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Lanecea lay enveloped by Storm's body as she continued to watch as her wolves settled back in their dens then licked silver blood from their fur before turning her attention to Striker, her familiar retreating at last from dispatching the cardinals who had molested Angelo and Benito. They had been shown even less mercy than the vampires who had come out of hiding earlier that morning, Striker not giving them time to say one last prayer to their God who wasn't listening.

Shivering, Lanecea was grateful Storm held her while impaled deep within her body, keeping her safe and anchored to him even after he'd fallen asleep. Raining gentle kisses on his heart, Lani was careful not to wake him as she watched the cardinals return to the castle, eyeing Striker warily as he stood at Hans' side, Thorson standing on the opposite side. Honos had joined the small group standing at the castle gates, his muscles flexing in a silent warning as Striker bared his teeth although Honos was there to act as a translator. Lanecea attempted to hear what they were saying but the cardinal's voices were muffled beneath their cowls as they handed Hans ancient books, leather-bound books, and scrolls before scurrying off like rats in the darkness.

"Remain," Lanecea commanded her familiar, preventing him from chasing down the retreating men. "Sleep outside my daughters' bedroom. They are waiting for you."

Striker looked up at the bedroom window where the queen lay but was unable to see her through the window four floors up even if she hadn't been buried beneath Storm's body. A moment later, Striker bounded through the gates, heading toward the entrance to the castle, on a mission to guard the princesses from the shadows of the night.

Thorson, who had slept in late, was far from tired as he assisted Hans in carrying the books the cardinals had surrendered, following the blonde into the bowels of the castle. Lanecea had been exhausted when his father had carried her from the Great Hall and, although horny, he didn't want to wake her up, content to spend time with Mr. Himmler instead.

"Why does Lanecea want you to train me to be like you?"

"You are a beast, are you not?"

"Of course."

Hans winked at the young man before setting the books and scrolls he was carrying on a long, Oak table. 

"How good are you at keeping secrets?"

"No one is as good as I am."

"Perfect. Lanecea trusts you and I know you won't fail her."


Storm was long gone before Lanecea stepped into her daughters' bedroom, the sun just beginning to rise over the hills. Thorson and Hans had also left the castle, joining Storm on one of their missions, Lanecea supposed, her own thoughts distracted. She didn't feel it was her place to ask although she had stood at the gates watching the men disappear into the dawn.

"Good morning, My Darlings," Lanecea sat on the side of their bed, attempting to wake her girls. "The boys have already begun their adventure and I have a surprise for you. Come on, Girls, get up. It's a glorious day."

Lanecea leaned back as Llia attempted to latch onto her breast.

"Not this morning. I have something special planned - it will be worth the wait," Lanecea assured Llia before she stood, stepping toward the window. 

The sky was still painted in streaks of pink and purple as the queen's eyes lingered on the hillside, not turning away from the view even when Striker joined her, pressing his massive body against her leg.

"We will not be exploring secret passages in the castle until Thorson returns, so this morning, I would like you to join Minerva in the kitchen. We have some local Italian women who will be teaching you a cooking class this morning, which I am sure you will enjoy. Lia and Reagan, please head to the kitchen after you wash up. Revna, please remain behind. I would like to speak with you - alone."

"Is she in trouble?" Reagan was genuinely worried, the two girls the closest out of the half-siblings.

"She will be alright," Lanecea hedged as she watched the girls hurry to wash up before leaving Revna alone with her stepmother.

"I didn't mean to lick your lips last night," Revna began the moment the door closed behind Llia. "Will you forgive me?"

"There's nothing to forgive," Lanecea assured the young girl, taking a seat on the bed once more. "I believe you need...guidance..." Lani paused for a long moment as she studied the dark-haired girl standing in front of her, "a lot of love, and quality time with just the two of us. I don't believe you've ever had time alone with me without your sisters or brother present, have you?"

Revna shook her head no.

"That's a pity and I will be sure to make it up to you although it is not often any of the children get one-on-one time. There are just so many and only one of me, you understand. It isn't personal at all."

"I understand," Revna smiled as she reassured her priestess mamma.

"Thank you, Sweetheart," Lanecea kissed her cheek before instructing the girl to dress in white. "Meet me in the dining room once you've dressed."

"Yes, Mamma," Revna forgot to add 'Priestess' but likely because she was in such a hurry to make every moment alone with Lanecea count.

Lanecea's butterflies were doing summersaults as she stepped out of the bedroom, heading toward the Italian women she had permitted to stay at the castle overnight, directly across the hallway from their sons. Lani may have taken their sons, but she wasn't cruel.

"Good morning, Ladies," Lani smiled at the Italian women who blushed as they continued to prepare breakfast, their freshly scrubbed boys sitting at the long table along with the princesses. "Good Morning, My Little Darlings. I hope you slept well. This morning you will be doing your lessons together with Goddess Minerva, boys, and you girls know you will be taking a cooking lesson with these lovely ladies. Bianca, will you please pack Revna and I a lunch to take with us? Thank you."

Minerva translated for Lanecea, Bianca smiling as she stepped aside, beginning to pack a lunch fit for a queen.

"Come, Revna," Lanecea motioned for the girl to follow her from the kitchen and out into the early morning sunlight, dew kissing their bare toes. "Now, if I am not mistaken, there should be a tunnel around here somewhere. Striker, come. Search."

"A tunnel?"

"Yes. It will be hidden of course, but I'm guessing it won't be too far from the main gate, likely hidden within a tree or hill..."

"Why would there be a tunnel hidden? Where does it lead to?"

"That's a surprise, but the tunnel would be hidden from the converts after Rome was Christianized. There is always a handful of the faithful..."

Lanecea reached for Revna's hand, her familiar finding the entrance within minutes. Just as she had suspected, it was dug within a hill, nestled within a grove of trees. A perfect spot really, and easily accessible to the villagers, yet within the looming shadow of the castle's fortification.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now