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Nothing good comes from keeping secrets from your husband and Lanecea was learning that lesson as she sighed with relief now that Storm was aware of every single detail, including her struggle with bisexual urges when women were so attracted to her. It wasn't the other way around. Lanecea liked men and wasn't at all attracted to the opposite sex, but it was driving her crazy when women wanted her as much as men did, her conscious refusing to give her a moment's rest.

"You're amazing together," Storm shrugged as though that said everything before looking away from Lanecea's breast overflowing Revna's mouth while her nectar flowed down Revna's wrist as his daughter continued to play with her pussy while she sucked Lani.

Hans passed Storm a folder that he had supplied Lanecea with days earlier, a thin plastic sheet displaying a map of France overlaying a map of the underground chambers.

"It makes perfect sense, doesn't it?" Lanecea looked up at Storm from where she sat nursing Revna and Caine. "According to my ongoing research, the people that I listed in the document on your right side would be perfect for my program. I just need to find them or have them summoned...that might be easier. If I had command posts or something similar, scattered across the country...oh, on that note, did you know that a few mistresses throughout history ran brothels in their man's absence? It makes sense, I mean, they needed something epic to distract them from their loneliness, so I was thinking, if I had my own network of brothels, I could generate far more cum donations than I currently am when hosting banquets, the men could be vetted of course, and it would also serve as command centers...."

"You're thinking of running a prostitution ring?" Storm looked up, frowning at the thought.

"No, of course would be far grander, of course."

Storm rubbed the back of his neck, attempting to take in what Lanecea was struggling to explain.

"We need a lot of cum to fight back against the vampire's agenda and men will produce a lot if they must jump through hoops to access my brothels. They will be elite, of course..."

"I don't like it although I understand your reasoning."

"Wouldn't it be more efficient than if I work on my own? I just don't trust very easily...perhaps my priestess friends could assist me on my missions? No one will ever suspect a priestess in a million years."

The decision was Storm's to make, Lanecea supposed, but it was Hans who answered her.

"No, Sweetheart. The priestesses aren't like you. They are focused completely on their husbands and children and would be distracted. They don't have your fire and never will, so this is something you need to do on your own and we have every confidence that you will succeed. We've gone over this before - you need to embrace your uniqueness, even though you are often lonely. It won't be so difficult now that I've taken care of your problem."

"Thank you Mr. Himmler. I won't disappoint."

"No, you won't," Hans smiled before turning back to the records he was showing Storm as Lanecea had her hands full. "The dryads are already armed and are waiting for our commands. I'm not keen on Lani's idea of opening brothels either, although this is the first I've heard of her hair-brained idea. Instead of setting up brothels, what would be far more expedient is to make use of these chambers. The dryads will block the exits and history, as we know...well, it wouldn't be the first time people are lost to history. I suggest we focus on these chambers as well as those that branch off from Lanecea's temple.

Would you like to tell Storm what we've been working on, Sweetheart? I know you struggled with trust after they abandoned you the last time, but I think they are ready to hear the truth."

Lanecea met Storm's eyes, giving him a fleeting glimpse of how her trust had been blown about in the wind after they'd disappeared for so long.

"I'm using my temple to fight back and the gods and goddesses have agreed to assist me. My banquets, although wonderful, are very risky, but if we operate beneath the ground, not only will we have a quick escape route should anything happen, but we won't be discovered. The tunnels will be our refuge, as, I believe, they were meant to be when they were created."

"I agree and like your idea, Priestess. Have you gotten the idea of brothels out of your head now?"

"Yes, My King but...I do like the idea of breeding rooms... Just think of the possibilities!" Lanecea paused for a moment as Willow switched Caine for Thomas, "You've bred the centaurs plenty of times. With selective breeding of humans...."

"You need to feed your king," Storm grinned as he ate up the distance, the memory of Lanecea as a little girl explaining her great plan to breed humans while he first fed on her nectar, driving him crazy.

Lanecea almost came on his tongue the second he found the source of her fountain of nectar, thoughts of breeding humans nearly forgotten.

"Mmm...My King...thoroughbreds....ahhh...we could...oh yes...create...mmm...thoroughbred babies."

Thorson was careful as he shifted the chair Lanecea had been leaning on over before carefully laying her down onto her back. Straddling her head, he lowered his cock between her lips.

"You can have whatever you wish," Thorson promised as he slipped his cock in and out of Lanecea's mouth, laughing as she tried to capture it with her lips every time he pulled out.

Lanecea wasn't sure that it would be quite that easy but it was worth the try.

"Eva!" Hans called out to his wife who was just down the hallway, preparing supper.

"Yes?" Eva poked her head into the room a few minutes later.

"I need Lani," Hans confessed, not taking his eyes off the sight directly across from him.

"Mmm," Eva moaned, getting into position in front of her husband.

He was about to fuck her brains out, and she couldn't wait.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now