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There never was a vampire hunting party quite like this, Lanecea was certain as she stood surrounded by her children and goddess friends. Tarvos, however, summed it up perfectly.

"I'll gut them from gullet to gizzard!" He bellowed as he polished the sharp tips of his horns. "None will be left standing when I get done with them."

The bull-man diety was so aroused at the thought of taking down the ancient vampires, his cock was already leaking pre-cum in earnest. Lani smiled as she looked away - it didn't take much to excite that god, her nymph and faerie companions already stepping back to avoid an inevitable cum shower.

Gods from Mount Olympus gathered in the Great Hall, mingling with the Celt and Scandinavian gods, the very air trembling beneath their combined power. The vampires didn't stand a chance. Lanecea was breathless at the magnificent sight of the deities preparing to embark on their quest to assist the wolf charmers and the armies of the Nine Realms in destroying the creatures of the night.

"Please, Tarvos," Lanecea drew her attention back to the bull, "spare at least a few for my experiments. I would like to have siblings, perhaps an uncle and niece or grandfather and granddaughter as well, but siblings..."

"Whatever your little heart desires," Tarvos grinned down at the queen, "and what do you plan on doing with your captives?"

"It's a surprise...but you'll love it."

"I'm sure I will," Tarvos laughed as the queen blushed, his thick cock slapping his abdomen in earnest as he watched the queen's eyes darken, licking her lips that refused to spill the secret.

Lanecea turned her attention to her boys, the young warriors gripping their spears as they stood with their father and his allies, Dieter, Hans, and their sons joining in the hunt as well.

"Be careful, My Loves. Stay close to your father and look out for each other. If anything should happen to either of you..."

"The vampires are no match for us," Fintan puffed out his chest, making his mother smile, "we've already slain our fair share of vampires. They'll run for the hills when they see us coming."

"Fintan's right, Mother, you have nothing to worry about. We will return to you soon - in one piece. Thorson, keep Mom distracted, will you? We don't like her to worry..."

Thorson raised his head from Lanecea's neck before sweeping her into his arms.

"I'll definitely keep her distracted," Thorson winked at his brothers who both sighed in unison before kissing their mamma's cheeks in unison.

"Thanks for looking after her for us - and the kingdom too. We won't be gone long, I'm sure," Taran assured his brother, looking up at his dad who stepped closer to where they were standing.

"We won't be returning until we eradicate every last one of the ancient vampires. Until the last one is in chains, there will be no retreating from the battlefield."

Lanecea hadn't realized how long her king planned to be away but didn't complain although her eyes were already shimmering with tears, her longing for his presence very great. In a perfect world, he would be perpetually embedded within her, Lanecea sheltered within his arms pressed against his heart but the vampires needed to be dealt with. Hopefully, they hadn't had time to gather reinforcements but she was certain they were already outmatched.

"I'm going to miss you so much," Lanecea whispered against his lips as the man, who was a force to be recognized with, wrapped his arms around her, lifting her onto his protruding cock.

King Storm didn't breed her hard and fast, but with exquisite tenderness as though attempting to make the moment last forever. Apparently, there were other types of poetry and the king's body was writing a poem just for her, his great love for the queen, tangible.

"You're such a good girl," King Storm praised Lanecea, giving her one last kiss before he raised her off his cock, placing her on top of Thorson's instead. "Take care of my queen for me, Young Man. She and our children are far more valuable than this entire kingdom and I am entrusting them to you in my absence. I know you will make me proud. You will act as regent while I am away. The guards will enforce your decrees and the citizens have been informed that your word is law until I return. As you see, the queen's advisors will be joining our hunting party as well. The guards and her wolves will remain behind. Should anything go wrong that you cannot handle on your own, request your father's assistance. I'm sure he will not mind helping in such a case. Do you think you can handle it? There is still time to back out and I, for one, will not hold it against you. It is a lot of responsibility."

"I'm honored that you trust me with your queen, family, and the kingdom. I will not fail you - I give you my word."

King Storm looked down at the prince's fingers digging into Lanecea's ass. The queen was, quite literally, in good hands.

"I'll be back before the birth, don't worry. Be a good girl for me."

"Thank you, Your Magnificent Majesty - I promise I'll be good."

The king gave his queen one last kiss that made her pussy melt all over Prince Thorson's cock. Of course, Queen Lanecea would be very good. He never had any need to worry.

Lanecea clung to her prince as she watched her king and their princes surrounded by the gods leave the great hall, the guards standing at attention, until, at last, the Great Hall emptied, horses thundering through the castle gates carrying the warriors toward their quest.

No sooner had the last of the gods disappeared from sight than Lani turned to her girls standing beside the goddesses, "We need to plan a celebration for their return. I want it to be absolutely epic. Will you help me?"

The goddesses smiled through their tears, Lanecea not the only woman to be missing her man already.

"What a wonderful idea, what do you have in mind?"

"A banquet, of course. Girls, I'd like for you to be in charge of planning the meal. I think some vampire entertainment would be fitting for after dinner. I'm sure our returning warriors will enjoy seeing their captives broken in."

"I think the king would prefer to breed," Thorson whispered against Lanecea's hair, Lanecea blushing furiously in response.

"Mmm...that too. Breeding while breaking in the vampires sounds positively epic," Lanecea shivered as her pussy soaked Thorson's cock.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now