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"Let that day forever be known throughout the annals of history as The Day of Great Devastation. It shall be a day of mourning throughout the kingdoms. No work shall be done, parents instead, focused on warning their children..."

The gods, nymphs, faeries, elves, and satyrs listened to their queen's declaration, their hearts cringing as her green eyes shone with unshed tears.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty," Freya stepped forward as she approached the throne.


"The Day of Great Devastation sounds more like a natural disaster such as a tsunami or tornado's aftermath, rather than a matter of the heart."

"Perhaps you are correct. Alright, it shall be known as The Day of Great Tragedy, second only to The Great Massacre."

Queen Lanecea's word was law as long as it didn't affect the men, therefore, King Storm stood back watching as his queen wielded her power, her soul shuddering as she made her pronouncement. Even in her grief, he still found her humorous but was wise enough to hide his smile. After all, this day of perpetual remembrance was his fault  - to an extent.

"And what will you do with Hadja?" Freya brought up the question that had been burning in her mind since she had discovered fate had been altered.

"Will you exterminate her?" A faerie held her hand over her mouth, muffling her gasp.

"I'm far too gracious...although, I do wish to see her. I need to see why Storm would have betrayed me."

King Storm stepped forward, already knowing the answer his queen sought.

"I wasn't able to think clearly without my soul which you know was busy searching for you from each corner of the earth. When I couldn't find you at the apple orchard or Dieter's farm and no one knew what became of you..."

Queen Lanecea could never love her king any less, desperately needing him to comfort her bleeding heart, which of course he did without hesitation, easily lifting her off her thone and onto his lap, ripe baby belly and all in one fluid motion.

"I belong to you for eternity and you know it. My heart, mind, body, and soul as well as every inch of my scepter," King Storm added as though his cock were entirely separate from his body and deserved additional mentioning, which made Lanecea smile, her teary eyes sparkling with suppressed laughter and happiness.

"Thank you, My King. I adore you."

"I know, and I adore you too."

"She's no competition but you may see for yourself if you wish," Frey stepped closer to the throne, "I'll take you to her myself and then, once you have seen her, you can decide what you wish to have done with her."

Lanecea ran her fingers through her long flowing hair.

"Thank you for your loyalty, as always, and for comforting my heart. I suppose every story needs a villain."

Freya laughed, the sound light and shimmery. 

"Of course, you'd think of that, but I think there may be another twist to the story that you will enjoy. Only time will tell, however. In the meantime, I suggest we retreat to the summer castle until the men return from the hunt. We can never be too careful."

King Storm reluctantly stood, setting Lanecea back onto the ground before he left with the men to prepare for the vampire hunt. 

"I want to see this woman before we leave. I don't think my mind will have a moment's peace until I do. However, I think she may be useful. I'm sure there is something she can do to help the cause, I just can't think of what just yet."

Freya had no idea either but nodded as she led Queen Lanecea toward the woman Storm had decided to marry.


Lanecea managed to perch on a desk watching in silence as women rushed about, but her eyes were on the one Freya pointed out as her. 

"She's determined," Lanecea whispered although it was highly unlikely that anyone other than her companions could see her. 

Lani wasn't sure if relentless was a good or bad characteristic, the woman reminding her of her mother. 

Not good.

"She'd be easier to eliminate than a vampire," Willow shrugged as she reached for Lanecea's hand, the nymph offering her support, for what it was worth.

"No one is getting eliminated," Lanecea reminded her friends. "There must be some reason why Storm married her. I just can't see it...yet."

Frey, Willow, and Lanecea looked closer, studying Storm's bride, but they really couldn't figure it out.

"Perhaps King Storm is correct," Freya shrugged after they'd concentrated so hard, they'd made themselves dizzy. "Without a soul, he doesn't have the capacity to think straight."

"That has to be it," Lanecea sighed, attempting to slide off the desk. 

She would much rather be back in her castle than watching women in the workforce. 

"What is your plan?"

"Well, I was hoping to see what she is good at, breeding with Storm aside. I don't see anything that stands out, really. I'm just confused and with my heart aching, I am afraid I can't think clearly enough to decide right now. You are correct, something needs to be done in addition to declaring a day of mourning for all of eternity, but what? There must be something..."

Once again Lanecea turned around, observing Hadja one more time.

"She's bossy, strong-willed, meticulous, determined, and pregnant..."

Apparently, it is possible for the world's greatest queen to faint.


Hedja's pregnancy made it too real, but once Lanecea saw Storm's children, she was as in love with them as she was with her own. They may have not taken form within her womb, but they did within her heart. After all, they were Storm's and he, of course, was her great love.

Thorson had no idea that the girl he was head over heels in love with was the same woman who sat on the edge of his bed since he could remember, telling him and his sister grand tales of greatness.

"Dad," Thorson tapped on his parents' bedroom door. "Is it okay if I head out for a bit? I've been invited on an adventure."

Storm couldn't shake the feeling that Lanecea was behind his son's request. He could feel it in his gut.

"Where are you going?" He popped his head out of the bedroom.

"Vampire hunting," Thorson whispered, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I'm going with the gods."

"Give me a moment to get dressed and I'll join you. It's been far too long since I was on a hunt - that kind of hunt. I wouldn't want to get rusty," Storm grinned before disappearing once again within his bedroom.

The two stepped out of the house before anyone else had woken, dew still kissing the ground.

"I know your secret, Dad," Thorson interrupted the silence. "I know who you are."

"It needs to be kept a secret, Son," Thorson whispered although no one could hear them except for perhaps Frey and Freya who were approaching as the last stars disappeared from the sky.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now