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Storm smiled as Lanecea asked to stop at various booths displaying soaps, candles, baked goods, and other miscellaneous crafts agreeing to make each stop while holding her legs firmly as she called down compliments to the women behind the booths.

"Oh, that is so lovely! You're very talented. May I have your business card please?"

The women smiled up at the girl before fishing out their card or writing their contact information on a slip of paper before Thorson reached for the cards, sliding them into his back pocket.

"I didn't know you collect business cards. Why?" Thorson asked when they stepped away from yet another booth.

"Oh, those ladies are priestesses and I would like to have their contact information for when I am queen."

"They are?" Storm looked back over his shoulder, "how do you know?"

"It's easy. You can tell by their voices and they are supporting their men. Not all of the women here are, but those ones are definitely priestesses."

"That's incredible. You've got a good eye for spotting priestesses, but don't forget what you are supposed to be keeping your eyes out for."

"Yes, Sir, but I haven't noticed any yet...oh, may we please stop at that booth?" Lanecea pointed towards a booth displaying various cured meats.

"Hungry, are you?"

"Yes, but there is something about that man...I don't know what it is, but I feel something in my soul."

A muscle clenched in Storm's jaw as he exchanged a look with Thorson but they headed toward the booth regardless.

The Italian man smiled up at Lanecea as though they were friends before turning his attention to Storm as he reached for two small slices of cured sausage.

"We have different types of sausage as well as some that are more exotic. I am able to special order as well if you are interested..." he began before passing a slice of meat to Thorson to try, holding up the second toward Lanecea.

"Thank you, Sir," the children said in unison a second before Lanecea asked him for his business card.

"Please pass that one to me, Thorson."

Thorson held it up higher instead of sliding it into his back pocket with the others.

"Oh, it is such a pleasure to meet you, Lorenzo. I'm Lanecea and this is Thorson and, Thorson's father. We are friends."

"I wasn't sure, but I've been expecting you," Lorenzo beamed as watched Lanecea lean forward, wrapping her arm around Storm's forehead so she could see his business card better, her thumb tenderly tracing over the bound sheaf of wheat. "Your group is here as well, I've heard, but I wasn't sure how I would recognize you. I'm glad you found me. I have three trucks out back waiting to transfer the shipment whenever you give the signal."

Lanecea shivered imagining the sight of cured vampires. Surely Lorenzo didn't plan on hanging them in his butcher shop, giving samples out to unsuspecting passersby, but who was she to question the plan? Lanecea had her role to play and would excel at it.

"Don't worry," Lorenzo laughed, as though reading Lani's disturbed thoughts, "that is beef sausage."

Storm laughed, realizing what was going on in their silent conversation before taking over for the queen on his shoulders. The two men began to make arrangements for the discreet transfer of the vampires as Lanecea surveyed the throng once again looking for priestesses for her upcoming court, allies, and vampires. 

"How did you know?" Thorson asked, attempting to catch a glimpse of the business card in Lanecea's hand.

"This symbol is the symbol the Italian resistance used. It means, 'Stronger Together.' No one else uses this symbol, so I knew he could be trusted, and besides, I felt it right here," Lanecea released her grip on Storm's forehead, pointing to the center of her diaphragm, forgetting for a moment her fear of heights, but Storm was still holding onto both of her legs. "I think an army is here, Thorson, but they just need a leader to call them forth. There are more allies here than vampires - that's what my heart is telling me. The vampires are already outnumbered."

Lanecea was whispering, being careful that only Storm and Thorson would be able to hear her.

"Well done," Storm stroked her leg as he moved away from the booth, the Italian's wife taking over as her husband walked at Storm's side, jangling a set of keys in his trousers.

"Thank you, Sir. Here, I kept this for you," Lanecea slipped the slice of sausage between Storm's lips. "I know I'm heavy and you need your energy."

"You're not heavy, but thank you," Storm spoke around the piece of meat, attempting to look back at Lani, but it wasn't possible, the girl pulling his hair at the sight of a group of adults standing near a makeshift fence directly beside an officer on a police horse.

"Figures," Lorenzo muttered. "They don't try to hide very well, do they? Come on then, I'm sure you must have been told what to do. Go ahead, Son, my men and I are watching and are right behind you."

Thorson nodded before glancing up at Lanecea and then weaving through the gathering of adults, then the school children, each dropping one by one like flies. He was very sneaky and just as remarkable as Lanecea knew he would be, not stopping until he'd run out of tranquilizer. The butcher and his assistants carted the quickly wrapped bundles away without drawing attention as they headed toward the back entrance, returning moments later with more cured sausages on their trollies.

Dieter looked up as he led one of his prized cows around the inside of the pen, nodding briefly before stopping, waiting for the judges to examine the cows, Wilhelm leading another by a short rope directly behind his father. Passing his dad the end of the rope, Wilhelm winked up at Lanecea before scooting between the slats in the fence, heading back to where the farmers were getting their animals ready to be showcased. From her perch on Storm's shoulders, it was easy to see how each member of their alliance was working smoothly to not only take down the vampires but to spirit them away as though they had never been to the fair. Thorson's father was correct - not everyone had to pick up a weapon to make the vampires know they were prey. After all, it was only Thorson who had the syringes in the pouch strapped across his chest and no one saw him coming. The boy was not considered a threat until it was too late.

It wasn't yet noon, and their alliance was just getting started.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now