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Lanecea set his blood on fire like no other woman could, Hans struggling to conceal his erection as the nearly-naked woman approached him. Dressed only in vampire fangs wasn't helping matters but it was that look in her eyes that made his pulse thunder in his ears, his cock throbbing in sync. Poor Eva would once again be the recipient of his raging frustration, not that his wife ever complained. After all, she had always been fond of the younger woman, never seeing Lani as competition for her husband's heart. She wasn't mistaken, Hans keeping his desires in check, but there were many things their sweet wives were blissfully unaware of and both he and Dieter intended to keep it that way. Not every woman was like their Lani. Storm was one very lucky man, although he had no clue just what he possessed.

So many secrets...

"I need your help, please," Lanecea smiled up at Hans, her hunter-green eyes meeting his lightning-blue ones.

"Anything..." Hans wished his voice hadn't sounded so husky as Lanecea searched his eyes.

Lanecea was blissfully unaware of the man's predicament.

"My math skills are atrocious, as you know, and I'm struggling with percentages. Will you please help me? I hate to admit my weakness in this area," Lanecea teased, making the German grin before she continued on a more serious note. "I don't want to risk being mistaken in my calculations, but I am not sure if they can be saved."

Hans held out his arm for Lanecea, waiting until she rested her hand on his sleeve, Lani's wolf pressed against her side before he led her down the long corridor. Taking an almost-hidden flight of stairs, the two were temporarily immersed in darkness.

"Is tonight the night?" Lani whispered, clinging to her companion's arm in the darkness. "I've been thinking...we are four hundred and ten years in the past. Surely there wouldn't be any risk and I know you are dying to come out of hiding as well. Tonight we could put on an unforgettable performance and it would feel soooo good."

Hans swallowed hard as he looked down at the younger woman at his side. He was only a demi-god, Secret Keepers destined to worship the fully divine. He couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like to have her at his side although it was just wishful thinking. Lanecea was born for greatness, however, Storm didn't exactly fit the criteria either although more divine than he. Hans would never have betrayed her trust, that was certain, and hell would freeze over before he... The German drew back his wandering thoughts as they approached the dungeon before giving Lanecea his full attention.

"You are correct, Sweetheart. There is less risk if we were to come out of hiding tonight and it would give us both great pleasure, I am certain, but it is not worth the risk - yet. You haven't breathed a word to anyone, have you? You know the consequences..."

"Of course not," Lanecea looked offended that Hans should think she was untrustworthy even for a split-second. "I know how to zip my lips, and I would never endanger our people even if I am impatient and restless. Oh, on that topic, I think Frey and Freya may have made a mistake when they discovered Storm's marriage. I have a feeling they may have been distraught and accidentally switched wires or however, it works...I've had this feeling before but tonight, when I was putting the girls to bed...well, I am not absolutely certain just yet, but I think I need some alone time with Revna. Quality time with just her and I. If I am correct... Oh, this could be a problem."

Hans gently turned Lanecea to face him before tilting her chin, then took his time reading her soul.

"You have nothing to fear. That little girl should know the truth and I've taken care of your other problem. I will inform Freya in the morning and I'm certain that she will join you if your suspicions are correct. You will need her assistance."

"Thank you, Sir... Will you help me as well?"

"No, this is something you must do on your own. Now, tell me what you are struggling with. The king and prince were enjoying themselves watching the orgy when I left them in the Great Hall. We have time before they realize you are still missing."

A shadow lingered in Lanecea's eyes for a long moment before vanishing.

"Here," Lanecea held out the paperwork she had been holding in her free hand, allowing the German to study Minerva's delicate handwriting. "If my math is correct, based on their father's lineage, they are forty-five percent vampire? His mother's bloodline would account for five percent which may explain why Elena's father didn't realize he was marrying his daughter off to a vampire... Now, if my math is correct, can they be saved - the boys? I wouldn't want to breed them with anyone but a vampire hybrid and she would have to have a very small percentage of vampire blood as well if I am to be successful in culling out the vampire in their offspring. Is such a thing possible? I believe Wolfstein decreed that there could not be a drop of Vampire DNA in a bloodline up to five generations, therefore, it might be possible to condense that time frame if we use forced breeding and a syringe to achieve the same results in a shorter period. Is my idea brilliant?"

Brilliant wasn't exactly the word Hans would use for Lanecea's mathematical eugenics vision or whatever it was that she had just confided in him.

"I will double-check the math but I don't see why you would want to take a risk, creating more vampire hybrids until you get the formula correct. I think you should stick to your current eugenics undertaking and I'm certain Deiter would agree with me. Our people need to be saved and you will be wasting your time with the likes of these creatures. Are these the boys you are referring to?" 

Hans stepped closer to the bars, the young boys stepping closer to each other as they eyed Mr. Himmler with wary eyes - and for good reason.

"Yes, Sir, and that is their father."

"Leave them with me, Sweetheart, and head back to your king. It is not time for you to come out of hiding. You are a queen - an extraordinary queen - nothing more."

"Thank you, Sir," Lanecea brushed a kiss on Hans' cheek, obeying the German who was far wiser than she, before turning away as she summoned her familiar.

Hans swore under his breath as his throbbing cock soaked his trousers. He'd return as soon as he gave Eva the onslaught of his raging lust for the raven-haired vixen, and then he'd deal with the vampires. Hans knew exactly what would make the queen happy and there was no way he would ever disappoint her.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now