourage heading back to the safety of the castle.

"Do you realize what you purchased today, Lani?" Hans lowered his voice as he walked by the queen's side, her girls just ahead.

"Yes, Sir. I thought that the bloodline had been wiped out. It appears that I was mistaken and if so, there are more where this one came from."

Queen Lanecea's voice was as chilly as vampire blood, her eyes, meeting the German's, a deep hunter green.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now