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They didn't make it to the end of the lane before Storm had a change of heart, the man striding toward the family he'd left behind.

"We were just about to strike," Revna spilled the beans as Storm led them toward the passage in the grove, inadvertently assuring Storm that he had made the right decision in turning back.

"It's too dangerous. Lani, you're staying put - I mean it."

Lanecea was quiet although she never would have argued with Storm anyway. It would have been a lot for her to tackle on her own, even with the help of the children. Besides, how was she to take care of their needs in his absence? She hadn't thought of that either.

"Catherine is working on my gown and the McLeans are expecting us for dinner...I don't like to be rude," Lanecea finally interrupted the silence.

"Hans will take care of that matter. You've located them which is what you were supposed to do, nothing more. I need you at my side, Lani. We are in this together and I know for a fact that you need me just as much and more. Now, Hans is bringing your books and files to the farm - they should be there before we arrive home. Stay in the nest where you are safe while I'm busy."

"I'll be good," Lanecea whispered her promise and she meant it.

Besides, she really did love the nest Thorson had created for her.


Lanecea settled into the loft, setting down roots. It was the perfect lookout point as well and no one would suspect anything lay behind the panel in the wall. That was very cool. Lanecea, however, was always up to something and wanted to surprise her king - to thank him for being so wonderful and she knew exactly what he would love. Lani waited until she'd tucked her divine children to bed within the grove before putting her latest plan in motion.

"What are you doing, Mamma?" Revna whispered as she looked behind her shoulder as though someone may hear although it was only Lanecea and her children who were out in the forest after dark.

"Surprising your father. Watch this," Lanecea responded, her voice also whisper soft as she stepped onto a tree stump within the Oak Grove, creating a makeshift dais.

The ground beneath the siblings' feet began to tremble, the air itself snapping with expectancy as Lanecea tapped into her magic.

"Hold my wrist, Darlings. You have enough divine within your blood to join mine. Focus on the property boundary - I wouldn't know where it is."

"What's up with you and boundary lines?" Thorson searched Lanecea's eyes as he easily encircled Lanecea's wrist with his fingers.

"Trust me, you'll see. Now focus, please."

Lanecea raised her right hand, focusing on her great love for Storm as his children focused on property lines until, moments later blue electricity coursed through the ground, weaving through the forest and past the centaur army trapping the grove within its blue borderline. They'd seen Wolfstein do the same thing at the naming ceremony, but this was on a smaller scale.

"Come forth," Lanecea called out, but her voice was still soft.

The vampires, however, couldn't refuse the summons, the metal bonds snapping like twigs at Lanecea's summons.

Chain lightning - an ethereal blue - struck the ground over and over again as the centaurs reared while the vampires walked past as though in a daze while remaining in a single file.

The blue boundary line sank into the earth, allowing the vampires to pass before closing behind them.

"Run!" Lanecea commanded, the vampires not hesitating as they escaped into the night.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now