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Revna was in charge of keeping Thorson away from the kitchen so their surprise wouldn't be ruined as his sisters set the table, the excitement building as the women worked together waiting for the return of the men.

Herja had agreed to them staying, supper pot-luck style.

"It's just a craft fair," Herja glanced over at Lanecea who looked as though she was about to burst if Storm didn't step in the door at that very moment. "We could just go. I don't see the point..."

"It feels so good," the priestesses answered Herja in unison, then laughed after they'd sighed- moaned in unison at just the thought of asking for permission. 

"It makes us feel safe," Mrs. Wagner, as the eldest, attempted to sum it up better. "Whenever we earn a bit of money, we also give it to our men trusting they will take care of us. There is nothing like that feeling..."

Again, the priestesses sighed in unison, their eyes dreamy just thinking of it, except for Ella.

"I wonder...if our husbands give us fifty dollars, let's just say to make the math easier, and he says the money is to buy a new dress, but we are blessings and find one for, let's say, thirty dollars, is it alright to keep the remaining twenty dollars and squirrel it away so we don't have to ask him for money for, you know...that monthly issue..."

The priestesses contemplated the situation.

"I think it is stealing," Lanecea was the first to come up with an answer to Ella's hypothetical dilemma. "If he said the money is for a new dress and it is used for anything else, that would break his trust, I would assume, but if you keep the change instead of returning it, that is stealing even though it is very difficult to ask for more money if you're not pregnant..."

"I've heard some women have used socks because they refuse to ask for money for it. I know it is humiliating and adds to our sorrow to have to you know, ask because we couldn't give them another baby, but I agree with Lani. I think it is stealing too. With that being said, I just ask for more supplies - a few extra - after each birth. The nurses don't seem to mind and it usually lasts me as I am pregnant again within a few weeks. That is the best way to stock up without keeping the change from the money he gives you or have to...ask."

Mrs. Himmler's eyes had grown sad as the younger women discussed a dilemma priestesses for eons had struggled with.

"Sometimes we are not granted the things we desire most. It was many years between the birth of my two sons but I discovered it is best to communicate how I felt - my sadness and humiliation when I didn't conceive month after month, and those months turned into years. If I didn't have Hans' devotion, it would have been so much harder. I believe, and I speak from experience, that if we don't share our hearts with our husbands, they cannot help us when we need it most, so it is always best to ask. I'm not sure if it is stealing or not, but in the long run, not asking will hurt you more than anything."

The women were quiet for several minutes, contemplating Mrs. Himmler's wisdom, but they looked like they were taking a moment of silence. Lanecea thought it would be most difficult to have to ask and not have his devotion. Then what? It was too embarrassing a question to ask, even surrounded by priestesses. After all, they wouldn't be able to answer her question, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Himmler, Wilhelm, and Johann were all devoted husbands, and besides, except for the children, all the women were married.  Lani sighed as she looked over at Herja wondering if she realized how very blessed she was to know what it was like to be married, a priestesses' greatest dream.

The vehicles arriving made them all the same once more, the women tumbling out of the house to greet their men, the highlight of their day.


The men were very pleased with their efforts, butterflies spinning as they praised the women, going out of their way to praise the priestesses-in-training before permitting their wives to go to the craft fair. 

"Thank you so much!" Lanecea hugged Storm, kissing him when he gave her twenty dollars to support Alice at the fair. "I can't wait for Saturday!"

Herja smiled at Lani's enthusiasm; her friends were just as happy when their husbands gave them money as well to support Alice.

"I'd like to do this more often," Lanecea confided in Thorson as he followed her into the kitchen.

"Tell me."

"Have Priestess Parties. I think that would be a better title than Prep Parties. I have an idea. It's kind of crazy, but I think it could work and it would keep your mom too busy to be a traitor. I've been thinking there may be a way to help priestesses be a blessing and at the same time lay traps, if you know what I mean..."

Thorson thought about it for a few minutes, then shook his head. 

"I don't like it. It would leave priestesses vulnerable - more vulnerable than they already are. If the vampires catch on to what you are doing, they won't care who they murder. I'd hate for it to be one of these ladies or their children, but I wouldn't put it past them. They've done worse..."

Thorson had a valid point and was able to use far more logic. Lanecea's heart, however, was swelling with pride for a completely different reason.

"You really can listen to the lessons after all. I think you are so distracted that you can't possibly learn anything..."

"You'd be surprised," Thorson winked before stepping out of the kitchen as the priestesses brought stacks of dishes to the sink, Lani already rolling up her sleeves.


"Let's find priestesses and collect their business cards. Don't forget to encourage them. A kind word brightens everyone's day. Now please stay close. It might get busy..." Lanecea embraced the girls, giving them last-minute instructions. "I would like to add many more ladies to my court and I know you can help me find those treasures today."

The girls nodded before hurrying to get caught up with Herja who was already focused on the shopping excursion.

"Isn't that clock just like the one you told us about in your story...the special one your great-grandfather had?"

"You are right! Isn't it so beautiful?!" 

"Yes, it should get it. It will remind you of your great-grandfather," Revna pointed out.

"It would...but this money is for buying something special from our friend, Alice. She is being a good girl and selling what she worked hard on so she can give the money to her husband. Let's see how well you have been paying attention to your lessons and the priestesses you met yesterday."

"The money is only for Alice and she should get it. Any money left over is always given back to Dad."

"Yes! I'm proud of how quickly you learn,"  Laneacea kissed their cheeks before hurrying once again to get caught up with Herja, the small group stopping to praise each priestess they found in the crowded fair while collecting their business cards. "Keep your eyes out for priestesses, but we are going to start looking for butchers as well now..."

"What do you need butchers for? Are they going to be members of your girl's court as well?" Reagan asked as she pointed to the closest butcher's booth from where they stood.

"They are ruthless."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now