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"Thank you so much for my gift. I just love it, don't you? Here's the money left over," Lanecea placed the ancient coins in Storm's hand before continuing to trail her fingers in an endless pattern along the king's thigh.

"You're very welcome. I see why this skull makes you so happy," Storm stroked her hair, but his attention was distracted by the skull Dieter held out for his inspection.

The gardens were a refuge for the queen, a tranquil place within the castle grounds to enjoy her many children and entertain the goddesses and other immortal ladies who liked to visit with Lanecea while their husbands were off fighting vampires and dragons, or dreaming of battles, conferring together in the great hall or throne room. That being said, Lanecea was thrilled when Storm joined her, gifting Lanecea with his presence.

"May I please thank you properly?" Lanecea was vibrating in earnest as she waited until there was a long enough pause in Storm, Hans, and Dieter's conversation.

"You've already shown me your gratitude, Priestess," Storm's voice grew husky at the memory of their wild breeding not less than half an hour before but smiled down at the insatiable, very grateful woman between his legs. "Go ahead, you may suck my cock."

"Oh thank you," Lanecea's voice was breathless as she began to gently caress his length with her free hand, showing every centimeter how thankful she was for her gift which made her happy, for his kindness, care, devotion, patience... Lani mentally listed the many things she was very thankful for, her tongue flicking over his dripping tip as she listed them one by one, sucking hard and fast before moving on to the next attribute on her list. Never was a king more loved than hers, she was certain of it. Now to convey her overflowing heart using only her tongue. She really needed Storm to feel her, straight to his bone marrow, her adoration flooding the far reaches of his soul. Lanecea wouldn't leave her position on her knees between his legs until he had no doubt that she was very, very grateful, blessed, and crazy in love. 

Thorson sat at his father's side, smoothing Lanecea's hair away from her face and Storm's wet cock, giving him a much better view of Lanecea thanking her king. It was impossible to know who had benefited more from Lanecea's gift, the queen with her rare skull treasure or the king who was enjoying her endless worship, thankfulness making Lani purr as she poured her heart out onto his gushing scepter.

"...we have been assuming their bloodline was completely wiped out, but if this is any indication, there may still be a remnant of giants. It would be a shame if the hunters caught onto this discovery as well. I'm sure we have time for a hunt before you need to return to your wife."

Dieter frowned, gently caressing the fatal wound at the back of the vampire's skull. It wasn't a secret that Dieter, especially, was struggling to reconcile the knowledge that Storm had gotten married since he'd last seen the boy on the farm with their carefully laid plans. Everyone knew Storm and Lanecea were promised for eternity, but Storm had thrown a wedge into their destiny, the farmer struggling just as much as Lani to accept the change in fate. 

"What do you plan to do about the other woman?" Dieter looked down at Lanecea, purring as she worshipped Storm. "You cannot break Lani's heart and we have a mission to accomplish. Running back home like a whipped dog on a leash doesn't suit you. You were born to reign, not be at a woman's beck and call. Why didn't you consult us first? We would have warned you that you were making a huge mistake..."

Only Storm's soul had confronted him over the matter, but Dieter was the same, like a dog with a bone but it couldn't be helped, Storm supposed, the Germans never wavering in their loyalty to their queen.

"It's been working out better than I expected. Lani is a good girl, obedient and trusting, so I simply have to guide her, and as for Herja... There is no contention that I have witnessed, at least when I am home, but I think it would be good if they found something they had in common aside from Lani's love for Herja's children. Women need each other and it would strengthen the bond..."

It was wishful thinking on Storm's part, Thorson looking away from Dieter's troubled eyes. The German was already concerned and he wasn't yet aware of Herja's treachery and how much her disloyalty to Storm broke Lanecea's heart.

"There's no comparison between Dad's women," Thorson assured Dieter without going into detail. "Don't worry though, I protect her heart and keep her in my bedroom as much as I can. Lani was promised to my dad, but we share the same DNA so perhaps the vow can be passed down to me instead. I will always make her very happy and I swear I will never break her heart."

Lanecea reached for the prince's hand, kissing his fingers before resuming worshipping Storm's cock. She really did love the nights when he swept her off her feet immediately after supper,  heading out to spend the night in the grove beneath the stars or within his bedroom, Storm joining them after he had showered. Of course, she could obey and submit always, but she couldn't be faulted for enjoying some nights more than others.

"I could stay here and take care of matters while you return to Mom," Thorson suggested. "I'm responsible and will take excellent care of Lani and the kingdom until you return."

"I'm not going back alone. Prepare for the hunt. We will stay one more day."

Lanecea's licked the full length of Storm's scepter, her eyes never leaving his until she reached the tip, sucking and licking at the same time until Storm quickly pulled his cock out of her mouth, lifting her onto his lap before coming deep within her body.

"Thank you, My King," Lanecea whispered against his neck as she trembled in his arms, her fingers weaving through his hair. "I love you with all my heart, but I will try to spend more time with her. Perhaps I can help her to become a good girl for you too."

Lanecea was a good girl and all Storm had ever really needed, but fate had a tendency to be cruel, Lani learned the hard way. It broke her heart to see her great love betrayed, therefore, Lanecea gave her word, promising to help. Perhaps Storm would like her gift as much as she loved her new skull.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now