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The Celt gods arrived just in time for the baby-naming part of the ceremony to begin. Now that the others had been dealt with, it was safe to allow those gathered to see them. Tarvos didn't care either way, but he had learned over the centuries to pick his battles. Following the lead of the other gods and goddesses for one night wouldn't kill him, but he couldn't help but wonder what he had missed out on.

Storm was remarkably good at sharing his woman, the man not nearly as territorial as the queen, it would seem, but something seemed to switch within the king's brain as he stood from the throne, carrying Lanecea who was dripping wet with nectar and his cum as he stepped closer to the edge of the dais.

"Goddess Lanecea belongs to me. Every. Last. Inch. We were promised to each other and although a mistake was made, it does not change fate - I won't let it. The goddess is well aware that she is mine. I only share her with one - my son. Lanecea, your goddess, is mine for eternity."

Wolfstein didn't challenge him, his cock throbbing as he licked his lips. Storm thrust even harder within Lanecea as he held her impaled, but facing those gathered, allowing them an unobstructed view as he sent her careening back and forth above them until Storm had once again marked his territory. The king always made Lanecea shiver but this territorial display was making her lose her mind.

"Thorson, you may fuck her perfect boobs."

"Thank you, Dad," Thorson grinned at his father knowing exactly what Storm was doing as Thorson thrust his cock between Lanecea's ever-leaking breasts, her cleavage already wet and slippery for his cock's pleasure.

"Oh fuck, Lani, you're so perfect," Thorson whispered against Lanecea's lips as his cock slid between them.

The abundance of father and son's cum flowing out of Lanecea's body was remarkable, the Cardinals and husbands already on their stomachs lapping up the mess their lust had caused and still, the three were nowhere near finished breeding, much to their guests' enjoyment. They went wild licking up the cum and nectar as it soaked them, but never took their eyes off Storm, Thorson, and the woman wedged between them.

Revna was going nuts as well but was unable to join in with her father and brother's bodies completely encasing Lanecea. Her brain was incredibly hazy as she knelt beside the priestesses, but unlike the older women who knew better than to taste another man's cum, Revna was dangerously close to lapping up her father's and brother's lust. Tarvos, who she hadn't seen yet because she was so focused on worship, swept Revna off the dais and into his arms in the knick of time.

"I don't think so, ya Little Scamp. No tasting cum for you - at least not yet. Your king..."

Revna blushed as Tarvos held her against his broad chest, but she was also embarrassed.

"I'm not a little scamp, Tarvos! I'm nearly a grown woman!"

Tarvos chuckled, not minding in the least that Revna was frustrated with his choice of words now that he had distracted her from the rivers of cum and nectar a few inches away from where he stood with Revna in his arms.

"That you are. My apologies, Princess. You'll forgive me, won't you?"

"Of course I forgive you..." Revna wove her fingers through his hair at the back of his neck before whispering, "Are you my king?"

"No, Princess. I'm a god but I do know your king and you will like him very much."

Revna could feel her lip pouting, but asked, "I will?"

"Would I lie to you? That boy is a beast."

Revna forgot why she was pouting at the thought of her king being a beast.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now