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Herja frowned as she watched Hans pace within her chamber until he appeared as though he would wear a permanent path into the marble floor.

"She is so impulsive! You need to constantly be two steps ahead of Lani and that is impossible as god only knows what is going to come out of her brain next... For the love of god, anything could have happened to her!"

The silicone nipple made a wet, popping sound as Herja released it before licking the milk from her lips. 

"She wasn't alone, Hans. I would never let anything happen to Lani - ever. I know how much you love her - we all do - but that woman is like catnip to vampires. The second I sensed her, I didn't waste a second and I am always armed. Nothing - and I mean nothing stands a chance if they mean her harm. Would you rather I take notes? Protecting Lanecea comes as naturally as breathing, and yes, you are right, her brain is unique, but I'm always ready. There is no need to be two steps ahead when she can count on my loyalty."

"Can she?" Hans finally looked at Herja, the woman unaware that her son was currently just down the hallway, directly across from the torture chambers.

Herja bit her lower lip but nodded. Hans didn't need promises and Herja was determined to show the captain of Lanecea's secret police that she meant business.

"Well done," Hans praised the blonde at long last as he took a seat at the side of her bed, but was lost in thought before standing once again. "Come with me."

"I don't have a shift today..." Herja pointed out as she caressed the silicone clit with her fingers while thrusting her own in and out of her dripping pussy.

"Don't make me ask twice. Do you want to make Lani happy?"

"More than anything."

Hans grinned as his eyes turned silver.


Alice smiled at Herja as she entered the room before she returned her attention to worshipping her husband's cock, Ella sitting on her husband's lap as she juggled her newborn triples. Hans remained standing as he greeted the younger men before turning his attention to Dieter.

"Come sit beside me, if you'd like," Gretjen smiled up at Herja from where she was sitting at her husband's feet, pausing briefly in kissing Deiter's thighs.

Herja bit back her moan at the sight of the priestesses that reminded her so much of Lanecea before taking Gretjen up on her offer, scooting beside the oldest of the priestesses.

Hans didn't wait a moment longer to bring his allies up-to-speed.

"As you may know, Lani has it in her head to create a network that will be far more discreet than her Cum Parties have been. Already word has been spreading in France and we cannot be too careful. We must remain under the radar - it is imperative - but the idea of creating brothels is not only...well, I don't need to explain how I feel about it and Wolfstein is also dead against the idea. Storm has already attempted to dissuade Lani from her foolish plan, and although she is obedient, we all know she will find a way to increase the amount of cum we are collecting even if she has to put her neck on the line. That is why I have called this meeting. Lanecea's invention has been remarkable, hasn't it, Herja?"

Herja blushed as she nodded, the only one in the room to have actually used the device. 

"It is very authentic," Herja whispered, her cheeks flaming hot.

Hans almost laughed - almost.

"Herja and the priestesses are the only ones in this room to have tasted her nectar, so I would like to propose, gentlemen, that you allow your priestesses to join Herja in working together with a chemist - one of our carefully vetted allies. I propose that we make far more of these devices but change the design to make it more...appealing. Imagine if we create a network...not brothels...but elite clubs where members are vetted and must undergo a DNA test. The women can help decorate, of course - I'll leave the finer details to them - but envision wall-to-wall replicas of Lani. All we would need, really, are breasts, torso and pussy. With a switch of a button, the pussies would be slick and taste like heaven and the breasts would leak like fountains. Men would pay dearly for the experience. Now, unlike the one we are currently using to train Herja, we will not have a device behind the wall that releases cum. No...Deiter, this is where you come in. Do you think you could design, or at least invent a milking device that would be able to easily encompass Storm's length? He's massive, therefore any other man would fit nicely. I think, if the men pay membership fees, they should have the assurance that their pleasure machine is theirs alone, but, perhaps you would need a suction or something like a vacuum seal to make the tubing fit perfectly. It shouldn't make a sound...whisper soft, I think they call it, or a white noise..."

Johann had remained silent, his fingers sifting through Ella's hair as he listened to his father.

"I really like where you are going with this, Dad, but Lanecea's moans are so intoxicating. If these replicas were to moan when stimulated by mouths or cocks, I doubt that anyone would be paying attention to a soft whir in the background. We need to do some research so we have an estimate on how much such...uh...entertainment would cost per hour. Perhaps if you give a discount to couples..."

Herja crossed her legs tight before interrupting. 

"Five hundred per hour - not a penny less. That's my suggestion and of course couples will want to play together, so seven hundred and fifty for an hour...or round it down to seven hundred. After the grand opening and word of mouth spreads, you can always increase the price."

Hans, the mastermind behind the plan was silent for a long moment as he looked down at Herja who was noticeably flushed in her excitement, the woman catching his vision and apparently loving it.

"That sounds great. Lani isn't to know about this just yet. When we have paid for the expenses, I will tell her to give the remainder of the money to Storm. She will obey, of course, and, Storm can then focus on what is most important: producing gods and dealing with vampires."

"We need a name for these...places..." Herja leaned forward. "What do you think of Lani's Lounge?"

Alice released Wilhelm's cock long enough to shake her head, no. 

"I think it sounds like a tea room and a cigar lounge combined. It isn't sexy enough."

"We don't want to be too obvious," Herja reminded the priestess.

"What about Worship? So there is no confusion?" Ella suggested.

"Let's think on it," Herja ran her fingers through her hair. "I like it better though. When are we meeting with this chemist?"

"Tomorrow - when Lani is busy. I don't want her to catch wind of the surprise just yet. Speaking of surprises...I'd like to have a full-body one constructed. A sex doll of sorts. I'd like to give it to my wife as a gift for our anniversary at the end of this month. Herja, I shouldn't think it would be difficult for you to access Lani's hair and some of her clothes when you return? At least underwear?"

Dieter clenched his fist as he scowled at his partner. 

"You're really devious, you know that? What kind of gift is that?! Your wife..."

"Will love it," Hans winked as he readjusted his pants. 

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now