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Phillipe's voice was the only one that was shouting, his once-broken fist clenching as he stood facing the Germans who remained calm, but their eyes betrayed their anger, flashing like lightning. It didn't take a great mathemetician to see who would win the battle of the wills as the fathers faced off against each other with two against one.

The blondes remained oddly calm as they aired their grievances listing Sheila keeping Lanecea away from their sons, to her need to do better in math, Mr. Himmler, of course, adding that to the list of things that were very important. 

"My wife could use help with the new baby," Hans added, glancing over to where Lanecea stood with their combined sons, an army of boys surrounding her. "She would be more than welcome to stay at our home for a bit, at least until Tyson begins to sleep through the night..."

"No, and I would appreciate you keeping your nose out of my business. What happens in my home is none of your concern, now get off my property - you're trespassing."

"I think my father won after all," Lanecea blanched as the men looked over at her, sadness in their eyes before turning and walking back toward the Wagner farm, the younger of the boys following their father, Mr. Wagner. 

"When all forsake me..." Lanecea was certain that was in the Bible somewhere - likely in Psalms. 

King David in the Bible cried nearly as much as she did, the heavens just as much brass for him too.

"We haven't forsaken you," Wilhelm pointed out, but he sounded like his throat was too tight, struggling to speak. "Dad and Mr. Himmler are just going to think of a better plan. They aren't ever going to give up on you and we aren't either. We are just going to have to be sneakier. Maybe we can meet..."

"Get in the house!" Philippe bellowed before turning on Lanecea's ever-faithful duke and knight, "And you two go home. I don't want to see you on my property either."

It would be far worse if Lanecea didn't obey immediately. She needed her father's love. If she disappointed him, then her mother would gain an advantage and that would be disastrous.

"Yes, Sir," the boys mumbled, casting Lanecea a look of apology before they disappeared down the ravine, cutting across the snake-field.


Lanecea didn't step foot outside of her house, noticing her father bring in boxes every day when he returned from work before she buried her nose back inside her eugenics book. She was so close to finishing it and the non-fiction was proving to be a wonderful escape from her reality. Lanecea envisioned fields with babies playing with baby goats while she matched the breeding couples, focusing on traits that were facing extinction. So many babies to love! The book really was marvelous, expanding Lanecea's vision of her perfect kingdom.

Slipping out of the house after it was dark a few days later, Lanecea ran up the road with the book tucked beneath her arm.

"Wilhelm! Mr. Wagner!" Lanecea was breathless as she called out, afraid of their dog after dark. She wasn't sure how good his eyesight was, enabling the German Shepherd to recognize her.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Wagner appeared at the end of the road, motioning for his dog to lay down. "Are you alright?"

"I don't know what is happening, but I wanted to return your book. I loved it so much and am thankful you loaned it to me. I want to do everything that was in the book when I am grown and I will, if I have help of course, but I need to hurry home. I'm not allowed outside now."

"I was afraid this would happen if we intervened. Go home, Lani, and sit tight. You're not alone."

"Thank you for caring. Goodnight."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now