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"A billion or a bajillion years?"

Lani frowned, uncertain which would be a better description for how long it had been since Storm and her step-children had abandoned her. 


That was the best description yet. Lani was determined to put them from her mind, focused, as always, on saving the world, but that was proving impossible as well. 

And then there was Hans, the man in question leaning on the doorframe of the temple nursery where Lanecea had remained for weeks, not venturing out even within the adjacent gardens.


Lanecea's pussy immediately clenched at that word, her thoughts once again trying to recount exactly how long it had been since she had cum. A billion years - at the very least.

Hans didn't bother to hide his grin at the sight of  Lanecea's torment. The Secret Keeper was loyal, he'd give her that, but she wore her heart on her sleeve and her suffering was intense.

"Come," Hans repeated himself, knowing full well that she had heard him the first time, but was fixated on "cum" instead.

"I don't think it's a good idea," Lanecea managed to whisper as she snatched one of her documents from her baby's dimpled fingers just in time. "I wouldn't like to go without Storm's permission and...and he has abandoned me."

"Which is exactly why you need to go. There is no telling when he will rejoin you - if ever - and those babies need to be taught to hate vampires. Did you know that Chinese mothers teach their babies mathematics while still in the womb? That is exactly what you should be doing."

Lanecea raised her eyes to meet Hans', horror reflected in their green depths.

"You think I should be teaching my babies math questions while I'm pregnant? Me?!"

Hans laughed before clarifying, "No, Sweetheart, you should definitely leave that to those who are better equipped, but what you should be doing is taking a short break from your mission and accompanying the Magistrate and I to the execution. The babies will not only hear your thoughts, but they will feel your emotions as you witness the burning in the town square. We both know the Magistrate is smitten with you and he has agreed to let you witness a questioning beforehand. I had hoped to surprise you, but I see you won't leave the nursery without a little more temptation."

Lanecea rubbed her arms that were suddenly dusted with goosebumps, her over-active imagination already picturing the questioning. They would likely use the rack to torture their victim, but she was curious to see what methods the French used in comparison to their Italian counterparts. Lani and Han's eyes both darkened at the same time before Lanecea licked her lips.

"I would love to attend...but with Storm. I don't feel right about going without him, especially without his knowledge."

Hans came dangerously close to rolling his eyes although, in truth, he didn't expect anything different. Secret Keepers were legendary for their loyalty and, had Storm been as devoted to her, things would have been very different. Instead, Lanecea was sitting on the floor in a temple nursery surrounded by their babies and her eugenics project records, but was still very alone, Storm likely with his wife at that very moment. It was a pity... Hans' mind wandered for a few minutes, already envisioning a trip that would make Lanecea forget all about her heartache. If he knew Lani - which he believed he did - she would never want to leave, finally putting down roots when her heart would be at peace and he knew just the man who could claim that Secret Keeper's devotion. No, Storm wouldn't be returning. He'd made his choice when he had disappeared, not bothering to contact his queen week after week. Loyal, yes, but Lanecea wasn't a fool either, and if Hans played his cards right...well, she didn't deserve a broken heart, but it was too soon to reveal his great plan. One step at a time...

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now