19 1 2

It felt like an eternity since Lanecea had last seen Storm, but she wasn't the only female on the country lane who was missing their man. Mrs. Wagner, however, was busy with her many children, rarely seen past their farm's fence, and as for Mrs. Himmler, she looked as though she were about to burst any day now. Johann was still her only child, making it easier for her to waddle the short distance to the Wagner farm than it was for Mrs. Wagner to round up her blond brood, Lanecea supposed. Empathizing with the German wives as she struggled to hold onto her smallest dolls - the twins  - while keeping the cushion from falling out from beneath her dress, Lanecea was lost in thought as she picked wildflowers along the edge of the forest with her free hand, moving slowly toward the Wagner farm as she headed toward the end of their road. Her Sunday School teacher lived just on the other side of the train tracks and was likely to purchase a wildflower bouquet. It wouldn't be much, but the money would help she and her children survive until the Allies won the war.

Lanecea looked up over the tall grass as soft voices reached her, the women growing quiet as they spotted the younger girl.

"Good morning, Lani. What are you up to?" Mrs. Himmler smiled, gently stroking her protruding stomach as she leaned against the fence.

"Good morning, Ladies. I'm just gathering some wildflowers to sell. My sister and cousin are going to help me sell them at the farmer's market today."

"The farmer's market?" Mrs. Wagner frowned as she rolled the stroller back and forth while standing in the same spot. 

"I'm just using a doll's blanket," Lanecea explained quickly, seeing the concern in Mrs. Wagner's eyes. "I'm hoping some people will actually stop by and purchase my flowers though. My husband has been gone, fighting the Nazis for a long time..."

The women met each other's eyes before Mrs. Wagner tucked a stray strand of blonde hair behind her ear, "I really should head back home. Bread doesn't bake itself. You're welcome to visit later if you have time."

"Thank you," Mrs. Himmler and Lanecea said in unison before heading back toward the apple orchard together, Lanecea matching the very pregnant woman's much slower steps, visiting her Sunday School teacher forgotten.

"My husband left me a bit of money before he went away with Dieter and the boys. I'm hoping he will return today and would like to make it very pretty for when he arrives. May I purchase one of your bouquets? The purple and white one would look lovely on my dining room table tonight. I'm sure Hans won't mind that I spent some of the money to support you. We take care of our own when our men are away," Mrs. Himmler smiled down at Lanecea, joining in on the girl's game, or so she supposed.

"Oh thank you! Please give me a moment and I'll make it extra special for you." Removing a ribbon from one of her doll's hair, Lanecea wrapped it carefully around the flower stems before passing the wildflowers to Mrs. Himmler.

"They are very beautiful! How much do I owe you, please? I'll be sure to return your doll's ribbon the next time I see you."

"Thank you - and ten cents please."

"Only ten cents?"

"Yes, Ma'am. With the war raging..." 

"Ah," Mrs. Himmler's clear blue eyes grew stormy again before she looked away to find a dime. "Thank you once again. My husband will be pleased when he returns, I'm sure," she smiled once again, bringing the flowers up to her nose.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now