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Herja barely lasted two hours and was already a frazzled, leaking mess by the time Llia materialized in the living room, bottles in a crate balanced in her hand.

"It looks like you've been having fun," Llia grinned, barely heard above her siblings' non-stop moaning and crying for mamma. "Here, help me pass them out. The larger bottle, set aside for now."

One by one the Littles calmed, their eyes growing heavy as they sucked their bottles, each equipped with a realistic nipple, something Herja was just noticing now that her home was once again quiet.

"Wow, that's amazing. What's the secret? I couldn't get them to stop crying for Lani..."

Llia didn't answer as she reached for the larger bottle.

"Lay down in my arms and suck," Llia instructed as she took at seat at the end of the couch after she'd helped Herja transfer the children to the bedrooms. "Close your eyes and suck Mamma's nipple like a good slave."

"Oh Llia..." Herja sighed as she got into position, cuddling up against Llia's heart as the girl held the bottle close to her chest. "Mmmm. I never would have thought of nectar-infused milk. No wonder..."

Llia stroked Herja's hair as the woman sucked her bottle. 

"My siblings are going through Mamma-withdrawls. They have their nannies, of course, but Mamma has never been away from them for more than twenty-four hours and, as soon as they can crawl, they have access to Mamma's entire body, able to feed whenever they need. Perhaps it will be easier for you if you were to only take care of the babies. They are easier, I think, drinking strictly milk," Llia looked at the ceiling for a moment as though she were able to see the sextuplets in their cradles. "And my brother would like to be with his babies, I think..."

Herja released the nipple for a moment.

"I'll be perfectly fine as long as I am stocked with nectar milk. I didn't realize they had pussy, but I get it now and don't blame them at all. I thought they reminded me of people crash-landing from a sugar rush, but they are much too young to be addicted to sugar. Nectar - now that makes sense."

Llia grinned as Herja resumed feeding on her special bottle, amused that Herja didn't seem to be shocked in the least at her siblings' diet, but maybe the woman in her arms was learning quickly. Nothing was conventional in their family.

"Spread your legs, Mommy Slave. I want to see how much lust for Mamma you have when you are feeding."

"Mmm," Herja moaned around the nipple replica as she obeyed, her pussy very slick with nectar.

"Good slave. Now stroke your pussy while you suck. You know you want to."

"Oh, I do," Herja's breathless confession made the more serious of the twins giggle.

"You should always make your pussy feel good when you are drinking your bottle - or if you get to suck Mamma's boobs. You like it better, don't you? Just don't finger yourself without permission."

"It feels so good. I need your mamma - badly."

Llia stroked Herja's hair as she watched the woman frantically stroke her pussy, but Llia broke the silence.

"Join Mamma in Brussels."

Herja swallowed the milk in her mouth before opening her eyes, searching the young goddess' soul for understanding, Llia supposed.

"I can't. My career is everything. Your mother will understand. It takes years and hard work to reach my position at work."

"Then you don't know my mother at all," Llia whispered a second before she disappeared, leaving the horny woman lying on the couch with a bottle in her mouth.


Herja was running late for work as she searched the empty loft, only to find it empty, and then her bedroom, but there was no trace of Lanecea in their bedroom. Slipping her fingers between her legs, Herja stood at the foot of the bed as she determined to remedy that when Lani returned from Europe. Lanecea's clothes needed to join hers in the closet and Lani needed to be smack-dab between Herja and Storm in their bed. Herja grinned, as she stepped away from the bed knowing she wouldn't take no for an answer before she searched the guest bedroom.

Gowns she hadn't seen before hung in the closet, catching Herja's attention as she fingered the array of clothing from different periods before finally stepping away to search the dresser and drawers.

"Where would she keep her nanny's info?" Herja ran her fingers through her hair as she glanced up at the clock on the wall. At this rate she was going to be very late for work.

Out of options, Herja decided to leave the sleeping babies and children, reaching for her cell phone and keys. If she had a few minutes to spare, Herja would contact Alice. Herja had many friends of her own, but how would she explain all the children under her roof? Alice or Gretjen were her only options, Herja was certain, as she reached for the fridge handle, but it wouldn't budge.

Not willing to waste time, Herja turned from the fridge, opening the cupboard instead, but it too, wouldn't open.

"What the hell?"

Llia smiled like a Cheshire cat as she materialized in the kitchen, her butt on the counter. Apparently she hadn't inherited her fear of heights, only her mother's features and twisted imagination.

"I wouldn't like for you to be tempted, Mommy Slave. You are back on a strict liquid diet - Mamma's orders. Mamma isn't cruel though, so here..." Llia passed Herja two glass bottles of milk. "That should get you through your shift, and see? No nipples attached. Now, Mommy Slave, were you just about to leave my siblings alone? Were you really about to run to work and leave them by themselves?"

"I don't have a choice - or didn't, before you showed up. I'm already running late and I couldn't find any contact information for your mother's nanny."

"Nannies," Llia corrected her. "Mamma gave them the night off. She trusted you to keep your promise and look after her children - your husband's children. Your husband's children should always be your priority, therefore, you failed the test. I will be sure to inform Mamma and you will not be getting your reward."

Llia held up a smaller glass bottle, allowing it to catch the light so Herja did not doubt what her reward would have been: cum.

"Oh Llia," Herja forgot the time as she slid her hand within her pants, stroking her pussy once again. "What can I do to please your mother?"

"You're smart - you'll figure it out. Now finger yourself until you cum your brains out. I'll tell Mamma that you were more concerned with pleasing her than wanting the bottle of Daddy's cum."

Llia wasn't sure if Herja heard a word she'd said, the woman moaning and writhing on the floor as she came her brains out.

The children would never have been left alone, but Herja didn't know that. Freya remained invisible as she watched from where she was sitting at the kitchen table, struggling not to laugh. Poor Herja was facing an impossible mission. There was really nothing that Herja could ever do to please Lani, but there was plenty she could do to disappoint her.

Llia winked at her Auntie Freya before disappearing once more, the young goddess heading back to her mother with the latest report.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now