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They say that payback is a bitch

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They say that payback is a bitch. If you were to ask Lani, she was certain it was the vampires who were the first to coin that particular saying. After all, the vampires were ruthless and hell-bent on revenge.

"There must have been a remnant that avoided capture," Lanecea ran her fingers through her hair as she paced the living room. "That is the only explanation but how?"

Lanecea couldn't say too much with Herja in the room, the woman unaware that they were able to time-travel or that magic was very real.

Storm looked up from the scroll he had been studying - one of the few the Atlantian guards had managed to save. He didn't answer Lanecea's question directly, also careful to watch what he said.

"I've been doing some thinking and I agree with you. The school is not teaching correct history and the children are suffering for it. They deserve a thorough education. Therefore, they will be staying with you starting this Monday but, on two conditions. You will find a math tutor for them, or something similar as I know you struggle with mathematics and I will question them when I return from work to ensure they are learning something, not just enjoying you all day. My stipulations are quite reasonable..."

"Oh thank you, Daddy!" Revna interrupted before Storm could finish his train of thought, "You're the greatest!"

Lanecea sighed in complete agreement with Revna before adding, "Thank you, My King. You won't regret your decision. I think I may know the perfect math tutor..."

"Hans," Storm grinned, reading Lani's mind.

"It would be perfect."

The children weren't as convinced, remembering Lani's horror stories of the Mathematics Inquisitor.


Lanecea took her responsibility of wife-sitter very seriously, keeping Herja too distracted to be a traitor when Storm was at work or when she wasn't working. It was the only time when Willow, Halley, and the nymphs and faeries didn't accompany the queen, but of course, they understood and didn't mind. Willow was married and made good use of her free time and as for Halley, one of the centaurs was hell-bent on courting her although they both knew better than to mix species. Besides, giving birth to a half-centaur/half-faerie would be a nightmare.

"I could stop at the library on my way home from work," Herja offered as she got more comfortable on the floor beside Lani and their children. "Where did it take place again?"

"In Europe, but specifically in Sweden and Bulgaria. I'm sure they would have books on the Spanish Inquisition and perhaps a few on the witch trials... I guess you could see what they have, but I'm not holding my breath," Lanecea twirled a strand of hair around her finger as she watched the children study the 15th-century map of Europe. "I would focus on the mountain region, Lovies. You know how much those creatures love to hide in crevices within cliffs. I wouldn't think they would change much over the years, so if we were to begin a search, where do you think would be the best starting point?"

Llia pointed to a village near the base of the mountains.

"Here. They would want to convince the ruler before they began torturing Wolf Charmers especially when they would want people to think they are the good guys. They would need positions of power before they began to strike down the innocent - and be believable."

"No, I don't agree with you, Llia," Reagan sat up from where she had been lying cuddled in her mother's arms, "they wouldn't waste their time with a little village. They would go straight to the king..."

"Why bother with the king when the pope was more powerful than kings?" Thorson pointed out. "If they were going to have the ear of the most powerful man at that time, they would head straight for the Vatican. I would. Once they won the pope over to their cause, the kings would have no choice but to comply, and the people in their lands would be at the pope's mercy, the kings simply enforcing papal decrees."

"Very wise, My Darling Prince. Therefore, if we do not have a lot of time, what would be our target if we were to try to save the wolf charmers?"

"The Vatican," Revna agreed with her brother. "That is where they would hide, joining the ranks of the Inquisitors. No one will pay any attention because they are afraid or they are fools and support those wicked men, betraying their friends and neighbors."

"I don't agree," Reagan bit her lower lip for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. "You can't pretend to be someone you aren't for a long time..."

"Then maybe they just like to hide," Revna countered. "Maybe after Atlantis was destroyed, they just got so used to hiding that they didn't know anything different, and then their kids hid, and their grandkids..."

"I would agree with Revna," Lanecea ran her fingers through her hair, also deep in thought. "They wouldn't come out of hiding unless they were strong enough - or believed they were. They would likely want to ensure they had allies first, therefore, with the backing of the pope, they would feel invisible. Not everyone would trust them tho, even if they did manage to blend in at the Vatican. Do you know what I think would solve this issue and answer our questions?"

"Dad," Llia grinned as he walked in the door at that very moment, the class still in session as Lanecea had once again lost track of time.

"Not quite," Lanecea smiled at her daughter as she stood before making up for not greeting him at the door. "I'm sorry I forgot the time. I hope you've had a wonderful day - you've been missed."

"I missed you too," Storm assured her, kissing Lani before joining his family around the coffee table, each getting a kiss and hug in turn. "Share with me what is so fascinating that you forgot the time."

Thorson brought his father up to speed, showing him the ancient map of Europe they had been studying along with their discussion of the Inquisition and the witch burnings, the Wolf Charmer tortures and subsequent burnings smaller in number but no less significant to the children and Lanecea.

"Priestess Mamma was just asking us what would solve the issue and answer our questions and I said you - obviously!" Revna assured Storm as she concluded bringing him up-to-speed with where they were in their lesson.

Storm pulled his daughter onto his lap before giving her an extra hug.

"Well, I'm not sure I can solve the Inquisition, but I do know what you need. A field trip."

Storm was drowned in hugs from his children, the youngsters prepared to embark at that very moment for 15th century Europe.

"You may leave first thing tomorrow morning when I am at work. I won't be able to join you for a few days, however. Lani, where will you be so I know exactly where to find you and the kids?"

Lanecea met Thorson's eyes, smiling as she answered Storm.

"We'll be at the Vatican."


Thank you for reading this 2nd book - I hope you enjoyed it. The first covered Lani's troubled childhood and introduced her allies and in this 2nd book she really struggles to find her place when fate takes an unexpected twist. I hope to begin writing the 3rd book this week where the adventures will finally really begin now that Lani can fully trust and isn't floundering any longer. She can focus on what is really important now - changing history.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now