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Thorson bit back a moan as he rubbed the back of his neck as he watched Lanecea teach geography while discussing where would be the ideal location to be impregnated again, her siren call growing more intense by the minute in her need to be pregnant once again. His father really needed to have taken the day off work, missing out on the moment.

Freya, however, was struggling so hard not to laugh as she watched Herja try to keep up with Lanecea's scatterbrained geography lesson, Lani's raging horniness making it difficult to articulate what she was trying to teach, and the pressing need to travel was weighing heavily on Lanecea's kissed shoulders as she would likely conceive again on the farm if they didn't figure out an ideal location asap.

The moment Freya thought she could speak without laughing, she came to Lanecea's rescue.

"I think you should head back to France. I've heard there is a noblewoman who is demanding couples bring her tributes of cum every morning, but in her absence, the offerings are being left at the doorstep of the manor. The poor goddesses in the region are being run ragged attempting to keep up with the inpouring of daily tributes..."

"They are bringing cum to the noblewoman?" Herja looked up at Freya over the baby's downy head that she had been kissing.

"Oh dear, I forgot to clarify," Freya was struggling in earnest not to giggle as she grinned at Herja, "the noblewoman has insisted it is the wives who bring their husband's cum to her as a gift every morning and I've heard she was very upset when they brought her a pitiful amount the first day. The men haven't been foolish enough to give her such a small amount since."

"Mmm," Herja moaned, imagining how it must feel to be one of the wives bringing this insanely sexy woman her husband's cum as a tribute each morning.

It was pretty kinky.

Herja turned her attention back to Lanecea who was blushing, her eyes darkening as they sparkled with suppressed laughter.

"She might be on to something," Herja pointed out. "The amount of cum she is receiving may rival your Italian collection. If only ten men are living on her lands, and let's say, they cum once every six hours and produce...."

Herja lost Lanecea as she worked out the mathematics of Lani's operation in France.

"It's a lot," Lani grinned as she summarized how much cum the woman was likely receiving every day.

"Yes, it would be," Herja agreed. "Oh, while you were away, Eva and Gretjen began looking for women to mentor - mothers without a support system. Eva could tell you more about it..."

Herja looked pointedly at the woman who was massaging Lanecea's free hand in between showering her fingers with gentle, lingering kisses. Eva didn't hear a word Herja said, her soft voice instructing Revna how to give the best hand massages fit for a goddess.

" you want to tell Lani about your mentoring project?" Herja repeated, attempting to get the German's attention.

Eva looked up after she'd kissed the inside of Lani's wrist, "It was Lani's idea."

"Oh," Herja said once again. "I should have known. You are always up to something..."

"You don't know the half of it," Storm grinned as he joined them in the living room, leaning down to kiss Lani before greeting the rest of the family. "What have you been learning today?"

"We've been studying the map learning where there are very few to no gods," Thorson explained, demonstrating that he was able to focus after all. "It is important that each territory has at least one god to rule over it and help his or her people. In our location there is an influx of gods who have been conceived here, therefore, Lani has a point in being so impatient to travel once again..."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now