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Lanecea listened as Francois regaled her with tales of battle, apparently single-handedly having defeated the Germans just before they could conquer Canada, with the Allies backing him up. Her eyes drifted briefly over her cousin's long arms and legs as she listened to his tall tales while they gathered up her dolls. The wooden door had been propped open for an hour, Sheila calling out permission for the children to re-enter the house, but Lani had waited instead for her husband's return. Thankful that he had returned with all his limbs intact, although she would still have loved Francois just as much had he been severely wounded in battle, the cousins headed toward the house.

"I'm so thankful you returned safely and were not killed on a forgotten battlefield. You were just lucky but I never had any doubt you'd win the war," Lanecea smiled when he finally finished his story. "Welcome home. Oh, I almost forgot. I earned ten cents today from my flower sales. Here is the money."

Francois looked down at the dime lying in the palm of his hand then grinned at Lenecea. 

"Thank you, Darlin'. You're the best wife a man could wish for. I'm very proud of you."

"You are? You're really proud of me?" Lanecea's eyes were radiant. It was a very rare moment indeed to hear those words.

Francois didn't answer, his grin turning into a smile as he reached for Lanecea's hand, tugging her through the door before depositing his armful of her dolls just inside the door. Still clutching her hand in his now sweaty one, Francois headed toward the living room where the adult voices were coming from.

"Excuse me, Sir," Francois interrupted the conversation although his voice sounded warbly. "I'd like to ask for your blessing to marry your daughter. I'll be good to her..."

The timing was way off, Lanecea supposed, watching as her father's features darkened with the same anger she had seen hours earlier.

"Cousins don't marry! Of course, you can't marry my daughter! What the frig is wrong with you?!"

Francois lost all color, looking more afraid of his uncle than he had of the advancing German army. Tears welled up inside Lanecea's eyes as her heart squeezed with pity, but it was Uncle Bernard who came to the rescue, glowering at his brother-in-law before pulling his eldest son away from his trembling cousin.

"Go upstairs and help your mother finish packing. We are leaving..."

Lanecea didn't stick around to hear the rest of the sentence. Goodbyes were extremely painful at the best of times and now Francois was leaving her too. Everyone always left.

Her heap of dolls forgotten, Lanecea ran past them, then down the rickety porch steps toward the apple orchard, tears blurring her vision. She needed to run. She needed to escape that tiny white house. She needed to get away from it all as fast as possible.

Running so fast her legs burned, Lanecea finally stopped for a moment, leaning with her hand against the bark of an apple tree. Mr. Himmler's orchard was huge and she hadn't been paying attention to directions.

"Where are you going?" Johann appeared at her side, although not nearly as breathless as she.

"Running away. I can't bear it another minute in that god-forsaken house. Everyone always leaves me. It's time I leave too."

"But where are you going? Dad's going to be worried when he returns and you're gone, and Mr. Wagner will be worried too. They think you are safe at home while they are away."

"Don't you get it? I'm not safe! I'm never safe! I'm just alone - so very alone!"

Lanecea really hadn't meant to be rude, slumping down immediately onto the grass as she clutched her legs, tears, once again, tumbling down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be frustrated with you. I need to run away but am lost and didn't think it through very much. I just wanted to run as far away as I possibly could. I don't know where I am going."

"It's okay. I understand. I'm missing Dad too. When he returns, he will know how to help you. Come on, there is something I want to show you. I know you will really love it."

"I will? What is it?" Lanecea wiped her tears, forgetting her great need to run away as Johann held out his hand for her. 

"I'm not telling. It's a surprise."

Johann was easily able to lead her out of his father's orchard, replacing her tears with a smile at the thought of a surprise. Who doesn't love surprises?


The chick was perfect - so perfect they struggled to find a perfect name for him.

Lanecea had never held a chick before and he didn't seem to mind at all as she smothered him in hugs and kisses.

"Lani, Honey, it's getting dark out," Mrs. Himmler reminded their guest. "You'd better head back home before you get in trouble. The chick will still be here in the morning."

Lani reluctantly passed the chick back to Johann.

"Yes, Mrs. Himmler. Thank you for having me over. Johann, try to think of a really good name for him tonight. I'll return as soon as possible - and will bring my sisters. They will love to see him too."

"Sure," Johann passed the chick to his mother before walking Lanecea home - although she just lived across from the Weeping Willow tree, the gravel driveway separating their homes.

Johann reached out, squeezing Lanecea's fingers as they approached the stairs leading up to her house. 

"I wake up early. If you can sneak out before breakfast, I'll be waiting for you - me and the chick."

"Thank you, Johann," Lanecea smiled at her friend who gave her something to look forward to. "And thank you for finding me today. I really would have been very scared alone after dark."

"I know. I'm glad you didn't get past the orchard. I wouldn't have been able to find you if you could run as fast as me."

For some reason, that made Lanecea laugh. Waving goodbye, she swallowed hard, then opened the front door. Just a few more hours and she could see the chick again.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now