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Thorson ignored Fintan's pleading as their group stopped to allow a group of people on a pilgrimage heading toward the Papal States, what is now known as Vatican City. The pious walked past, many shuffling slowly after a long, trying journey, relief in their eyes as they approached their final destination at long last. The adults didn't bother to look over at the aristocrats on their horses, unable to see centaurs except for the children who would always believe in magick for many years. The children pointed to the magnificent creatures, their parents frowning as they silenced the youngsters without looking up from the muddy ground themselves.

Lanecea wasn't paying much attention either to the pitiful saps as they slowly made their way past, focused instead on weaving her fingers in Thorson's hair, the young man giving her a taste of her own sweet milk as he sucked her tongue.

"Come on, Thorson! Don't be greedy. She's our mother, so you have to share," Fintan attempted to use logic on his brother who would drain their mother's boobs dry if no one put a stop to it.

"Open wide then," Thorson commanded, grinning as his younger brother immediately obeyed, sliding his hand between his legs at the same time. 

Fintan moaned, stroking his cock beneath his new outfit that matched Thorson's, his cape not bothering to conceal the young prince soothing his throbbing cock beneath the satiny fabric as Thorson sprayed his mamma's milk at his mouth, purposely missing as well, Fintan supposed, although he didn't mind at all as he attempted to lick up the milk running down his chin and spraying his cheeks.

"Mmm, I want more," Fintan begged, dangerously close to coming as Thorson massaged Lanecea's huge boobs, making them bounce in his hands before spraying the famished, horny prince. 

"Her boobs belong to me. You've had enough," Thorson reminded his brother before tormenting him as he began to breastfeed once more while Fintan was forced to watch, perched on a centaur with his brother's throbbing cock pressing into his back. 

Taran was too regal to beg and besides, he was the older of the two, but he was very aroused, his own cock soaking his new clothes as it clung to his precum-coated shaft. 

"Are we almost there yet?" Fintan asked the gods desperate to get to the castle as soon as possible, the boy needing his mother more than he needed to free himself from where he was wedged between the centaur's muscular torso and his brother's throbbing cock.

Honos finally looked over, groaning as he watched Thorson look as though he was devouring Lanecea's boobs, even more ravenous aware of his brother's torment as Fintan begged for more milk, his pleas ignored by the older prince.

"Prince Thorson, as regent prince, you will draw unnecessary attention if any of these fools notice you feeding on the queen. We are almost at the castle and are entering the vampire stronghold. We must be vigilant now."

"Fair is fair," Fintan added, grinning as Thorson was forced to stop breastfeeding.

Thorson once again ignored his brother as he kissed her breasts before turning Lanecea around in his arms, her back pressed against his chest instead. Reaching around, he tugged the fabric of her bodice up just enough to cover her nipples, the centaur already beginning the descent down the hill as they followed Honos on his centaur. Thorson caressed the sides of Lani's boobs with his thumbs, causing her to moan before she could bite back the sound from escaping her lips.

"Does my woman need to cum?"

"Mmm, you know what I need."

"Cum for me," Thorson commanded, cumming at the same time as the righteous pilgrims finally looked up, watching as the queen came hard all over the prince's cock, her hair tumbling over his shoulders as he held her beneath her boobs, keeping her from falling onto the ground.

"What are they doing?" A child asked, tugging on her mother's hand.

"Sinning," her father answered, his voice husky as he clutched a rosary in his trembling fingers,  precum already dripping down his cock. "Holy Mary, Mother of God..." The man began to pray in earnest.

Mary, Queen of Heaven, had no intention of coming to the aid of the very horny men making their way to see the pope.


Lanecea was inspired after catching a glimpse of the reaction she and Thorson had elicited among the pious.

"I'm certain I can pull it off, and they do say to keep your enemies closer..."

The Roman gods weren't as convinced, not at all keen on Lanecea's great plan. 

"And I am technically behaving myself, staying put just as Storm instructed," Lanecea pointed out, hoping it would help her case.

Honos shook his head as he admitted defeat. 

"I'll find a scribe to deliver the invitations. Ladies, search the markets for supplies - everything must be ready as I will not agree to this foolish plan again. Boys, come with me. Your mother must be guarded at all times. Those men, however, enjoy young boys, so you must not leave your mother's side. The wolves will strike should any of the men even think of harming either of you. Thorson, you'll be in position at the queen's right side. Be sure you are armed at all times."

Honos turned away as the queen retreated down the corridor, the goddesses, as her ladies-in-waiting, surrounding her.

"I get the first pick of the bedrooms as I'm the eldest," Llia announced, her voice floating to where Honos stood, writing a note to Storm. 

"That's not fair. We will just sleep together so we should all get to choose our new bedroom. It should be put to a vote," Revna challenged Llia's decision.


Lanecea is already restless and we only just arrived at the castle. I thought you should know that a group of pilgrims who were aroused at the sight of your queen and the prince has inspired her. Lani believes she is being good for you, staying put within these four walls, even though she intends on inviting the cardinals to a banquet tomorrow evening. She is focused on her project in your absence. 

I agreed to her plans as I believe it would be beneficial if she were trusted before we reach the pope, and the cardinals will be far more loyal to her if she has them by their balls - quite literally. This could go very wrong as well. I am about to send out the invitations and am taking your sons with me - the younger boys. Thorson refuses to leave Lanecea's side, and it is just as well as he is armed and would defend that woman to the death. The goddesses and wolves are also warry. They will not let a soul with vampire blood within the gates, although I believe the cardinals are as much a threat, their power uncontested.

Relay this message to Hans and Deiter, if possible. They will wish to be informed of this change in plans and your wife will need to be prepared before tomorrow evening. Lanecea is expecting no less than forty-two guests and they are sure to produce a lot of cum before dawn.

~ Honos ~"

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now