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Eva, although always gracious, wasn't keen on Lanecea's plan when Hans dropped her off at the farm an hour later.

"I don't think it is wise - not until we have been to France and you've had a chance to, well, you know what I mean."

Lanecea nodded but was distracted as she stepped closer to Hans, slipping a piece of paper in his hand.

"By Monday night at the latest," Lanecea kept her voice incredibly soft so she wouldn't be overheard.

"As you wish, Sweetheart," Hans winked before tucking her note in his pocket. "Would you like me to drop you ladies off in town before I head back?"

Eva shot Lanecea a warning look but too late, Lanecea already saying, "Yes please, if it isn't any trouble."

"The priestesses were dying to join you this morning but I informed them you wanted to head out with just Herja - bonding time or whatever. Why don't you include the ladies as well?"

"Sure," Lanecea quickly agreed, setting Eva's worries to rest. "Eva, would you mind teaching the girls their lesson this morning? I was thinking that you would be wonderful at teaching a worship class, focusing on ancient temples. It would go well with my history lesson. Would you mind?"

"Of course I wouldn't mind - I'd love to teach the class," Eva's eyes lit up at the honor she'd been given.

The girls loved Eva and weren't as disappointed they would be remaining at home with their brother.

Hans was already on the phone calling Wilhelm.

"If you can be here in ten minutes, that would be great. I'll let Lani know. Okay, see you soon." Hans turned his attention back to Lanecea, "Wilhelm is bringing the ladies with his van and will pick you up by 11 which, if they arrive soon, should give you plenty of time to shop before it gets too busy. The girls know what to do... Gretchen has offered to babysit Alice's brood, so it will just be the four of you."

"That sounds fun," Lanecea smiled, thanked Eva once again, then hurried down the stairs to await her priestesses' arrival, Herja following. "I have something very special in mind and will need your help, Herja. Do you have your phone on you? If so, may I please use it for a moment to show you something?"


Lanecea took only a few minutes to find what she was looking for on a website, before holding the phone out for Herja to see.

"I'm looking for that exact shade of green and yellow. Would you mind leaving the website up just so we can use it for a quick reference while we are at the store?"

"Of course. I do like that shade. What exactly are you looking for?"

"Fabric and perhaps a few smaller items that would look wonderful in a gift basket. I have a plan..."

"I should have guessed," Herja smiled before turning her attention to Wilhelm as he parked just in front of where they were standing.

Lanecea didn't respond, clutching the money Storm had given her. If she could double the amount before she returned his money, Storm would see she was every inch a blessing, just as Lani always wanted to be. It would take some creativity on her part, but Lani was notorious for her far-fangled, scatterbrained ideas and she knew her brain wouldn't fail her when it was this important.

"Lani!" Alice embraced the leader of the priestess brigade before thrusting a flyer in her hand. "What do you think? My mother-in-law made it last night and plans on having them printed off, but we need your approval, of course."

Lanecea smiled at Alice's enthusiasm before reading the flyer aloud for Herja's benefit.

"Have you been trying for a baby without success? Lani creates miracles. Call or text for more information."

"Oh gosh...well, um, this is kind of what I had in mind but I need to think about it for a little bit. I think...well...oh dear...I'm glad you showed it to me first before getting a large batch printed. I'll explain more on our way to the mall."

"You don't like it?" Ella called out from where she was trying to buckle the seatbelt around her watermelon-sized belly.

"Oh I do - I'm glad Mrs. Wagner showed initiative," Lanecea explained as Herja took a seat in the back of the van beside her, "It's just that it will take a long time to vet every candidate who is hoping to get pregnant. Throughout history, fools married vampires and that is why it is very easy for many vampires to blend in now like chameleons. If they have even a drop of vampire blood within their veins, well, I don't need to tell you how I feel about that. What a waste of my cum donations! The purpose of my Cum Parties is to fight back against the vampire's agenda, so helping them procreate would defeat the purpose and I shudder to think of helping create more vampire hybrids. I have an idea but I just need to be able to execute it..."

The priestesses held onto every word their goddess uttered, eagerly following her lead although they always asked their husbands for permission first, of course.

Wilhelm looked back in his rearview mirror at the priestesses and Herja, the man able to speak on behalf of the husbands in an emergency, which this wasn't.

"Lani, have you told Storm your latest idea? I understand why you don't want to put out a mass invitation and the use of flyers isn't a good idea, but you know you cannot draw attention regardless. Your priestess friends are unable to protect you and I need to make a few deliveries - I'm already running late. This is just a shopping trip, nothing more, do you understand? I'm responsible for you with Storm away."

Herja wasn't exactly sure what Wilhelm was referring to but fingered her revolver tucked beneath her jacket.

"Don't worry - Storm will have my head if anything happens to his mistress. I'm packing and don't miss."

"Thank you," Lanecea whispered, but sounded even more stressed out.

However would she know now if Herja was naturally devoted to her or was simply afraid of her husband's reaction should Lanecea fall into the vampire's hands? Lanecea wore her heart on her sleeve, the woman an open book. Still glancing back in the rearview mirror, Wilhelm read the emotions dance across Lanecea's features, the blond laughing before he changed lanes.

"You're so blind, Lani. Adorable, but blind as a bat."

"I am not!" Lanecea challenged her childhood friend, although she was still respectful, only teasing.

"Blind. As. A. Bat," Wilhelm grinned as he pulled into an empty parking space.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now