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Lanecea was past the point of exhaustion as she lay draped within Storm's strong arms, still impaled - of course - with Revna fast asleep with Lani's breast still in her mouth. Lani, however, struggled to keep her eyes open, afraid that, should she succumb to her exhaustion, when she awoke, Wolfstein would be gone and she couldn't bear that thought. Wilhelm and Johann had left just after midnight, carrying their priestesses to bed, leaving only the royals, Wolfstein, their soldiers, and secret police along with the surviving cardinals behind. Lanecea's familiars were still dragging the corpses of vampires and the cardinals who weren't so lucky into the night as the servants tackled cleaning up the evidence of the carnage. Lanecea's soldiers didn't seem to mind too much that silver blood spattered their polished black boots as they observed the servants whose fear of the soft-spoken woman was palpable. The maids wouldn't dare to so much as glance at the king and prince as they scrubbed the floor until it sparkled, washing away every last drop of silver. Lanecea was utterly ruthless although she hadn't touched a single vampire all evening.

"Please stay with me," Lanecea looked up at Wolfstein as Storm lifted her off his cock before unlatching his daughter. "You'll be safe if you stay the night... Please, Sir."

Lanecea watched as Storm transferred Revna into his arms, but waited with Lanecea for Wolfstein's answer.

"I still have to attend a questioning tonight after I put the children to sleep. Won't you join us?"

"No. You will not be attending a questioning dressed like that and in your state of exhaustion. You're about to drop where you stand and I need you to be alert and well-prepared...Go to bed, Darling. You will accompany the Cardinals in the morning."

"Yes, Sir, but will you be gone? We've barely had any time together and there is so much I need to ask you - so much I wish to learn..."

Wolfstein smiled at the insatiable woman before standing as well.

"Come, let's put your children to bed."

Lanecea walked down the long corridor at Storm's side as he carried his sleeping daughter to bed, Thorson and Wolfstein following.

"What's a questioning?" Thorson asked the man at his side.


Lanecea slipped her hand beneath Storm's arm, trusting him to guide her as she turned to look over her shoulder at Wolfstein and Thorson.

"It will be horrific, I'm certain, but very inspirational. The magistrate, thankfully, is smitten with me and the last time turned a blind eye as we pulled off a switch freeing seven Wolf Charmers and replaced them with vampires. It could have gone very badly should he have discovered our sleight of hand but they say love is blind. You see, women can be lethal as well without having to touch a weapon. Unfortunately, I was unable to stay to watch the vampires burn. I'd still very much like to know if they crackle and pop..."

Storm looked down at the woman walking at his side as her fingers trembled on his arm, but with barely contained excitement - not fear. Her hatred of vampires was so intense he could taste it.

"...Remarkably, they can tolerate the sunlight, but I am very curious to see how they manage when burned... I prefer you and your father dealing with my enemies - it is so thrilling to watch you, but there are far too many and we need to deal with them on a mass scale. The Wolf Charmers must be saved too although they have been rather reckless, causing massacres without thinking things through..."

"Your mother is correct, which is why it is important to get some rest before you attend the questioning. We cannot afford to be careless and make mistakes. Then we will strategize before you leave for the mission this Friday. One careless move can jeopardize our operation."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now