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"Let's go," Hans announced the moment he opened the attic door, but his eyes were fixated on his boots as though they were suddenly fascinating.

Thorson, of course, wasn't foolish enough to hesitate. After all, he suspected he'd be spending the rest of his life in the now-empty nest.

Hans waited until Thorson was walking at his side before breaking the heavy silence.

"Every single one of us would give our lives for the woman you betrayed. Don't even think of doing anything foolish. I had such high hopes for you and can't help but be deeply disappointed. I expected such treachery from your mother but you? It's inconceivable... I really shouldn't be doing this, especially while your father is away, but the babies still need their dad and there is something you need to see. If you try to make a run for it, you won't get far. My men are everywhere..."

Thorson really didn't need the veiled threat. Where exactly would he go anyway? He may be a scoundrel that couldn't keep his cock in his pants, but he wouldn't turn his back on his newborns. 

His demi-god sons didn't seem quite as certain as they eyed their father with the same look he'd seen in their mother's eyes just hours before, each of the babies with Lanecea's ethereal green eyes searching his soul in unison. Now that was unnerving, to say the least, but Thorson swallowed hard then picked them out of their cradle, and then held them against his heart.

Hans watched in silence for a long few minutes as he leaned against the nursery doorframe.

"I believe that Lanecea intends for you to rot away in the attic as though it were the London Tower. You wouldn't be the first prince to languish away before being forgotten - just a footnote in a dusty history book, and, knowing our Lani's great love for history, your punishment is rather poignant, but I, personally, think it may be a bit harsh and there is no telling when they will return from this mission.  There are still chores to do, and as I said, your babies need their father regardless of your indiscretions, but there is also something I believe you need to see. Go ahead and bring your sons if you like, but I want you to follow me."

Thorson readjusted the triplets in his arms before following the commander of Lanecea's secret police from the nursery. Satyrs, armed to the teeth, flexed their brawny muscles as they watched Thorson pass them as they stood guard over the chambers were the breeders were kept until Lani saw fit to use them for her eugenics program. Thorson watched as the guards fingered their swords, a scowl etched on their features as they watched the two pass by.

"Where are we going?" Thorson asked as Hans led his companion through a maze of corridors before turning left, then slowed his pace as he led the way down a steep flight of stairs, taking them even lower into the bowels of the earth.

Hans looked up, watching to ensure Thorson didn't lose his footing on the slick stairs with his precious cargo within his arms, but didn't bother to answer before he continued down the narrow passage, flickering torches lining the walls the only light in the thick darkness.

"I thought the underworld where Lani's temple is was it..." Thorson began again as he stepped closer to the commander as they turned left once again until the narrow passage opened wider revealing at once large chambers enclosed with cast-iron bars. 

"It needs no explanation," Hans whispered in the eerie silence as he gestured toward the various implements of torture, many exact replicas of the ones Thorson had seen in France.

Shackles lined the stone walls, just waiting to be filled while surgical tables gleamed in the firelight. Swords and daggers were displayed on the opposite wall, but it was the gleaming instruments lying on the tables that caught Thorson's attention, sending a cold shiver racing down his spine.

"They are a gift from Lani to your father. He is yet to see his surprise, but Lanecea wanted to create a unique mancave for Storm. She's crazy about him, as you know, but that mind of hers is wonderfully twisted. I have a feeling he will love his gift, don't you?" Hans grinned although he wasn't expecting an answer. Storm would see what a unique treasure Lanecea was, his queen second to none. "Over here, in this adjacent chamber is where your mother is being kept. The room is soundproof so she will not be able to hear the sounds emitting from the dungeon when it is in use. Lani is merciful, after all, and wouldn't like to give Herja nightmares."

Thorson peered through the metal door, not realizing that his mother was unable to see him, only a mirror, his cock threatening to rip his pants at the sight of his mother on her knees licking and sucking a perfect replica of Lanecea's pussy.

"Her training is going well," Hans grinned. "Lanecea demands perfect loyalty - devotion. As you can see, she is quite comfortable and has everything she could need - almost. The feeder is regulated, of course, but she has adapted to it rather quickly. Perhaps I will show you the mechanism later. It was Lani's idea, of course, but I designed it myself and am rather proud of my invention. The silicone breasts are on a timer, releasing milk three times a day, but the pussy Harja has discovered operates quite differently. She really needs to work at it if she wants a mouthful of your father's cum. Lanecea, as you know, is very territorial so she insisted that Herja would really need to work for it and believes this will also teach that woman to be more devoted to Storm. I believe her plan is working as I find her on her knees more often than not. Now, if you notice to the left of the bed near the back of the room is a bookcase. That slides to the left with a push of a button, revealing a staircase that leads to an upper room. Perhaps I will have time to show you later, but it's like a lounge that is adjacent to the second nursery where the rescued babies will be kept. On the opposite side is a nursery where the products of the breedings will be kept until they are weaned and placed with appropriate, vetted families. This is just the beginning of a wide-scale, complex operation... Please, follow me."

Thorson glanced back at his mother once more just in time to see his father's cum gush like lava from the pussy replica, soaking Herja's face, but she didn't seem to be complaining as she swallowed rapidly before wiping the rest from her upturned face, then licked her fingers clean, careful not to waste a single drop of the cream she had worked hard for. The sight was very sexy, Thorson immediately aching to breed Lanecea, the kinky mastermind until he remembered it was just wishful thinking. Swallowing the sudden lump in his throat, Thorson hurried to catch up with Hans who didn't realize his companion was lagging behind.

"I was just watching Mom...what did I miss?"

"Lanecea intends to keep those she doesn't trust on this floor, adjacent to her dungeon. This will be your room when you aren't in the attic, but unlike your mother's, this one isn't soundproof."

Thorson lost all colour as he stepped into the room that offered an unobstructed view of the torcher chamber. 

"Go ahead and make yourself comfortable," Hans reached for the triplets before pushing a button, Thorson's own bookcase sliding to the left before revealing a hidden staircase. "I'll have your sons brought to the lounge and Halley will assign one of the nannies to look after them when you are down here until Lani returns." Hans began to ascend the stairs before he called over his shoulder. "Trust is earned, Young Man. Restore Lani's trust in you - if you can."

Hans threw out the challenge like a gauntlet before the bookcase slid back into place leaving Thorson alone with his thoughts once more.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now