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There are two types of people: predators and prey. Storm was certain he knew exactly which category he fell into as he lay in Lanecea's narrow bed, his girl draped over his heart. 

"I can't wait until we are married and leave for our castle," Lanecea sighed, her whisper wistful as she paused kissing his chest for a moment. "I don't think I'd ever want to come back - not even for a visit."

Lanecea hadn't bothered to tell him everything that had transpired since Storm had left her, not wanting to waste the precious time they had together, nor burden him with her many relentless thoughts. After all, Lanecea was certain that he just knew as he held her closer than the last time he had stayed the night - as though he could pull her into his heart and keep her there forever. It felt perfect, but Lanecea's brain couldn't shut off.

"I think you'd miss the cows," Storm grinned in the darkness as his hand trailed up and down her back, "not to mention your friends. I think, when we are married, they should join us at the castle. We could use loyal dukes and knights. I quite like Wilhelm and Johann did a good job taking care of you for me... You know, I was just thinking about predators and prey. I think the world needs predators to keep the balance, but not all predators are evil. Not if they love their prey and set up boundaries to protect them from themselves. I would never hurt you, but I am definitely a predator, but then, the more I think of it, I think you are a predator as well."

That was rather laughable. Lanecea stopped licking Storm's neck long enough to search his eyes in the darkness.

"Me? A predator? That's impossible!"

"Is it? I don't think you realize who you are. It's inside your heart..." Storm tapped her nose with his fingertip instead of pointing to her heart which was pressed against his chest. "I really think you are a force to be reckoned with - or at least you will be when you are queen, but you will still need an even stronger predator to watch over you - me."

"That's a lot to think about," Lanecea whispered, resuming her worship.


Lanecea was certain Storm was mistaken later that night as she ran for her life, her younger sister in hot pursuit. Tara, at two years old, had already been put to bed for the night leaving Adelaide and her friend from church to torment Lanecea who was struggling to outrun the younger girls.

"Grab a moth and squish its guts on her arm!" Addy called out to Johann as he crossed the driveway. 

Johann was closer to Adelaide's age and her tomboy of a sister had far more in common with him, leaving Lanecea at a disadvantage should he join her team, making it three against one. Storm still hadn't returned from helping Deiter and Wilhelm, leaving no one on Lani's side.

Out of options, Lanecea ran for the nearest tree, hoping to climb it before she could be covered in moth guts.

"There are too many bugs!" Lanecea began to freak out as her way of escape was blocked, the sight of ants and tiny spiders crawling on the tree trunk creeping her out.

Lanecea glanced over her shoulder, desperate to be shown mercy, but found none in her sister's eyes as she grinned at her trapped prey, holding her moth by its wings dangerously close. Looking away from her sister's eyes to the moth's fat, squishy body, Lanecea shuddered a second before she began to run again as Addy's best friend, Beth, closed in from the opposite side. She had run out of options as she reached the edge of their yard, the orchard stretching in front of her. The orchard could possibly provide a refuge but it was getting dark out and Lanecea had learned from experience how easy it was to get lost among the trees.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now