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There is a time and a season for everything under heaven...

Lanecea tried to recall exactly how that Bible verse went as she looked over at her king speaking with the gods, the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was no ordinary king, Slayer of Vampires and Dragons. 


"I'm sorry, Lovie," the queen blushed, her body trembling so hard the baby in her arms struggled to remain latched. "I'll try harder to focus. Better now?"

The little god, of course, was unable to speak just yet, smiling at his mother around the breast filling his mouth.

"He'll return soon enough," Thorson assured Lanecea, pausing in his kissing a trail up her neck as he held her close against his chest, not at all interested in joining the men while Lanecea cuddled with her children, entertaining the goddesses in her gardens.

Fintan, more of a Mamma's Boy than his older brother, fed on her other breast, soothing his leaking cock at the same time while his mother stroked his hair with her free hand. 

"I want to stay with you, Mother," he raised his head just for a moment, stating the obvious. "Thorson is going to need help protecting you and..."

"No, My Darling, I will not speak to your father about this. You know you must go with him and your brother. Thorson, I'm sure would be joining you if he didn't have other... responsibilities."

Fintan scowled, disappointment etched on his features as he resumed breastfeeding beside his baby brother.

"I would like to come with you in the morning..." Lanecea looked over her shoulder at Thorson who seemed to enjoy licking the pulsing butterfly trapped in her neck. "I don't like her."

"Jealous?" Thorson grinned as he tilted Lanecea's chin so their eyes met. "You have nothing to worry about. It's yours...she just likes to look at it, I think."

Thorson captured Lanecea's sigh with his eager mouth, his fingers tangled in her hair.

"Daddy?" The three girls called out, King Storm and Storm turning in unison as they watched their daughters race toward them, very undignified for little goddesses, but they were in too much of a hurry to remember proper decorum as they clutched Revna's hand between them. "May we please stay with our sister while you are away? She really wants us to stay too!"

"Of course you may," Storm answered while the king was momentarily distracted by the god, Lugh. "You are always welcome."

"Oh thank you, Sir!" The goddesses wrapped their arms around Storm's hips before turning to Revna. "Did you hear that?! We are coming to your house for a sleepover!"

"No," Revna grinned at her excited siblings, "you're not just sleeping over - you're staying forever."

"Even better!" The girls giggled, Revna deciding their fate.

"It's time," Lugh announced, glancing up at the sky as though able to tell the exact hour, "I want to reach their camp before nightfall..."

"I'm staying behind," Tarvos informed his companions, glancing over at the queen as she sat surrounded by her children and the goddesses, Thorson her constant companion. "I'll keep an eye on the queen in your absence, but there are a few things I need to take care of first. We have waited long enough to gather our allies. I will have them ready by the time you return, and besides, it will give me a chance to see my Blossom. I haven't seen her in far too long..."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now