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Church bells ringing in the distance sent shivers down the length of Lanecea's spine as she leaned against an Oak Dryad's broad chest. Most, however, were unable to see the dryad guarding Queen Lanecea as the traitors were laid to rest in freshly dug graves. 


Those men were far too young to have given their lives for their allegiance with the vampires.

"Perhaps it would be best for you to return," the dryad counselled, "it would be a shame should you draw attention to yourself. Besides, there is nothing to see from this vantage point, Your Majesty."

Lanecea was reluctant to admit that the dryad was correct as the elderly priest began to offer up a final prayer. The heavens, as always, were brass and the priest's prayers wouldn't change that. Perhaps it offered those gathered just enough comfort before they returned to their homes, each now void of a son. Now that was a pity. Those men should have thought twice before siding with the undead.

Shadows moved within the trees as Lanecea turned away from the open graves, joining her men once more as they headed back to their temporary headquarters.

"Wolfstein will be pleased," Lanecea whispered.

"You always please him," a green-eyed young man grinned before growing serious. "Of course, he will be very pleased. Would you care to see for yourself?"

Drakon wasn't as convinced as he listened to the German but he waited until Lanecea and Jans had stepped away from the cemetery before he sent a silent command deep within the earth. He wasn't a moment too late as stones hidden within the fresh earth ricocheted off three casket lids.

Kazimiers gasped as he struggled to fill his lungs with oxygen, the air - what little there was of it - warm and stifling. Darkness encompassed him as he attempted to catch his bearings, the plinking against pine almost rhythmic yet all he could focus on was the feeling of imminent suffocation and desperation to escape his tight enclosure.

Time seemed as though it were standing still before the bottom of the casket gave way sending the captain freefalling, plummeting into the bowels of the earth.

"Where are we?" Piotr was the first to speak as he attempted to stand, Teodor attempting to get a better view past his captain's broad shoulders. 

Directly above where they stood they could still glimpse the lining of their caskets and yet, the men were far from dead. Of course they had heard the rumours - how could they not? Abram had been the first of the undead, stepping out from the underworld before he brought great civilizations to utter ruin. Captain Kazimiers bravely led his men to guard the conquers. No one had ever succeeded in subduing the vampires for long, let alone wiping them off the face of the earth and sending them back to the underworld from whence they had spawned. Until now. It didn't take science for the captain to recognize the rectangular shape of caskets far above, lined up row upon row, but only three were gaping open.

Teodor swore under his breath before beginning to run, his boots echoing in the endless corridor, Piotr deciding last-minute to follow his captain as he turned in the opposite direction before running as though hell itself was in hot pursuit. Surely the vampires would come to their rescue. If it was true that they had landed in the underworld, this would definitely be the time to honour their alliance.

It was a good thing the young men weren't holding their breath. No one was coming. At least not who they expected.


Lanecea praised her angels who were nothing short of lethal, then handed Herja a small black satchel, the glass bottles clinking merrily against each other as though aware that the dosage wasn't lethal. They only needed just enough to keep the undead from waking up before they were put out to pasture or shackled within the dungeon to await their fate. The decision was Storm's to make, the vampires left to his mercy - or whim. 

"You please me so much," Lanecea praised Herja as she gently tucked a strand of hair behind the woman's ear. "I knew you wouldn't disappoint me, but you have exceeded my expectations. Well done! I have much to do before we leave Poland. I'll join you in the market within the hour - wait for me. I have some I need to attend to."

"No worries. I'm just getting started."

Lanecea smiled as she stepped away. Herja looked like she was having the time of her life and Lani was more certain than ever that she hadn't made a mistake.

"Mamma!" Revna called out from several feet away, silver blood dripping from her potato peeler. 

Lanecea stopped immediately as Revna ran through the milling throng before running straight into Lani's arms like a homing pigeon.

"My Darling, are you alright? I see you've been very busy this morning," Lani grinned as she looked at the potato peeler Revna was still clutching. "I need to get back to work but we should be finished before lunch. Are you having fun?"

"I want you Mamma - I need to stay with you."

Lanecea tilted Revna's chin as she searched the girl's eyes. 

"Are you sure? This is the adventure of a lifetime and I would very much like to prove to Wolfstein that he wasn't mistaken in his vision for you and I."

"He wasn't," Revna quickly reassured Lani. "I can protect you just as well as any of your guards - probably better. I need to be near you and I'm fierce - even Daddy says so."

"Yes you are," Lanecea admitted with a grin. Revna would very likely grow to be a formidable queen as well, but she was still a princess. "Herja, I'm taking Revna with me. I didn't want you to worry."

Herja nodded, acknowledging she'd heard but didn't look back, the first name on her new list already in Herja's crosshairs.

"You're learning," Revna sounded like a proud mamma as she slipped her hand under Lani's skirt, not caring who noticed as her hand caressed Lanecea's naked ass beneath her unusually short skirt. "I'm starving."

"Thank you - I'm trying," Lanecea whispered as a blush kissed her cheeks. "I need to focus for a little bit when we enter that building but I promise that as soon as I'm finished, you will have my undivided attention."

Revna opened her mouth to protest but Lani made her forget whatever she was just about to say. That kiss said everything and then some as Lanecea showed Revna in no uncertain terms that she needed her just as much. 

By the time Lanecea broke the kiss, her skirt was above her hips and the silky crimson blouse was gaping open, Lanecea's boobs spilling out of their confines.

"It is so sexy and makes me crazy wet when you help yourself to your mamma's body, but I really need to focus. Be a good girl for me..."

"I know what you need," Revna promised with a mischievous grin eliciting a moan from her very horny mamma.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now