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Hans placed a key on the palm of Lanecea's hand before joining the men on the hunt for vampires. 

"Don't worry - I know what you want. I'll keep him distracted until you are ready."

"Thank you, Sir," Lanecea released the breath she didn't realize that she had been holding until Hans gave his word, then hurried back the way she had come, time not on her side.

"Lani?" Herja called out from the other side of her locked door as Lanecea passed by.

" ready."

Within ten minutes, Lanecea stepped into the nurseries as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening just outside the temple.

"There's Mamma's Darlings! Come now, give me kisses and then I'll tell you a story. Mamma needs to hurry tonight. Would you like to have a snack in your beds just for tonight?"

Cherubic faces smiled revealing their mother's dimples before they smothered her in kisses.

"Mmm, your kisses are the very best and I love you so very much too. Revna, Sweetheart, will you please show the ladies where my gardens are? I'd like some peaches, plums, grapes, and strawberries, please. Priestesses, please feel free to help yourselves. Now, my Little Imps, climb up into bed, it's very late."

Lanecea watched as her children obeyed before turning to Mrs. McLean.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I still have a bit of a rattle in my chest, but other than that, I feel much better than I did yesterday."

"I'm happy to hear it," Lanecea smiled before gently brushing several vampire fangs to the side a moment before the elderly woman nuzzled against Lani's breast. Lani brushed the silver hair away from Mrs. McLean's cheek as she watched her suck her breast for a few minutes. "If I remember, I'll try to add a bit of chamomile to the milk tomorrow, Perhaps it will help with that rattle although you look far healthier than when you arrived the other day. Your eyes are a brighter blue and your skin isn't nearly as translucent either, have you noticed as well Mr. McLean?"

Mr. McLean watched his wife breastfeeding while he rubbed the back of his neck before commenting. 

"You're onto something, Lady Lanecea. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, but you really should..." Mr. McLean fell silent as the priestesses and Revna returned with the fruit, passing it around to the children who were still waiting for their bedtime story. 

No one seemed surprised at the sight of Lanecea cradling the elderly woman against her heart or the sudden silence when they had returned. Secrets followed Lanecea wherever she went, after all.

"Here's the fruit you wanted, Mamma. You must be starving. Can I help?"

"Thank you, Darling, but I need to wait until later. I have something special planned for tonight. Now, are you all ready for the story?"


Mr. McLean brushed a tender kiss on his wife's cheek as she sat with the priestesses, entertaining them with tales from an Indian raid she had personally experienced. The story, of course, was fascinating and just scary enough to give the women nightmares.

"Lady Lanecea," the elderly man led Lani away from her friends. "You must be aware of what I was trying to suggest earlier. If I could return with you, I know buyers who would pay great sums of money for such a cure. I have contacts across the river as well as merchants in Britain and France."

"Thank you, Mr. McLean. I have been thinking of something similar, but a little different, of course. If I could establish and open hotels across the country where it is served...well, it would not only cure but it would ensure loyalty. Without even knowing it, I would have an army at my fingertips."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now